

词条 陈坤明


姓名:陈坤明 性别:男 出生年月:1971.5 学位:植物学理学博士 学历:发育与细胞生物学博士后 职称:教授、博士生导师




1989.9 - 1992.6 天水师范学院生物系学习;

1997.9 - 2000.6 兰州大学生命科学学院硕士研究生,方向:植物生长调节物质;

2000.9 - 2003.6 兰州大学生命科学学院博士研究生;方向:植物环境生理学;

2003.7 - 2006.5 中科院植物研究所发育中心博士后;方向:发育与细胞生殖生物学.


1992.7 - 2003.12 天水师范学院生物系任教,助理实验师;

2003.12 - 2005.6 天水师范学院生物系,副教授;

2005.7 - 2006.4 浙江大学农业与生物技术学院,副教授;

2006.5 - 2010 浙江大学农业与生物技术学院,副教授,硕士研究生导师;

2010.6 - 西北农林科技大学生命科学学院,教授,博士研究生导师。


2007.5 - 2009.4 芬兰图尔库大学生物学系植物生理与分子生物学实验室访问学者,合作教授是芬兰科学院院士、第十四届国际光合作用学会主席Eva-Mari Aro 教授。




1) 植物细胞逆境分子生理与调控:进行小麦、水稻等主要农作物抗旱、抗盐及抗高低温等环境胁迫的分子生理调控机制的研究以及特异农艺性状基因的定位与克隆。以ROS信号途径及其关键调节因子NOX酶基因的表达、克隆与分子操纵等为切入点,采用一系列T-DNA插入突变体,利用细胞组织定位、Microarrays、双向电泳、遗传转化等技术与方法,进行不同逆境条件下作物耐逆性、关键基因克隆、逆境信号及功能研究;同时,采用图位克隆、遗传转化等手段进行水稻卷叶、大秆、矮秆、多分蘖等特异农艺性状控制基因的精细定位与克隆研究。

2) 光合作用与生物能源:进行产氢光合微藻、光合细菌等微生物的分离和筛选与鉴定,创建光合产氢生物反应器;同时进行作物光合高效机制、能源作物培育以及秸秆能源转化等方面的基础与应用化研究。





水稻活性氧介导的干旱胁迫响应与忍耐分子生理机制解析,国家自然科学基金项目,批准号:30871469; 2009.1-2011.12,主持人;




水稻Nox酶基因表达及遗传转化体系构建,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助;No. 2009QA602,2009.11-2010.12,主持人;





Haijun Gong, Kunming Chen. The regulatory role of silicon on water relations, photosynthetic gas exchange, and carboxylation activities of wheat leaves in field drought conditions. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2012, DOI 10.1007/s11738-012-0954-6. (SCI索引刊物;IF2010=1.344)

刘忠丽,丛悦玺,苟维超,王响,陈坤明*. ATMYB123和ATKOR1基因参与拟南芥根发育的调控. 西北植物学报, 2012, 32(1): 0042-0047.

Wu LL, Liu ZL, Wang JM, Zhou CY, Chen KM*. Morphological, anatomical, and physiological characteristics involved in development of the large culm trait in rice. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 2011, 5(11): 1356-1360. (SCI索引刊物;IF2010=0.899)

吴丽丽,周丛义,高永生,丛悦玺,陈坤明*,郭万里. 水稻NADK3基因的克隆及其遗传转化. 核农学报,2011, 25(5): 0863-0870.

Kun-Ming Chen, Mirva Piippo, Maija Holmström, Markus Nurmi, Eveliina Aro, Marjaana Suorsa, Eva-Mari Aro. A chloroplast-targeted DnaJ protein AtJ8 is negatively regulated by light and has rapid turnover in darkness. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2011, 168: 1780-1783. (SCI索引刊物;IF2010=2.677)

Kun-Ming Chen, Hai-Jun Gong. Ascorbate-glutathione related redox regulation in plant stress tolerance. In eds: Anjum NA, Umar S, and Iqbal M; Oxidative Stress in Plants: Causes, Consequences and Tolerance. Published by IK International, New Delhi, India. 2011, pp259-290.

周丛义,吴国利,段壮芹,吴丽丽,高永生,陈坤明*. H2O2-NOX系统:一种植物体内重要的发育控制与胁迫响应机制. 植物学报,2010, 45: 615-631

Kun-Ming Chen, Maija Holmström, Wuttinun Raksajit, Marjaana Suorsa, Mirva Piippo, Eva-Mari Aro*. Small chloroplast-targeted DnaJ proteins are involved in optimization of photosynthetic reactions in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biology, 2010, 10: 43 doi:10.1186/1471-2229-10-43 (SCI索引刊物;IF2010=4.085)

Shi CG, Zhu YN, Li YL, Guo WL, Chen KM, Shamsi IH, Hua SJ, Zhong ZF, Zhou WJ, Jiang LX. DNA allelic variations at the loci putatively implicated in seed oil formation among Brassica oilseed cultivars. Molecular Breeding, 2010, DOI 10.1007/s11032-009-9376-6. (SCI 索引刊物;IF2010=2.193)

Duan ZQ, Bai L, Zhao ZG, Zhang GP, Cheng FM, Jiang LX, Chen KM*. Drought-stimulated activity of plasma membrane nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase and its catalytic properties in rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2009, 51: 1104-1115. (SCI 索引刊物;IF2010=1.603)

