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释义 | 校园风采学园简介促进义务教育均衡发展 建设个性成长快乐校园 ——仙桃市仙桃小学简介 仙桃市仙桃小学创办于2003年,是一所由政府全额投资兴建的现代化、花园式学校。学校地处日新月异的经济开发区,坐落在德政园、世纪雅园、三丰鼎城等几个新兴的住宅小区中间。校园面积2万平方米,建筑面积1万平方米,拥有风格别致的教学楼、办公楼、科技楼三座主体建筑,共有教室及功能室44个,是仙桃市最美的学校之一。 仙桃小学拥有一支优秀的教师团队,在岗教师84人,其中特级教师2人,全国优秀教师1人,省级骨干教师4人,市级学科带头人6人,研究生学历教师2人。自2009年秋季学期起,学校实行小班化教学,每班学生人数不超过50人,现有27个教学班,学生1335人。 学校以“让每个学生都发展,让每位教师都成功”为管理理念,以“个性成长,快乐校园”为办学特色,着重通过挖掘学生的个性特长,促进学生全面发展,以“以艺养德,做仪表花一样端庄,言行花一样优雅,心灵花一样美好的好孩子。”为德育培养目标;教育教学方面,强化过程管理,发挥小班化教学优势,凸显魅力数学、快乐阅读课程特色,促进学生思维发展,丰富学生人文涵养。 打造“个性成长,快乐校园”就是从学校管理、教育教学、特长发展等方面,给教师和学生提供轻松、愉悦的发展空间,为师生搭建平等、多元的展示平台,激发师生潜能,彰显师生个性。在课程建设上,学校开设了魅力数学、快乐阅读特色校本课程,通过解决有趣的数学问题,让学生感受数学的魅力;通过开展丰富的阅读拓展,丰富学生的人文素养;晨会时,全校1000多名师生参加《三字经》扇子操、《弟子规》手位操活动,接受国学经典的浸润。在活动策划上,学校通过“大家唱大家跳”、“仙桃杯智能竞赛”、“学生能力测评”、“家长开放日”、“班歌、校歌合唱比赛”、“阳光体育节”、“蓓蕾艺术节”、“快乐读书节”、“文明礼貌教育月”、“写字比赛”等多种活动,让每个孩子都参加到活动中来,在活动中发现自己的特长,展示自己的风采。 迎着春风,仙桃小学在各级领导的关爱中,在全体师生的共同建设下,愈显生机和活力,焕发出别样的光彩。 Promote balanced development of compulsory education; construct happy campus with personality growth. ——Introduction of Xian Tao elementary school Xiantao elementary school was founded in 2003. It is totally invested by the government, and the aim is to build a modern garden-like school. The school is located in the economic development area, among the Dezheng estate, Siji district and Sanfeng tripod and several other emerging residential areas. The campus has an area of 20,000 square meters, with construction area of 10,000 square meters. There are three main buildings which are consisted of teaching building, office building and technique building. It has a total number of 44 classrooms and function rooms as well. It is one of the most beautiful schools in Xiantao. Xiantao elementary school has an outstanding teachers team, of which 84 teachers are doing full time job, including 2 teachers of special grade,1 national outstanding teacher,4 provincial backbone teachers,6 city-level academic leader, and 2 with postgraduate qualifications. Since the fall of 2009, the school rules that the number of students per class can not exceed 50 people. Now there are 27 classes with 1335 students. “Every student develop, every teacher succeed” is the motto to organize this school. "Personality growth, happy campus" is what it is known for. Here we focus on the personality of each student through discovering their potentials, and promote their overall development. “Use art to support morality, and to be a child who has dignified behaviour, graceful talking, and beautiful heart.” As for teaching aspect, we make best use of the small-class teaching. In this way students are highly