词条 | 灵思风 |
释义 | 英国作家特里·普拉切特的著名小说系列“碟形世界”中的人物。初次出场是在系列的第一部作品〈魔法的色彩〉中。 简介灵思风作为一个经典的漫画形象是因为他身上具有许多让人啼笑皆非的特征,比如他是被大学开除的,比如他是个巫师,而且是个蹩脚巫师,再或者,他恰恰被拖进了一场他不想参加的大冒险又每每化险为夷。 在小说中,灵思风由于结识了碟形世界的第一位观光客“双花”,接受了一份高到令人发指的工资成为他的向导,于是他后来的生活便一直被追杀、恐吓。但追溯其根本原因是由于他和别人打赌翻开了一本禁书,书里的一句咒语蹦到了他的脑子里,于是他以后便再也无法记起别的咒语。这句咒语正是创世的八大咒语之一,所以有自己的思想,总想灵思风在困难的时候将自己念出来。 灵思风为人胆小懦弱,但又死要面子,所以总会做出些令人啼笑皆非的事。可到了关键时候,他总会迈出正确而且正义的一步,所以总受到大神·圣夫人的青睐。在最后,为了打破巫师厄里蒙的阴谋,他回到大学与之决斗,最后终于成功念出八大咒语,让碟形世界化险为夷。 在除《魔法的色彩》《异光》这两本书外,灵思风还常出现在一些小说里,比如《死神学徒》,在里面我们可以看到还在念书的灵思风。 国外介绍以下是国外网站上对他的简介: A wizard. At least, generally referred to as a wizard. He is tall, thin and scrawny, with a raggedy beard that looks like the kind of beard worn by people who aren't cut out by Nature to be beard-wearers. He is a non-smoker (unusual in a wizard). He is a survivor. There are scars all over him. Mostly on his back. He traditionally wears a dark red, hooded, frayed plush robe on which a few mystic sigils are embroidered in tarnished sequins. The robe has been made darker by constant wear and irregular washings. Under his robe he wears britches and sandals. Around his neck is a chain bearing the bronze octagon which marks him as an alumnus of Unseen University (quite wrongly, it must be pointed out, since he has never passed any kind of magical exam. Indeed, he never scored more than 2% in his exams, and that was for spelling his name almost right). On his head is a battered pointy hat with a floppy brim, which has the word "WIZZARD" embroidered on it in big, silver letters by someone whose needlework is even worse than their spelling. There's a star on top. It has lost most of it's sequins. He was born under the sign of the Small Boring Group of Faint Stars - a sign associated with chess board makers, sellers of onions, manufacturers of plastic images of small religious significance and people allergic to pewter. His mother ran away before he was born, and the young Rincewind grew up in Morpork. He does have an innate gift for languages, which enables him to shout "Don't kill me!" and be understood in a hundred different countries. He is also good at practical geography, which means that he always knows exactly where it is he is running away from. He has razor-sharp instinct for survival equalled only by an uncanny ability to end up in situations where every bit of it is required. Rincewind's room number as a student at UU was 7a (wizards avoid the number eight). Later, during his spell as deputy Librarian (an ape's Number Two, as the Dean nastily remarked), he lived in a room close to the LIBRARY used mainly to store old furniture. It contained a large wardrobe (on top of which the LUGGAGE hibernated) and a banana crate which he used as a dressing table. It also house a wicker chair with no bottom and three legs and a mattress so full of life that it occasionally moved sluggishly around the floor, bumping into things. The rest of the room was a litter of objects dragged from the street - old crates, bits of planking, sacks, etc. There are eight levels of wizardry on the Disc; after all these years, Rincewind has failed to even achieve level one. It was in fact the opinion of some of his tutors that he was incapable of even achieving level zero, which most normal people are born at. It has been contended that when Rincewind dies the average occult ability of the human race will actually go up a fraction. 