词条 | 上海普林 |
释义 | 原是上海无线电二十厂和澳大利亚普林电路板公司合作经营的外商投资企业。 公司成立于1986年10月,1988年正式投入生产。现属于上海金陵股份有限公司全资公司。 公司主要经营范围是设计、制造、销售和开发双面和多层印制电路板,产品以双面及多层印制线路板为主. 公司建筑面积为6000平方米,投资总额1800万美元,从国外引进生产双面板及多层板的先进印制线路生产设备及测试仪器。公司从业人员300多人,生产能力为10000平方米/月,其中多层板占40%,产品适用于通讯、雷达、电子仪器、计算机几高级家用电器等。产品质量达到美国军用标准(MIL)和美国电子电路互连与封装协会(IPC)标准,并取得美国保险实验室(UL)的认可。公司为IPC成员。 94年3月,公司通过DNV ISO9002质量保证体系的认证。2003年公司获得ISO9001-2000质量保证体系证书,2005年公司获得ISO14000和TL9000证书。从而使公司的生产技术和质量管理与国际标准接轨,为进一步开拓国际市场打下扎实的基础。 Shanghai Printronics Circuit Corporation, as a cooperative enterprise between 20th Radio Factory, China, and Printronics Circut Ltd., Australia, was established in Oct. 1986, and started production since 1988. Now beongs to Shanghai Jiming Co. Ltd. The scope of business of the Corporation covers designing, manufacturing,selling and developing of double-sides and multilayer printed circuit boards. The main products are doublesided and multilayer PCBs. There are 6000m2 building areas in the corporation. The corporation has total investment US$18,000,000 and 300 employees. The capability of production is 10000m2 per month. The products are used in communication equpment, radar, electronic instruments, sophisticated domestic appliance etc. The quality of the product reaches the standards of MIL and IPC and has been approved by UL, Shanghai Printronics Circut Corporation is a member of IPC. In March 1994, the corporation was accredited ISO9002 Certificate by Det Norske Veritas (DNV), ISO9001 (Ver.2000) Certificated in 2003,ISO14000 & TL9000 Certificated in 2005. which ensured that the company's quality assurance system should meet international standard requirements, and thus provided a firm foundation for extending the international market. |
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