词条 | 朱介鸣 |
释义 | 新加坡国立大学城市规划与管理研究组主任、教授;厦门大学建筑学院兼职教授 朱介鸣,1993年毕业于英国Strathclyde 大学, 获区域及城市规划博士,为新加坡规划师协会会员,现为新加坡国立大学城市规划与管理研究组主任、教授,于新加坡国立大学房地产系和大学优秀学生培养计划(University Scholar Program)任教,同时也兼任厦门大学建筑学院城市规划系教授。同时兼任International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 通讯编辑; Journal of Planning Theory and Practice编委; 《城市规划汇刊》海外编委; Habitat International特邀编辑; 美国东西方研究中心(The East-West Center)咨询顾问(1996); 约翰霍浦金斯大学高级研究员(1999/2000); 英国格拉斯哥大学城市研究高级研究员(2006); 中国城市规划设计研究院咨询顾问(2000/2001); 曾受邀为世界银行,美国来斯大学,麻省理工学院,纽约大学和加州大学伯克利分校,英国格拉斯哥大学,马来西亚土地和合作发展部,科威特阿拉伯规划研究院作学术演讲。 研究兴趣 城市发展的制度分析;亚洲发展中国家的城市规划 学术出版物 中文专著: 市场经济下的中国城市规划 – 前所未有的挑战、理论创新的机会, 2008, 中国建筑工业出版社 中文学术文章: 1.可持续发展:遏制城市建设中的“公地”和“反公地”现象,城市规划学刊,2008, No. 1: 30-36,合作者:罗赤 2. 城市土地规划与土地个体权益的关系——物权法对城市规划的深远影响,城市规划学刊,2007, No. 4: 56-64,合作者:刘宣;田莉 3.中国城市规划面临的两大挑战,城市规划学刊,2006, No. 6: 1-8 4.市场经济下中国城市规划理论发展的逻辑, 城市规划学刊, 2005, No. 1: 10-(金经昌城市规划教育基金会2006年度城市规划一等优秀论文奖) 5.市场经济下城市规划引导市场开发的经营, 城市规划汇刊, 2004, No. 6: 11-15. 6.试论市场经济下城市规划的作用, 城市规划, 2004: No. 3: 43-47,合作者:赵民 7.物流服务、全球化制造业及城市结构的变化 – 新加坡案例, 城市规划汇刊, 2002, No.3: 14-19. 8.模糊产权下的中国城市发展, 城市规划汇刊, No. 6, 2001, pp. 22-25. 9.地方发展的合作 – 渐进式中国城市土地体制改革的背景和影响, 城市规划汇刊, 2000, No. 2: 38-45. 英文专著 The Transition of China’s Urban Development: from Plan-controlled to Market-led, 1999, Westport, Conn.: Praeger 英文学术文章 1.Disordered Land Rent Competition in China’s Peri-urbanization – Case Study of Beiqijia Township, Beijing, Environment & Planning A, forthcoming, co-author: T. T. Hu 2.Place-remaking under Property Rights Regimes - A Case Study of Niucheshui, Singapore, Environment & Planning A, 2007, 39: 2346-2365, co-authors: L. L. Sim and X. Liu 3.Global Real Estate Investments and Local Cultural Capital in the Making of Shanghai’s New Office Locations, Habitat International, 2006, 30(3): 462-481, co-authors: L. L. Sim and X. Q. Zhang, 4.A Transitional Institution for the Emerging Land Market in Urban China, Urban Studies, 2005, 42(8): 1369-1390 5.From Land Use Right to Land Development Right: Institutional Change in China’s Urban Development, Urban Studies, 2004, 41(7): 1249-1267 6.Local Developmental State and Order in China’s Urban Development during Transition, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 2004, 28(2): 424-447 7.Institutional Analysis on Urban Development in Southeast Asian Cities, editorial, Habitat International, 2002, 26(4): 453-56, co-editor: L. L. Sim 8.Industrial Globalisation and Its Impact on Singapore’s Industrial Landscape, Habitat International, 2002, 26(2): 177-190 9.Urban Development under Ambiguous Property Rights, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 2002, 26(1): 41-57 10.The Third-Party Logistics Services and Globalisation of Manufacturing, International Planning Studies, 2002, 7(1): 89-104, co-authors: S. L. Han and K. Y. Seah 11.Commercial Real Estate Capital in the Restructuring of Downtown Baltimore, Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, 2001, 13(1): 73-81 12.Urban Physical Development in Transition to Market, Urban Affairs Review, 2000, 36(2): 178-196 13.Industrial Property and Structural Change of Manufacturing: A Relative-Cost Analysis, Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, 2000, 12(1): 2-16 14.The Impact of Industrial Land Use Policy on Industrial Change, Land Use Policy, 2000, 17(1): 21-28 15.The Changing Mode of Housing Provision in Transitional China, Urban Affairs Review, 2000, 35(4): 502-519 16.The Formation of a Market-oriented Local Property Development Industry in Transitional China: A Shenzhen Case Study, Environment and Planning A, 1999, 31(10): 1839-1856 17.Local Growth Coalition: The Context and Implications of China’s Gradualist Urban Land Reforms, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1999, 23(3): 534-548 18. China’s Urban Land Management Reforms in the Context of Gradualist Economic Transformation, Asian Geographer, 1998, 17(1-2): 9-18 19.The Effectiveness of Public Intervention in the Property Market, Urban Studies, 1997, 34(4): 627-646 20. Denationalisation of Urban Physical Development, Cities, 1996, 13(3): 187-194 21.Shenzhen’s Role and Denationalisation in China, Cities, 1996, 13(3): 199-201 22.The Changing Land Policy and Its Impact on Local Growth: The Experience of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, China, in the 1980s, Urban Studies, 1994, 31(10): 1611-1623 |
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