'To call his understanding of magical theory "abysmal" is to leave no suitable word to describe his grasp of its practice,' said one of his tutors. He is also not very good at precognition: he can scarcely see into the present. Some of this is unfair. For a bet, the young Rincewind dared to open the pages of the last remaining copy of the CREATOR'S own grimoire, the OCTAVO. A spell leapt out of the page and instantly burrowed deeply into his mind, whence even the combined talents of the Faculty of Medicine where unable to coax it. No one knew which spell it was, except that it was one of the Eight Great Spells that were intricately interwoven with the very fabric of time and space itself. Since then, no other spell dared stay in the same head. For a prank, he was expelled from UU. Subsequently he has been an unwilling travel guide, has been through Hell, has visited most of the countries of the Disc, has travelled extensively in time as well as in space, has been present at the creation of the Discworld where he caused the origin of life by dropping an egg-and-cress sandwich into the sea, has defeated the greatest magic-user on the Disc while armed with nothing more than a half-brick in a sock, and is believed to have been one of only nine people to have visited the country of DEATH while mortal. His most recent unwilling adventure was on the COUNTER-WEIGHT CONTINENT where, while intending to do something else entirely, he made a major contribution to the overthrow of the old and corrupt political system. His current whereabouts are in doubt, but owing to some error on the part of the wizards who tried to teleport him back to UU, they are believed to have a certain boomerangy, didgeridooy quality to them. 差不多是说灵思风是个不合格的巫师但总能化险为夷,他最大的梦想是去衡重大陆找财富,他总让死神感到 无奈,他的幸运食物是小黄瓜。 书中的表现人物简介:一个总是在不断逃脱各种危险的“胆小”的魔法师" 姓名:Rincewind奇幻论坛|无冬之夜|被遗忘的国度|奇幻文学|奇幻小说下载|龙与地下城资料|欧美漫画.`3w0_,I8G5B 中文译名:灵思风 种族:人类 职业:魔法师 魔法级别:小于1(“1”是碟形世界上8个魔法级别中最低的) 年龄:未知(掌管生死的Death(死神)都不能确知他到底多大年纪) 爱好:马铃薯(他对马铃薯有种近乎偏执的迷恋) 外形及衣着 虽然灵思风是碟形世界系列小说中最受欢迎的人物之一,但他的形象实在不敢恭维:骨瘦如柴的瘦高个,而且胡子拉碴,不修边幅。 他最常穿的是一件深红色的、带兜帽的、破旧不堪的长袍,在长袍已经失去光泽的金属饰片上绣着艰深晦涩的符咒。 他的下身是一条马裤和一双浅口的橡胶套鞋。 他的脖子上戴着一条链子,链子上的八边形铜片吊坠,标志着他是UNSEEN UNIVERSITY(幽冥大学)的毕业生。 他头上是一顶带软边的破旧尖顶帽,帽子上绣着大大的银色字母:WIZZARD(注:正确的拼写是WIZARD,灵思风多写了一个Z。 身世及经历灵思风在莫波克长大,刚出生的时候,他妈妈就抛弃了他。 虽然他自称毕业于幽冥大学,实际上他在幽冥大学学习期间,从未通过任何考试,最高分是百分制的2分(因为拼对了自己的姓名)。 其实灵思风在魔法上造诣低下,并非由于他资质不好,而是由于一次意外。在那次意外中,他不小心打开了碟形世界创始者的Octave(八大魔咒),其中一个咒语钻进了灵思风的脑袋,它的威力太大,把其它灵思风想努力学习的咒语都吓跑了,结果灵思风就成了魔法师中罕见的低能儿。 不过灵思风有着丰富的冒险经历,去过很多地方:地狱、the Dungeon Dimensions(地牢空间)、the Rim(边缘地带)、碟形世界的尽头,以及其它一些有趣的地方。他甚至可能作为一个核物理学家,在地球停留过短暂的时光。 不过他很可能根本无法记得这些地方的样子,因为他总是过着几乎脚不沾地的逃亡生活。 在他的旅行中,身边形影不离的是一个长着几百只腿的The Luggage(行李箱),这是twoflower(双花)送给他的礼物。这个行李箱对灵思风忠心耿耿,如果它觉察到某个东西可能会威胁到主人,它会毫不犹豫地上前攻击对方。 特点1)有人说,灵思风是懦弱的(灵思风自己也这样认为),因为他总在逃跑。但实际上他并不懦弱,因为他总是为了帮助弱者和无辜的人而将自己置身于险境。 2)在灵思风长期的冒险生涯里,他逐渐形成了一套完整的生活哲学:在逃亡中,“到哪里去”无关紧要,只有“从哪里来”才是至关重要的。当有人指出:逃亡可能使他陷入更大的麻烦。他说:没错,但是你肯定也有办法继续逃亡。他相信:虽然逃亡不能给你永恒的生命,但是可以让你活得更久。 3)灵思风认为世界上没什么事业值得献出自己宝贵的生命。你可以在任何地方发现五个新的事业,而你却只有一条命。 4)当他的生活出现一点好转的时候,灵思风觉得一定有新的、更可怕的事情在后面等着他。他的这种感觉几乎每次都应验了。 5)灵思风还相信宇宙是平衡的,既然他自己这么惨,那么在某个地方一定有某个人一辈子都在走运。 Terry Prachett在一次采访中说,Rincewind出自于一份报纸Daily Express(每日速递)的早期专栏Beachcomber(海滨流浪汉)中一个虚构的人物“Churm Rincewind”。他无意间借用了该名字。 曾经出现的小说The Colour of Magic(魔法的颜色) The Light Fantastic(异光) Mort(死神学徒) Sourcery(大法) Eric(死神学徒) Interesting Times(不平之时) The Last Hero(最后的英雄) |
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