词条 | esnips |
释义 | eSnips是一款来自美国的网盘,服务器在华盛顿。提供5G空间存储,支持100MB单文件上传,支持除exe格式外的所有格式上传,可灵活设置共享权限。可在线播放音乐、视频、动画文件,可以捕获网页中的图片、文本、超链接,录制声音、视频,上传到网络硬盘上存储,并可以对捕获的图文内容在线进行编辑处理,但是部分扩展功能需要通过其客户端程序来实现。 官方介绍eSnips是什么?eSnips is a social content-sharing site, where you can publish and share any media type. You have practically unlimited flexibility in choosing what you want to share, and with whom, in 5GB of free space. eSnips is the one place where you can share anything you want, about any topic: your thoughts, your photos, your music, your videos, your flash files, stuff you find on the web, and many other media types. Once you create different folders for each of your passions and interests, you decide what files to put in each folder, and you control who is allowed to view each folder - just you, a select group, or the world. Browse around a bit, with eSnips you can discover new content and people who share your interests. eSnips是一个社会的内容共享网站,可以发布和共享除.exe格式以外的任何媒体类型,并且共享权限设置灵活,提供的5GB空间可自由管理。 eSnips的特点eSnips is unique in several ways: eSnips is the one place on the Web for any and all digital content. eSnips offers one account that allows you to share anything with anyone - giving you options on who and how you want to share with. You can create as many folders as you like, each for a different topic. Then you can decide what audience can view each folder. No other content-sharing site allows you such flexibility in publishing your media. eSnips creates the community around you and your content - by bringing like minded people who share your interests to you. 创建一个帐户后,可以与任何人分享任何数字内容相关的东西;可以创建多个文件夹,自定义分享权限。 哪些人可以使用 eSnips ?eSnips is for anyone who has anything they want to share with others - like home movies they want to share with family members or a hobby they want to share with others with the same interests. eSnips creates a community around your passions by making it easy to find others and for others to find you. We've made eSnips easy to use so that everyone will be able to use it. Since eSnips is based on your content, not just your thoughts, you don't have to update your folders every day. Whatever you are interested in, you will find others who share your passion on eSnips. eSnips网盘支持任何人与家人、亲朋好友之间的分享,可创建自己的社区。 eSnips的创建eSnips is based on the award-winning technology we developed for our Net Snippets products, which are used by tens of thousands of professional business and academic researchers. It's profited from all the feedback we've had about Net Snippets over the years since we introduced it in 2001. The underlying technology is light, stable, totally safe, and compliant with industry standards. eSnips在2001年被推出使用。 eSnips网盘优劣势优势上传方便:支持网页上传,支持软件上传; 空间稳定:5G永久空间,文件可以用来外链; 格式支持广:支持除exe格式外的所有格式; 分享权限设置灵活等。 劣势纯英文界面,不支持中文; 首页、内页均有谷歌关键字广告,界面不是很爽; 内地访问首页速度有点慢; 部分游览器可能不适合使用该网盘的网页上传文件功能等。 |
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