词条 | 现代美国口语句典 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 世界图书出版公司; 第1版 (2006年10月1日) 平装: 795页 开本: 32开 ISBN: 7506281473 条形码: 9787506281478 尺寸: 21.5 x 15.1 x 3.7 cm 重量: 699 g 内容简介《现代美国口语句典》由世界图书出版公司出版,是国内迄今为止最庞大最系统的美国口语Corpus(语集)。它并非简单的几千个英语句子,而是分列了总共760个话题,每个话题又分为非正式表达和正式表达基本句型十句左右,若干个相关话题之后又有总结性的实用对白数则,复杂表达十余句,另附关键性的词汇和短语列表。这样的编排体现了美籍作者的良苦用心,大大方便了读者的学习和查找。本句典涵盖面极广,几乎涉及了美国日常生活中方方面面的话题,也就是说,它收录的不仅仅是简单的生存英语口语(Survival Oral English),它的内容足以构成整个丰富多彩的人生:从衣食住行到工作娱乐以至恋爱家庭,处处透着浓厚的美国生活气息和情趣。从书中随处可见当代美国口语发展的最新趋向。 目录BASIC SOCIAL ENCOUNTERS Greetings Small Talk Introductions Ending a Conversation Good-byes Agreeing Disagreeing CONVERSATLONAL ENCOUNTERS Focusing attention Launching the conversation Making friends Complex matters Disputes Discussion and resolution POLITE ENCOUNTERS Prefaces Communication Telling time General pleasantries Business pleasantries Apologizing and taking responsibility Forgiving Showing gratitude Returning thanks Special occasions IMPOLITE ENCOUNTERS Dealing with unpleasantness VISITS Guests and hosts MISCELLANEOUS EXPRESSIONS Comments and phrases PERSONAL MATTERS Feelings Anxiety The senses Love and sex FAMILY MATTERS Home life Education Children MONEY MATTERS Banking Personal finances FOOD AND DRINK Supermarkets Fast food Cafes and sandwich shops Pizza Restaurants Bar Bakery Home Cooking HEALTH Health and Appearance Sickness Doctors Medicine EMPLOYMENT Getting a job Holding a job Business Meetings Projects SHOPPING Stores and Shops Shoe Repair Shops Drugstores The Post Office The Tailor Tickets Florists Newspapera and Magazines Automobiles SERVICE ENCOUNTERS Baby Sitters Computer Repair Clothes Cleaning Public Libraries The Lifeguard Plumbing Problems Utility Service Domestic help Answering the telephone Making telephone calls Shopping on the telephone TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION LODGING EMERGENCIES RELATIONSHIPS |
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