词条 | 新闻专业英语教程 |
释义 | 图书信息书 名: 新闻专业英语教程作 者:丁莉 出版社: 清华大学出版社 出版时间: 2011年7月1日 ISBN: 9787512106093 开本: 16开 定价: 32.00元 内容简介《新闻专业英语教程》分为16个单元,较全面地涉及了新闻英语的16个主题。首先从传播学、大众媒介、新闻学、新闻、新闻记者的概念和定义讲起;然后具体讲述各种媒体,包括杂志、报纸、广播、电视和网络;其次从新闻专业写作的角度研究新闻导语、新闻写作、特稿写作及采访;最后讲述了新闻自由和相关法律法规及媒体职业道德。 《新闻专业英语教程》可供高等院校新闻传播类专业及其他相关本科专业学生作为专业英语教材使用,亦可作为新闻专业人员的培训教材,还可供具有一定英语基础的新闻从业人员自学使用。 图书目录Unit 1 communication part one text: the effects of mass communication —— four questions part two reading passage: the effects debate Unit 2 mass media part one text: the changing media part two reading passage: mass media models Unit 3 journalism part one text: journalism trends part two reading passage: a new look at the new journalism Unit 4 news part one text: what's news and what's not- part two reading passage: why a falling tree doesn't make news unless a reporter hears it Unit 5 journalist part one text: why they are reformers not revolutionaries part two reading passage: personal values in news Unit 6 magazine part one text: a short history of magazines part two reading passage: consumer magazines Unit 7 newspaper part one text: newspaper history —— journalism in the making part two reading passage: national dailies Unit 8 radio part one text: radio news part two reading passage: a short history of radio Unit 9 television part one text: television news part two reading passage: out of the wasteland? Unit 10 internet part one text: the internet today part two reading passage: who shall rule the internet? Unit 11 news lead part one text: leads and nut graphs part two reading passage: hard-news leads Unit 12 news writing part one text: newswriting: three considerations part two reading passage: why reporters invert pyramids Unit 13 feature part one text: writing and organizing feature stories part two reading passage: writing tools Unit 14 interview part one text: the interview part two reading passage: when to use direct quotes Unit 15 press freedom and laws part one text: a short history of the first amendment part two reading passage: responsible reporting Unit 16 media ethic part one text: media industry ethics part two reading passage: the difficulty of ethics references |
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