

词条 Original Soundtrack

《使命召唤6:现代战争2》原声大碟在《生化危机5》中为阿尔伯特·威斯克提供配音的演员Ken Lally表示会在《使命召唤:现代战争2》中提供配音,但尚未表明配音的角色。歌手50 Cent也会为特种部队模式和多人游戏模式进行团队指挥官语音的配音。除了名人,一些参与《使命召唤4:现代战争》的配音演员也会参与《使命召唤:现代战争2》相同角色的配音工作。著名电影配乐人汉斯·季默则是游戏音乐创作的总负责人。

游戏上市不久,官方即发布了游戏音乐原声专辑(Original Soundtrack)。


01 - Opening Titles (2.19)

02 - Opening Credits (3.14)

03 - Main Menu (1.52)

04 - Spec Ops Menu (3.01)

05 - Same Shit, Different Day (8.18)

06 - Cliffhanger (1.37)

07 - Infiltration (2.44)

08 - The Satellite - Comprimised (2.45)

09 - Plan B (2.12)

10 - Snowmobile Chase (4.41)

11 - 'Remember...No Russian' (5.30)

12 - Takedown (6.39)

13 - Chasing Rojas (5.42)

14 - Ranger's Lead the Way (5.07)

15 - The Hornet's Nest (4.14)

16 - Waveoff (1.30)

17 - Roach's Fall - Final Run - Escape (2.03)

18 - Exodus (3.09)

19 - Panicroom (1.11)

20 - The Only Easy Day...Was Yesterday Part 1 (5.12)

21 - The Only Easy Day...Was Yesterday Part 2 (3.28)

22 - The Only Easy Day...Was Yesterday Part 3 (4.44)

23 - TF-141 Assaults the Gulag (6.11)

24 - The Armory - Searching the Cells (5.43)

25 - To the Shower Room - Prisoner #627 (6.52)

26 - Extraction from the Gulag (2.16)

27 - D.C. Burning (3.51)

28 - Of their Own Accord - Crow's Nest (5.33)

29 - Evacuation - Crash Site (2.31)

30 - Contingency (11.21)

31 - Assaulting the Submarine Base - Launch (5.45)

32 - ISS (4.16)

33 - Second Sun (3.11)

34 - The President's Bunker (2.19)

35 - Whiskey Hotel - Green Flares (7.51)

36 - Makarov's Safehouse (5.26)

37 - Breaching & Clearing (3.44)

38 - Escape from the Safehouse - Loose Ends (4.09)

39 - The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend (8.27)

40 - Just Like Old Times (2.46)

41 - Infiltrating Site Hotel Bravo (4.24)

42 - Going Loud - The Control Room (6.55)

43 - Zodiac Chase & Waterfall - Endgame (4.31)

44 - End Credits (3.23)

OST 原声大碟

OST = Original Sound Track,原始声音轨道(影视原声大碟),也就是电影所有音轨中储存背景音乐(或者歌曲)的轨道。因为是电影里的名词,所以又叫做电影原声音轨或者电影原声音乐,OST一般是指电影中的配乐(Score)或者歌曲,但现在也常指动漫,游戏中的音乐。这种音乐发行的介质最常见的是CD和磁带,当然也有少数SACD等等。其内容可包含片头曲,片尾曲,插曲,背景音乐以及角色歌等等。





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