

词条 Football Manager Live

全球最受欢迎的足球俱乐部经营游戏《Football Manager》足球经理即将走向网络化。新游戏将命名为《Football ManagerLive》,允许用户建立和管理自己的球队,同一台服务器可以支持1000人共同游戏。


全球最受欢迎的足球俱乐部经营游戏《Football Manager》足球经理即将走向网络化。开发商SI宣布了这一消息,网游的Beta测试于2007年5月份开始。

新游戏将命名为《Football ManagerLive》,允许用户建立和管理自己的球队,同一台服务器可以支持1000人共同游戏。游戏开始时,用户可以选择自动组建球队,或充分利用 10万英镑的工资限额自行挑选球员建队。游戏将会包含真实的联赛和自建的幻想联赛。那些没有时间天天上线的玩家也不用害怕,你可以加入比如“星期三联赛”,只在每周三才有比赛,而且即使你没到电脑也会替你完成比赛。比赛采取2D画面,熟悉《FM》系列游戏的玩家肯定不会陌生。游戏的球员交易系统类似于拍卖网站,你可以设定价格和时间,其他玩家来竞价。

由于网游化后,球员数据储存在服务器上,因此《FM Live》的游戏体积可以大幅度瘦身。SI称游戏的PC版客户端将仅有11MB,Mac版也只有15MB。游戏于2007年五月开始测试,正式版定在2008年3月推出。


Football Manager Live 非官方中文论坛

Football Manager Live 官方英文论坛



以下原文来自 The SI Community ,译文由大部分由FMT小组Doni翻译。

Who is making the game?

The game ieing led by Oliver Collyer,co-founder of Sports Interactive, who - having left the studio a fewyears ago to go travelling - came back with

the idea of making a mainstream, massively multiplayer football management game.


该游戏由Oliver Collyer牵头进行制作。Oliver Collyer是SI的创始人之一,几年前开始外出旅行,一度离开了工作室。而现在,他带着这个制作一个主流的,大型的多人互动的足球经理游戏的想法回来了。

When will it be released?

Itis currently due for release in March 2008. We are announcing the gamenow so we are able to have a long beta-test phase, having been inalpha-test

phase since last Autumn.



What do I need to play FML?

Use of a PC or a Mac and an internet connection.

It’s likely that we’ll look at other platforms in the future.

What type of internet connection and speed is recommended to enable the game to run smoothly?

Anybroadband connection should be fine – we haven’t tested the game onolder modem connections yet, but will do so during beta testing.






Why has SI decided to make a separate massively multiplayer game?

Thereare lots of reasons – initially it waecause Oliver Collyer(co-founder of Sports Interactive) wanted to make the game, having gotback from

travelling with a creative itch. As development hascontinued, we’ve looked into the area a lot and believe there to be abig hole in the market, which

we intend to fill.

On top ofthis, there are many people who have played our games over the yearsthat have felt the hardcore nature of the series is too much for them,or

they simply didn’t have the time to play the game anymore ascircumstances for them had changed. With Football Manager Live, peoplewill have the

opportunity to play as often, or as little, as they want.


原因有很多——最开始是因为带着创作热情旅行归来的Oliver Collyer的想法。随着开发的深入,我们对此领域的了解也越发的深入并深信这里存在有我们可以弥补的巨大市场空白。接下来,我们要说的是,有许多玩家已经玩过我们的游戏很多年了,他们对此系列已经有所审美疲劳了,或者他们仅仅因为环境的变化而没有时间来玩。而有了FML之后,他们就有机会随心所欲地玩游戏了。

How much will it cost to play?

Wehave not finalised the business model yet. However, we see the game asa money-saving device – it is likely to cost the price of a few pintsper

month to play, but because people will be staying in more often to play the game they will save money in the long run!



What methods of payment will be available?

Theplan is to accept every major credit and debit card, alongside a numberof other payment platforms for those that do not have cards.



What languages will it be in?

Initially,the game will only be available in English. Over the coming years itwill be released in as many languages as possible. It’s not just about

translatingthe game itself, which is easy; it’s also about adding local supportfor each language we add. We’re being sensible and will be trying to

walk before we can run.

Whathappens when everyone wants to be one particular team, like Watford orEverton? No-one will be able to be Watford or Everton.

You don’t play as a set real-world team; you make your own team and pick a squad, much like a fantasy sports game.




How do you choose your initial squad?

