词条 | CalcWindowRect |
释义 | CWnd::CalcWindowRect (函数原型) virtual void CalcWindowRect( LPRECT lpClientRect, UINT nAdjustType = ustBorder ); Parameters(参数) lpClientRect Points to a RECT structure or CRect object that contains the resultant value of the window rectangle.(指向RECT结构或CRect对象(包含window矩形的值)的指针) nAdjustType An enumerated type used for in-place editing. It can have the following values: 一种枚举类型,可以有如下的值: CWnd::adjustBorder = 0, which means that scroll-bar sizes are ignored in calculation; 当adjustBorder=0时,表示在计算时忽略滚动条大小 and CWnd::adjustOutside = 1, which means that they are added into the final measurements of the rectangle. 当adjustOutside=1时,表示把滚动条大小考虑进去 Remarks(备注) Call this member function to compute the required size of the window rectangle based on the desired client-rectangle size. The resulting window rectangle (contained in lpClientRect) can then be passed to the Create member function to create a window whose client area is the desired size. 调用这个成员函数以根据所需的客户矩形大小计算窗口矩形的大小。随后算出的窗口矩形(保存在lpClientRect)中可以被传递到Create成员函数以创建一个窗口,其客户区大小就是要求的大小 Called by the framework to size windows prior to creation. 它被框架调用以确定产生窗口的大小 A client rectangle is the smallest rectangle that completely encloses a client area. A window rectangle is the smallest rectangle that completely encloses the window.、 客户矩形是紧绕客户区的最小矩形,窗口矩形是紧绕窗口的最小矩形 Example(举例) // Uses CalcWindowRect to determine size for new CFrameWnd // based on the size of the current view. The end result is a // top level frame window of the same size as CMyView's frame. 用该函数计算基于当前视图尺寸的新框架窗口的大小,最后得到一个和CMyView框架尺寸相等的最上层框架窗口 void CMyView::OnMyCreateframe() { CFrameWnd* pFrameWnd = new CFrameWnd; CRect myRect; GetClientRect(myRect); pFrameWnd->Create(NULL, "My Frame"); pFrameWnd->CalcWindowRect(&myRect, CWnd::adjustBorder); pFrameWnd->MoveWindow(0, 0, myRect.Width(), myRect.Height()); pFrameWnd->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); } 总的来说,该函数的功能就是使你能够精确地限定客户区矩形的大小。 比如你的客户区是200*200的,因为调用Create函数(或者CreateEx)的时候指定的窗口大小是窗口矩形的大小(窗口矩形包含客户区矩形和标题栏,菜单栏等),并且标题栏菜单栏这些元素的尺寸随着视频驱动程序和显示器图形分辨率的不同而不同,所以创建窗口时,无法准确限定客户区矩形的大小。 使用过程: CreateEx(0, strClassName, strTitleName, WS_CAPTION | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_SYSMENU, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, // 指定要创建的窗口矩形的Width CW_USEDEFAULT, // 指定要创建的窗口矩形的Height NULL, NULL) 但是我们用到的客户区矩形可能只有200*200,(假设200<CW_USEDEFAULT- x , x 为非客户区所占的宽或高),为了低碳节约,我们再对窗口进行调整.假设调整后的窗口矩形为210*210,(其中包含200*200的客户区矩形,剩下的是菜单,标题栏等等) CRect rect (0, 0, 200, 200); // 上面语句执行后 rect.width = 200, rect.height = 200. CalcWindowRect (&rect); // 上面语句执行后 rect.width = 210, rect.height = 210. SetWindowPos(0, 0, 0, rect.Width(), rect.Heigth(), SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOREDRAW ) 由此得到一个合适大小的窗口。 CalcWindowRect 需要在窗口创建之后进行调用,以能够使窗口的非客户区被考虑和生效。 |
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