词条 | 走进上海畅游中国 |
释义 | 图书信息作 者:曾选玲 主编出 版 社:世界图书出版公司 出版时间:2010-9-1 版 次:1 页 数:378 字 数:350000 印刷时间:2010-9-1 开 本:48开 纸 张:胶版纸 印 次:1 I S B N:9787510024788 包 装:平装 内容简介这本书涵盖了上海重要的信息,包括它的历史、特有的引人入胜的风景区和最重要的它的人民。本书还进一步提供了中国各地的旅游景点、中国的历史和文化、神话和传说以及各地区的美食信息。它可以作为一本精致的旅游指南,帮助你探索和深入了解中国。中国具有五千多年悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。宏伟的万里长城、古色古香的庙宇、风光旖旎的自然景观、享誉全球的传统美食均令人神往。它的先贤们深邃的思想和至理名言被人们广为传颂。勤劳的中国人民近年来继续保持全球最快的经济增长正吸引着越来越多的外国人来中国旅游或投资。但中文与西方的语言差异很大,妨碍一些外籍人士对中国的深入了解。为此我们编选了一些基本句型和对话,中英对照并附汉语拼音。希望它能有助你和中国人之间的交流。 目录Preface Foreword 前言 Part Ⅰ The Brief History of Shanghai 上海简史 Part Ⅱ Wold Expo 2010 Shanghai China 中国上海2010年世界览会 Part Ⅲ Tourist Guide 1. Popular Scenic Sites 2. Suggested Itineraries 3. A Travel Map Part Ⅳ Learning Chinese 1. Basic Sentence Patterns Common Phrases Greetings Gratitude / Appreciation Good Wishes Apology Consent Disagreement Advice Asking favors Suggestions 2. Conversations about Daily Life Asking Directions Going by Subway Making a Telephone Call Going Shopping At the Post Office At the Hotel At the Bank At a Restaurant At the Airport Making New Friends At the Railway Station Sightseeing Renting a House Talking about Hobbies At the Barbershop At the Hairdresser's At a Foreign Book Store At the Laundry Taking a Taxi Taking a Bus Talking about Family Talking about Activities Saying Goodbye Receiving Visitors Talking about Seasons and Weather Visiting Doctors Going to a Show Going to Church Part Ⅴ Chinese History and Culture 1. China from Ancient Dynasties to Modern Times 2. The Great Thinkers in Chinese History 3. Religion in China 4. Chinese Opera 5. Famous Painters of Modern Times 6. Ancient Popular Poets and Calligraphers 7. Special RegionaiFoods 8. Traditional Chinese Medicine 9. The History of the Great Wall 10. Chinese Legends and Folklore 11. Duan Wu Jie: Dragon Boat Race and Rice Dumpling 12. Culture Differences between East and West 13. Tips for Tourists 14. Bargaining in China part Ⅵ Appendices 1. Chinese Festivals 2. Auspicious Characters, Phrases and Traditional Meaning for Flowers and Animals 3. Numbers 4. Chinese Horoscope 5. Understanding Pinyin 6. China's Provinces and Municipalities Directly Under the Central Government Part Ⅶ Basic Dictionary |
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