

词条 康彤


中国传媒大学副教授,硕士生导师,中国传媒大学理学院应用数学系主任。 2000 年毕业于 中国科学院计算数学与科学工程计算研究所计算数学专业,获理学博士学位; 2001 年至 2002 年,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院博士后研究人员 , 从事电磁计算理论与应用方面研究工作; 2003 年至 2004 年,韩国浦项工科大学( POSTECH )组合数学与计算数学研究中心访问。


1. An H -based A –φ method with a non-matching grid for eddy current problem with discontinuous coefficients, J. Comp. Math. , Vol.22, 6 (2004), 881-89. (Jointly with Z.P. Wu & D.H. Yu) (SCI)

2. H -based A –φ approaches of approximating eddy current problem by way of solving different systems inside and outside the conductor, Appl. Math. & Comp. , 155(2004), 1-24. (Jointly with C.F. Ma & G.P. Liang) (SCI)

3.On the coupled NBEM and FEM for a class of nonlinear Exterior Dirichlet problem, Scinece in China Ser.A Mathematics , Vol.47 Supp.(2004), 181-189. (Jointly with Z.P. Wu & D.H. Yu) (SCI)

4. A posteriori error estimate of the DSD method for first-order hyperbolic equation, Appl. Math. & Mech. , Vol. 23, 6 (2002), 732-740. (Jointly with D.H. Yu) (SCI)

5. Some a posteriori error estimates of the FD-SD method for convection diffusion equations, Adv. in Comp. Math. , Vol.15, 1 (2001), 193-218. (Jointly with D.H. Yu) (SCI)

6. A Jacobian smoothing method for box constrained variational inequality problems, Appl. Math. & Comp. , 162(2005), 1397-1429. (Jointly with C.F. Ma) (SCI)

7. An E -based splitting method with a nonmatching grid for eddy current equations, Appl. Math. & Comp. , 2005. (Jointly with K.I. Kim) (SCI)

8. H -based A –φ approaches for eddy current problems, to appear on Appl. Num. Math. , (Jointly with C.F. Ma & G.P. Liang) (SCI)

9. An E -based splitting finite element method for time-dependent eddy current equations , to appear on J. Comp. & Appl. Math. . (Jointly with K.I. Kim & W.P. Wu) (SCI)

10. A potential-based finite element method of time-dependent Maxwell"s equations, to appear on Int. J. Compter Math. (Jointly with K.I. Kim) (SCI) 。





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