词条 | 植村秀限量绿茶洁颜油 |
释义 | 产品名称植村秀限量绿茶洁颜油 产品品牌植村秀洁肤系列 产品规格450ml 市场参考价¥740.00 产品介绍Shu Uemura Shu Project by J.T. Cleansing Beauty Oil Premium A/O 450ml/15oz Also Named--Shu Uemura Limited-Edition Antioxidant Cleansing Oil 450ml/15oz A premium, anti-aging and antioxidant skin purifier that thoroughly cleanses the skin while protecting it against the internal and external aggressions associated with aging. ·Features Green Tea Extract, known worldwide for its antioxidant properties. ·Leaves skin smooth and protected without stripping it of its natural oils. ·Removes waterproof makeup. ·Suitable for all skin types; those with anti-aging concerns. · Arrives in a limited-edition 450mL bottle. "Effervescence" - John Tremblay highlights the natural regeneration and purification properties of the "Premium Oil" through the artwork that adorns its bottle. The blue ovals representing oxygen found in both water and sky ? ascend from bottom to top, signifying the buoyancy of life and the inevitable power of nature. Silver highlights signify light energy reflecting off a surface. The energetic design also represents the usage sensation and regenerating feel of this oil. #1 selling shu uemura Cleansing Oil in the world. A premium, anti-aging and anti-oxidant skin purifier that thoroughly cleanses the skin while protecting it against the internal and external aggressions associated with aging. Features Green Tea Extract, known worldwide for its anti-oxidant properties. Leaves skin smooth and protected without stripping it of its natural oils. Removes waterproof makeup. Suitable for all skin types; those with anti-aging concerns. Limited Edition. HOW TO USE This one-step, mild cleansing oil removes makeup, including waterproof mascara, while gently cleansing, moisturizing and calming the skin. Step 1. Place 4-6 pumps of cleansing oil onto dry hands. Step 2. Gently massage oil onto a dry face and neck with dry hands. Step 3. Dampen hands, and emulsify oil by massaging a small amount of warm water on top of the oil. Step 4. Rinse well with lukewarm water. Step 5. Follow with a shu uemura toning water and moisturizer. Shu Uemura 植村秀限量绿茶洁颜油 450ml/15oz 又译作:Shu Uemura 植村秀限量绿茶洁颜油 450ml/15oz、Shu Uemura 植村秀限量版绿茶洁面油 450ml/15oz、Shu Uemura 植村秀限量绿茶卸妆油 450ml/15oz 2006年限量款 Effervescence欢腾 倾听肌肤的声音 卸妆油/洁面油二合一,用於卸妆和深层洁净肌肤 普普风的迷幻设计 Shu uemura洁颜油系列凭着卓越的护肤功效,一直在原产地日本占据市场上的领导地位。今天,每30秒就有一瓶洁颜油售出。 限量版,具收藏价值。植村秀和山口蓝的原创美作,瓶身的美女是绿茶洁颜油的“代言人”Ichi的形象与Shu Uemura锲而不舍地创造优质产品的精神,可谓同出一辙,凑成天合之作。 绿茶洁颜油萃取自绿茶的儿茶素(Cathechin),其功能超卓,能净化肌肤及预防肌肤老化。适合所有皮肤,有抗氧化作用,是四款中最贵的一款。 独特的配方,含有绿茶提取物,维生素E,深入清洁皮肤,轻松去除彩妆、油脂、汗水或尘埃导致的污垢,卸装洁面一步完成。帮助保持肌肤天然水分与油份平衡,令皮肤柔软、润泽、年轻。 结合多种护肤成份,包括高效洁颜油及绿茶,而后着蕴含具抗氧化功能的儿茶素。绿茶洁颜油的色泽和怡神气息,皆取于大自然,燃发着青春和宁静的意味。迅速舒缓受刺激物质侵损的疲倦肌肤,使肤质回复柔爽软滑,像树木经过春两洗涤般的清新翠嫩。 都市中的你何不暂且抛开那些烦恼,轻松说一句:一起用绿茶来洗脸吧……洗去压力和"不受肌肤欢迎"的物质,还自己一张青春自然的笑脸。 今天洁颜油与绿茶完美结合带来更高效,更清新且能抵御衰老的绿茶洁颜油,着一抹清新的绿色为我们的肌肤注入了全新的活力,含有具高效抗氧化效果的儿茶酚。 使用步骤1、在瓶顶按压3-4下,挤出适量的洁颜油于掌中,然后涂于干爽的面上。 2、用指尖将洁颜油均匀地涂于全面。在这过程中,洁颜油可吸去油溶性污垢。 3、双掌沾满清水轻轻按摩面部,直至洁颜油变成乳状。 4、当感觉到洁颜油开始减少,即表示已完全乳化。最后用清水冲洗,你会发现脸上充满清新舒适的洁净感。 5、早晚使用 |
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