Pak H, Guo Y, Chen MX, Chen KM, Li YL, Hua SJ, Shamsi I, Meng HB, Shi CG, Jiang LX*. The effect of exogenous methyl jasmonate on the flowering time, floral organ morphology, and transcript levels of a group of genes implicated in the development of oilseed rape flowers (Brassica napus L.). Planta, 2009, 231: 79-91. (SCI 索引刊物; IF2010=3.098)

Duan ZQ, Wang JM, Bai L, Zhao ZG, Chen KM*. The alterations in anatomical and chemical characteristics rather than the changes in photosynthetic dynamics and apoplastic transport were involved in brittleness mutation of rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2008, 50: 1508-1517. (SCI 索引刊物; IF2010=1.603)

Bai L, Duan ZQ, Wang JM, An LZ, Zhao ZG, Chen KM*. Anatomical and chemical characteristics of a rolling leaf mutant of rice and its ecophysiological properties. Rice Science, 2008, 15: 201-208. (核心期刊)

Chen KM, Wu GL, Wang YH, Tian CT, Šamaj J, Baluška F, Lin JX*. The block of intracellular calcium release affects the pollen tube development of Picea wilsonii by changing the deposition of cell wall components. Protoplasma, 2008, 233: 39-49. (SCI 索引刊物; IF2010=1.488)

Chen KM*, Gong HJ, Wang SM, Zhang CL. Antioxidant defense system in Phragmites communis Trin. ecotypes. Biologia Plantarum, 2007, 51:754-758.(SCI 索引刊物; IF2010=1.582)

Cheng FM, Zhang QF, Zhu HJ, Zhao NC, Wang F, Chen KM, Zhang GP*. The difference in amylase content within a panicle as affected by the panicle morphology of rice cultivars. Journal of Cereal Science, 2007, 46: 49-57. (SCI 索引刊物; IF2008=2.655)

Sun BT, Jing Y, Chen KM, Song LL, Chen FJ, Zhang LX*. Protective effect of nitric oxide on iron deficiency-induced oxidative stress in maize (Zea mays). Journal of Plant Physiology, 2007, 164: 536-543. (SCI 索引刊物; IF2010=2.677)

Chen KM, Wang F, Wang YH, Chen T, Hu YX, Lin JX*. Anatomical and chemical characteristics of foliar vascular bundles in four reed ecotypes adapated to different habitats. Flora, 2006, 201: 555-569. (SCI 索引刊物; IF2010=1.657)

Chen KM*, Gong HJ, Wang SM, Zheng WJ,Zhang CL. Regulations of the structure and catalytic property of plasma membrane H+-ATPase involve in adaptation of two reed (Phragmites communis) ecotypes to their different habitats. Biologia Plantarum, 2005, 49:513-519.(SCI 索引刊物; IF2010=1.582)

Chen KM*, Gong HJ, Chen GC, Wang SM, Zhang CL. Gradual drought under field condition influences the glutathione metabolism, redox balance and energy supply in spring wheat. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2004, 23: 20-28. (SCI 索引刊物; IF2010=2.066)

Chen KM, Gong HJ, Wang SM*, Zhang CL. The regulation of the plasma membrane redox system and H+-transport in adaptation of reed ecotypes to their habitats. Biologia Plantarum, 2004, 48: 87-92. (SCI 索引刊物; IF2010=1.582)

Chen KM, Hai-Jun Gong, Guo-Cang Chen, Suo-Min Wang, Cheng-Lie Zhang. Up-regulation of glutathione metabolism and changes in redox status involved in adaptation of reed (Phragmites communis) ecotypes to drought-prone and saline habitats. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2003, 160: 293-301 (SCI刊物, IF2010=2.677)

Chen KM,Gong HJ,Chen GC,Zhang CL*. ACC and MACC biosynthesis and ethylene production in water-stressed spring wheat. Acta Botanica Sinica, 2002, 44 (7): 775-781. (SCI 索引刊物; IF2010=1.603)

Gong HJ, Chen KM, Chen GC, Wang SM*, Zhang CL. Effects of silicon on the growth of wheat under drought. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2003, 26: 1055-1063 (SCI 索引刊物; IF2010=0.726)

Gong HJ, Chen KM, Chen GC, Wang SM*, Cheng-lie Zhang. Drought stress stimulates p-nitrophenyl phosphate hydrolysis rate of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase from wheat leaves. Plant Growth Regulation, 2003, 40: 139-145 (SCI 索引刊物; IF2010=1.630)

Gong HJ, Chen KM, Chen GC, Zhao ZG, Wang SM*, Zhang CL. Redox system in the plasma membranes of two ecotypes of reed (Phragmites communis Trin.) leaves from different habitats. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2003, 32: 163-168. (SCI 索引刊物; IF2010=2.780)

Gong HJ, Zhu XY, Chen KM, Wang SM*, Zhang CL. 2005. Sillicon alleviates oxidative damage of wheat plants in pots under drought. Plant Science, 2005, 169: 313-321. (SCI 索引刊物; IF2010=2.481)

GONG Hai-jun, CHEN Kun-ming, GAO Yong-sheng, ZHAO Zhi-guang, WANG Suo-min, ZHANG Cheng-lie. Antioxidant system in two ecotypes of reed (Phragmites communis) leaves from different habitats. Acta Bot Boreal Occident Sin, 2004, 24: 193-198.





宫海军,陈坤明,王锁民,张承烈。植物硅营养的研究进展。西北植物学报, 2004,24(12):2385-2392.








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