词条 | 都市里的香格里拉:玛吉阿米餐厅的故事 |
释义 | 本书是一本非常独特的介绍藏族民俗文化的书。它围绕着一个藏族餐厅里的各种摆设、各种食物,以及发生过的一些有趣的小故事,来讲述藏族文化。 图书信息书名:都市里的香格里拉:玛吉阿米餐厅的故事 外文书名:Tales From Makye Ame Tibetan Restaurant 作者:周建华 出版社:外文出版社; 第1版 (2007年1月1日) 平装:144页 正文语种:英语 开本:16 定价:¥78.00元 ISBN:9787119050867 条形码:9787119050867 内容提要本书作者凭着一个藏族人对本民族文化的热情,以生动优美的笔调写下了此书。玛吉阿米餐厅是一家著名的藏族餐厅,最初开在拉萨布达拉宫旁的八角街。玛吉阿米是传说中六世达赖喇嘛寻找的女神,她的名字的意思是:处子一样纯洁的母亲。拉萨玛吉阿米餐厅的地址,正是传说中六世达赖喇嘛曾经下榻过的地方。这家餐厅以浓郁的藏族风情、可口的藏餐而闻名,其装饰风格和充满热情的歌舞表演都充分展现了藏族文化的魅力,吸引了众多外国游客。 《都市里的香格里拉——玛吉阿米餐厅的故事》则将这一切用文字和图片表达出来,令外国读者可以从一种更亲切更生动的角度来理解和欣赏藏族文化。相对于其他介绍藏文化的书来说,这里更多的是于细微处打动读者的心,例如:关于一个藏式木碗的故事,一把弓和一位藏族猎人的往事等等,充分展现了藏文化除神秘之外的更温情的、更具人情味的一面。 一直以来,出版社都在努力将外宣书做得更贴近外国读者。这本书以其生活化的切入点,更多的普通人的故事,做出了尝试,这种尝试也在市场上获得了初步的肯定。 目录Unraveling the Mysteries Who Is Makye Ame:A Maiden,a Mother,a Lover or a Dream? The Shangri-la Private Dining Hall Relaxing by the Fire Pit Kitchen God A Time-honored Incense Burner Earthenware Wine Pot The Prayer Wheel The Mani Stone Mound A Butter Box An Old Arrow A Leather Bag Tibetan Paper,Pens and Ink Masks Symbolizing Deities Prayer Streamer Courtyard A Clay Buddha Statue Murals Thangka FourAnimals in Harmony The Tibetan Cabinet Legends of Padmasambhava The Stupa The Sacred Yak The Stage The Yak Dance From the Guestbook Did Shambhala Exist as Kingdom in Reality? Is the Presentation of Hada a Ritual of Expressing Friendship? Why Do Tibetans Flick Wine into the Air Before Drinking? What Is the Meaning of Dzi Beads? Are They Natural or Artificial? What Is the Relationship Between the Six-syllable Mantra and the Cycle of Rebirth? What Exactly Is a Buddhist Ceremonial Implement? Exquisite Tibetan Kitchenware In Tibetan Areas,Why Are Pictures of the "Eight Auspicious Symbols" of Tibetan Buddhism painted on Inner Walls,Tables and Vessels of Daily Use? Why Do Lamas Wear Deep-red Robes? What Is the Meaning of the Seven Offerings to the Buddha? What Is a Mandala? Can Solitary Retreat Be a Way for Ordinary People to Seek Peaceof Mind? What Doesthe Swastika Mean? What Are the Origins of the Tibetan New Year Celebrations? I Love Tibetan Costumes Worn by Young Women and Men of Makye Ame Tibetan Recipes of Makye Ame Red Coral Homemade Qingke Wine "Ta shi de leg" (Good Luck) Roasted Mutton Chop Shangri-la Butter Chicken Stone-roasted Fir Fungus Balabani (Spinach Mash and Milk Curds) Meat Porridge with Designs of Philosophical Connotations Snow Lotus and Black-boned Chicken Soup Caterpillar Fungus and Duck Soup Steamed Yak Meat Roasted Mushrooms from the Aba Grasslands Yak Yogurt and Sapodilla Salad Steamed Tsampa Cakes Stories from Makye Ame The Yellow House on Barkor Street Makye Ame,Lucky for Love A Story about Tibetan Garb at Makye Ame The Story of Ms Schubert Tibetan Singer Yongzin Urgyen Postscript |
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