

词条 周垂日






工程经济学 公共经济学、宏观经济学


1. 周垂日,梁梁,苟清龙,许传永,查勇. 考虑产品可替换的再制造产品选择决策,中国管理科学,2008, Vol. 16(2): 57-61.

2. 周垂日,梁梁,许传永,查勇. 逆向物流研究的新进展,科研管理,2007,Vol. 28(3):124-131.

3. 周垂日,粱梁,许传永. 政府在废旧电子产品逆向物流管理中的经济责任机制,中国管理科学专辑,Vol. 16: 488-491.

4. 周垂日,梁梁,许传永,苟清龙. 基于EPR的逆向物流渠道选择研究,统计与决策,2007, 22:31-33.

5. 周垂日,梁梁,许传永. 废旧电器的逆向物流系统规划模型研究,预测,2005,Vol. 24(6): 74-79.

6. 周垂日,梁梁,许传永,苟清龙,查勇. 基于能力限制的一种随机情形下逆向物流收益分配研究,系统工程,2007, S1:206-210.

7. 周垂日. 供应链管理的经济学分析,中国流通经济,2002,6:27-29.

8. 粱梁,周垂日,企业中的信息技术产业生产率悖论,中国工业经济, 2004, 3: 37-42.

9. 周垂日. 随机供给情形的逆向物流收益共享研究,北京:2006年12月第一届中国管理学年会.

10. 周垂日、梁梁、苟清龙. 一种基于供应链扰动的供应链策略决策准则研究,南京:第二届(2007)中国管理学年会

11. 许传永,粱梁,周垂日,收益共享对供应链的影响研究,系统管理学报(已录用)

12. Zhou Chuiri, Liang Liang ,Xu Chuanyong. Ahybrid manufacturing/ remanufacturing system product decision with collectioneffort, Proceedings of 38th International Conference on Computer IndustrialEngineering,2008, PP: 2132-2137.

13. Zha Yong, Liang Liang, Zhou Chuiri.Efficiency decomposition in two stage DEA model for cooperative efficiencyevaluation. Proceedings of 38th International Conference on Computer IndustrialEngineering,2008,PP: 198-206.

14. Xu Chuan-Yong , Liang Liang, Gou Qing-Long,ZHA Yong, ZHOU Chui-Ri . Sales Efforts in a Dual-Channel Supply Chain ,APMC’2007

15. Gou Qinglong, Liang Liang, Xu Chuanyong,Zhou Chuiri, A Modification For A Centralized Inventory Policy For An Open-LoopReverse Supply Chain: Simulation And Comparison, Proceedings of 2007International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management,2007, 223-230.

16. Xu Chuan-Yong, Liang Liang, GouQing-Long,ZHA Yong, ZHOU Chui-Ri. The Impact of Positive Externality on Returns Policy.Proceedings of ICM’2007:The 6th International Conference on Management, August3-5, 2007,. Vol 1,260-268.

17. Xu Chuan-Yong, Liang Liang, GouQing-Long, ZHA Yong, ZHOU Chui-Ri. Returns Policy Trap in a Competitive SupplyChain with Two Substitutable Products. Proceedings of 2007 InternationalConference on Management Science and Engineering Management, 2007.Vol.1:407-414.





合肥市科技局软科学项目(2007)·Publicationsafter joining SJTU:

1. “Effects of Indirectly and Directly Competing Reference Group Messages andPersuasion Knowledge: Implications for Educational Placements” with C. Pechmann,

In Press at the Journal of Marketing Research.

2. “Happiness from Busyness” with C. Hsee, X. Yang,

In Press at the Psychological Science.

3. “Product Quality Risk Perceptions and Decisions: Pet Food and Lead-taintedToys.” with T. Feng, R. Keller, and Y. Wang, Accepted at the Risk Analysis





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