attracted to the charm of math and interesting reading courses. It is a good way to promote students’ intellectual development and enrich their eyesight. The goal of creating a "personality growth, happy campus" is to provide an equal and diversified platform for teachers and students with relaxed and pleasant development, and inspire their potentiality. In the course construction aspect, the school offers charming math, happy reading curriculums. By solving interesting math problems, students can experience the charm of mathematics. By reading, it can enrich their humanistic literacy. During morning assembly, all 1000 members including teachers and students would participate in "Three Character Classic" fan operation and Di Zi Gui hand exercise so as to receive Guoxue classic infiltration. Through a series of activities like "we sing we dance", "Xiantao Cup intelligence contest," "Assessment of students’ ability," "Parents open day," " singing competition of class song, school song ", "Sunny Sports Festival," "Bei Lei Art Festival "," Happy Reading Festival "," politeness Education Month, "" writing contest ",every child can participate in activities and show their strengths. With the care of all leaders and the efforts of all teachers and students, Xiantao elementary school is going to make greater progress and be a shining star. 高科技教育教师在热烈讨论 专家与教师进行互动 8月25日上午,仙桃小学科技二楼迎来了省市信息技术专家。今年暑假期间,我校装备了28套电子白板和健康教室,为了更好的发挥现代信息技术手段的作用,市教育局信息技术中心聘请省信息技术装备处的专家为全体教师进行培训。 家校互动3月29日,我校拉开了第二届家长开放日活动的序幕。学校以家长会为平台,促进家校之间的联系。通过家长会,学习最新的家庭教育知识,了解学校教育教学管理情况,关注孩子成长过程。\\ 学校小导游引导家长参观学习,并向家长介绍学校的文化建设 家长在课堂上听课 明星教师王锦蓉王锦蓉(原实验二小常务副校长):女,中共党员,中学高级教师,教育管理研究生学历,省级骨干教师,市管专家、拔尖人才。指导节目多次获得湖北省黄鹤美术节比赛一等奖。 袁志博袁志博(原实验二小副校长):男,中共党员,小学语文高级教师,中文本科学历,湖北省骨干教师,仙桃市小学语文学科带头人。湖北省青年语文教师阅读教学大赛一等奖获得者。 赵 云赵 云(原仙桃小学副校长):女,中共党员,小学语文高级教师,中文本科学历,仙桃市小学语文学科带头人。湖北省小语学会会员,多篇论文在国家、省、市比赛中获奖。 何正军何正军(原实验二小德育处主任):男,中共党员,小学语文高级教师,中文本科学历,仙桃市小学语文学科带头人。湖北省小语学会会员,仙桃市青年语文教师阅读教学大赛一等奖获得者。 杜小燕杜小燕:女,中学高级教师,湖北省特级教师。 饶家伟饶家伟(原实验二小教科室主任):男,中共党员,小学数学高级教师,教育管理研究生学历,湖北省特级教师候选人,国家级小学数学奥赛金牌教练。 李继红李继红(原实验二小教科室副主任):男,中共党员,小学数学高级教师,市级骨干教师,国家级小学数学奥赛金牌教练,多次率队参加全国小学数学奥林匹克竞赛,屡获佳绩。 邓会旬邓会旬:女,小学数学高级教师,本科学历,仙桃市小学数学骨干教师,市数学网络研究中心核心成员,市小学数学优质课竞赛一等奖获得者。 魏道凤魏道凤:女,本科学历,小学语文高级教师,湖北省骨干教师,仙桃市小学语文学科带头人。全国语文优质课一等奖获得者。 向 晶向 晶:女,大专学历,小学语文高级教师。仙桃市优质课竞赛一等奖获得者,全国阅读教学大赛金奖获得者。 李 华李 华:女,中文本科学历,小学语文高级教师。市级骨干教师。多次执教市级观摩课和示范课。 余利华余利华:女,大学本科学历,小学语文高级教师。湖北省骨干教师,湖北省小语学会会员,省小学语文优秀教师。肖定堂 肖定堂肖定堂:男,中共党员,国家奥林匹克教练,仙桃市首届十佳知名教师。多次辅导学生参加全国数学竞赛并获奖。 马芳兰马芳兰:女,中共党员,小学数学高级教师,省级骨干教师。多次承担省级研究课和观摩课,并获省级教学比武一等奖。 王 依王 依:男,中共党员,小学数学高级教师,湖北省网络研究中心优秀教师,仙桃市优秀教师。全国小学数学“希望杯”优秀辅导员。 |
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