

词条 张淑仪

§ 本人简介



§ 科学贡献

在上世纪50年代末,对当时苏联分子声学界有争议的一些有机液体的超声弛豫吸收问题进行研究,澄清了事实,结束了这场争论。有关苏联专家在苏联声学学报上著文介绍并加以赞扬 (1960)。70年代末,建立了三套激光探针检测固体声场。首次观察到在Z-石英表面激发的伪表面波,并对圆弧型换能器激发声场特性进行研究,指正了国际上两种不正确观点。

1980年创建光声小组 (1986年发展为光声科学研究室),二十年来设计和建立多种光声热波设备,首先研制成光声显微镜,并提出以位相调节实现分层成象,国际同行认为是国际上最好的分层成象。此后又研制了光电显微镜、激光扫描共焦显微镜,光调制反射探针,电子声热波成象等显微成象系统等,对固体材料和器件进行分层成象研究,发现一些新现象,并提出新的理论解释。同时,研究脉冲激光在凝聚态物质中激发超声波及其与物质结构和参量之间的关系,解决了某些机理和测试研究中尚未解决的问题。

§ 成就

数十年来,张淑仪院士小组研制成10余种仪器设备,发表学术论文300余篇,参加撰写专著3本(在美国出版),获国家、省部级科技进步奖12项。主办国际会议三届,并主编国际会议论文集3册 。

§ 著作



1. Nonlinear photoacoustic and photothermal phenomena in semiconductors Progress in Photothermal and Photoacoustic Science and Technology, Vol. IV, Eds. A. Mandelis & P. Hess, (SPIE Press, Washington, USA, 2000)

2. 7th Int. Workshop on Modern Acoustics-Ultrasonics (Proceeding) Acta Physica Sinica, Vol. 8 Supplement, Eds. S. Y. Zhang & C. S. Shui, (Chinese Physical Society, Gordon and Breach Sci. Pub., 1999)

3. 8th Int. Workshop on Modern Acoustics-NDE (Proceeding) Prog. in Natural Science, Vol. 11 Supplement, Eds. S. Y. Zhang & R. L. Thomas (Taylor & Francis, Science in China Press, 2001)

§ 论文

1. Optical absorption of nanoscaled CoTiO3 and NiTiO3 Mater. Sci. and Eng., B49, 117 (1997)

2. The effect of interface resistance on thermal wave propagation in multi-layered samples J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 30, 1447 (1997)

3. Pulsed laser induced mode-mismatched crossed-beam thermal lens measurements Rev. Sci. Intstrum. Vol.68, P.2741 (1997)

4. Determination of reaction enthalpy and conformational volume changes by photoacoustic spectroscopy Spectro. Lett., Vol.30, 1395 (1997)

5. Investigation of the surface qualities of laser shock-processed zones and the effect on fatigue of aluminum alloy Surf. Coat. Tech., Vol.92, P.104 (1997)

6. Depth profiling of weakly absorbing samples by the crossed-beam photo-thermal deflection technique J. Modern Optics, Vol. 45, 889 (1998)

7. Modeling for laser-induced surface thermal lens in semiconductors Appl. Phys. , B 67, 633 (1998)

8. Reconstruction theory of thermal conductivity depth profiles by modulated photo-reflectance technique J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 84, 675 (1998)

9. Stabilizing the iterative solution to ultrasonic transmission IEEE Trans. UFFC, Vol. 45, 1117 (1998)

10. Mapping an underground rock mass anisotropic acoustical transmission tomography Ulrasonics Vol. 36, 1009 (1998)

11. Inversion for multi-parameter depth-profiles thermal conductivity and thermal impedance Rev. of Prog. in QNDE., Vol.18, 619 (1999)

12. An optical probe detection method to study photolysis of methyl-pyridino-cobaloxime in aqueous solution Spectroscopy Lett., Vol. 32, 639 (1999)

13. Singular value decomposition-based reconstruction algorithm for seismic travel-time tomography IEEE Trans. Image Processing, Vol. 8, 1152 (1999)

14. Tracing of frequency-dependent rays in heterogeneous midia Acta Physica Sinica, Vol. 8, S110 (1999)

15. Laser-ultrasonic evaluation of advanced materials Laser optoacoutics and photothermal phenomena, 37 (La Jolla, California, USA, 1999)

16. Photoacoustic spectroscopic study on a pair of hydrate isomers for dinuclear copper (II) complexes Spectro. Lett., Vol.33, 847 (2000)

17. Depth profile reconstruction of the thermal conductivity of inhomogeneous solids: application to laser-hardened al alloys Appl. Phys. A, Vol. 71, 319 (2000)

18. Theoretical study of transient thermal conduction and temperature distribution generated by pulsed laser Appl. Phys. B, Vol. 70, 85 (2000)

19. Application of adaptive time-frequency decomposition in ultrasonic NDE of highly-scattering materials Ultrasonics, Vol. 38, 961 (2000)

20. Surface acoustic wave rotation motor Electro. Lett., Vol.36, 1437 (2000)

21. Depth profiling and thermal relaxation of residual stress in Al2O3f/SAE321 composites observed by SEAM Prog. Nat. Sci., Vol. 11, S214 (2001)

22. Depth profiling of thermal relaxation time and thermal conductivity related to hyperbolic heating propagation Appl. Phys. A73, 193(2001).

23. Determination of the elastic constants of metal-matrix composites by a laser ultrasound technique Composites Sciences and Technology 61 (2001), 1457.

24. Extraction of electromechanical coupling coefficient of piezoelectric thin films deposited on substrates Ultrasonics 39 (2001), 337.

25. Laser ultrasonic characterization on thin films 17th International Congress on Acoustics (Rome, Italy, 2001) [1]

§ 研究领域






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