Allplayers in the database have wage demands and you have a set wagebudget at the start, so you pick your players according to that budget.The whole

FML database is available to you when you start thegame, although once a player joins a team in a gameworld they are nolonger available to everyone

else. In that way we can stop multiple teams having the same players.



What happens when all the best players are taken up?

Doesn’tthat mean new users joining a gameworld are disadvantaged? Not really.Because there are so many players available in the database and users

startwith relatively small wage budgets, it means that all the best playerscan’t be snapped up immediately. And while we don’t want to go into too

many details now, we have an effective system in place to ensure that there are still good players available for all.



Is there a transfer system?

Asmanager, you have the ability to buy and sell players as well as loanthem out to other teams. With all transfer auctions, the selling teamselects a

minimum price they would accept for the player, alongwith an instant-buy amount. They also select an end date for theauction and other teams are then

free to make bids right up ‘til the auction ends.

Withfree transfers and general wage auctions, teamid for players and theone who offers them the most wages per day gets the players.

Withall transfer activity, you need to ensure that you remain within theconstraints of your club finances and beware of gazumping.



How does the league table work with 1,000 teams in each gameworld?


Inthe main gameworld rankings, it’s not a case of three points for a win;you are awarded points for winning (or losing points for losing) basedon a lot of different factors including, but not limited to, theposition of the two teams, whether the game haeen played home oraway and the size of the win. There are all sorts of clever bits inthere to ensure that teams that play hundreds of games a month don’tget a “levelling” advantage over those that play a couple of games aday, so it’s possible for any team to do well, not just those that playthe most games.


Do all of the teams have to play one another?


No, not at all. You can play friendlies against any team who happens to be online, or you can join or set up competitions.


How do competitions work?


Forthe most part, competitions will be user generated. They are very easyto set up, with lots of parameters available. You can have cup orleague competitions, or a combination of the two, set how many pointsfor a win (those points are separate to actual rankings points) andalso define what rank of team can enter said competitions. There aredeadliney when each match has to be played to ensure that thecompetitions don’t go on for ever.

There may well be some official organised competitions inside the gameworld too, but if there are any, they will be optional.



When can matchee played?


24hours a day, seven days a week! With competitions, there are deadlinesto play the fixtures, but that doesn’t mean you have to play them atthose times – as long as you’ve played them by the deadline, all isgood.

The only limit to when a match can be played is whether there are other users online in your gameworld at the same time as you.

Whathappens if I don’t see my competition opponent online by the deadlinefor the match to be played? This is taken care of, but it’s notsomething we want to announce publicly yet.

一天24小时,一周7天!(随时随刻) 在对抗赛模式下,有着比赛开始的截至时间,但这并不是说你必须在那个时候来T比赛,只要你在这之前的任意时间开始比赛,都是可以的.



Can I challenge my friends to matches?


Ifyou are in the same gameworld, then yes, you can. And if you aren’t inthe same gameworld, it will be easy to move into another one, althoughyou’ll need to pick your squad again.

Once in the same gameworld, you can play against them day and night.




When will the beta test start?


It is due to start mid May and will initially be limited to 1,000 people.


How can I take part in the beta test?


There will be spaces on the beta test available to our community. For more information on these spots, keep an eye on for updates.

Therewill also be a few spaces on the beta test available as competitionprizes on a few websites, as well as a few UK-based magazines andnewspapers over the coming weeks.

Please be aware that theinitial beta test is only going to be for 1,000 people. It is likelythat there will be more spaces as we ramp up the beta testing closer torelease, so keep an eye out on for more details.

官方论坛上有测试专区的,相关信息请密切关注 。期间些许报刊杂志会有专区报道。


Will I only be able to play FML on my home computer?


No– the game will be easy to install on as many machines as you want.Even if you’re on holiday and fancy a quick match, it’ll be quick andeasy to install in an internet café and access your account in the game.


What features of FM are incorporated into FML?


Tacticsand the match engine are straight from Football Manager. Other featuresfrom Football Manager will be in Football Manager Live whereappropriate, but they are likely to be adapted specifically for thegame as it’s a different game with a different feel better suited to amassively multiplayer game.


Will there be any connectivity with Football Manager?


Youwill be able to import tactics from Football Manager. There are otherareas we are looking into as well which may be importable.


Does this game mean that current online modes will be dropped from other SI titles?


No!FML is a separate game, and we will continue to improve the online playin the PC, Mac, Xbox 360 & PSP versions of the Football Managerseries.

不,FML是一个独立的游戏,我们会继续改善FM系列在PC MAC XBOX PSP平台上的联机特性.





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