

词条 刘爱忠






1. Qiu, lijun, Chun Yang, Bo Tan, Junbo Yang, Ai-Zhong Liu*. 2010. Exploiting EST databases for the development and characterization of EST-SSR markers in castor (Ricinus communis L.). Molecular Breeding (accepted) (*corresponding author)

2. Huai, Huyin, Qinqin Dong and Ai-Zhong Liu*. 2010. Ethnomedicinal Analysis of Toxic Plants from Five Ethnic Groups in China. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 8: 169-179. (*corresponding author)

3. Liu, Ai-Zhong, W. John Kress, and Li De-Zhu. 2010. A phylogeny of the banana family (Musaceae) based on nuclear Ribosomal (ITS) and Chloroplast (trnL-F) evidence. Taxon 59 (1): 132-140.

4. Sheng-Xi Liao, Xian-Jie Mi, Ai-Zhong Liu, Kun Li, Zhen-Yin Yang, and Bo Tian. 2010. Isolation and Characterization of Polymorphic Microsatellite Markers in Calocedrus macrolepis Kurz (Cupressaceae). Hortscience 45 (1): 169-171.

5. Liu, Ai-Zhong, Nicklas Samils, Brian Higgins, Jan Stenlid, Bernard Slippers, C. Joseph Narin, and Sarah F. Covert. 2009. Development of nine microsatellite markers for Phlebiopsis gigantea. Conservation Genetics. 10: 1529-1532.

6. Liu, Ai-Zhong and John M Burke. 2006. Patterns of nucleotide diversity in wild and cultivated sunflower. Genetics 173: 321-330.

7. Wills, David M., Hester, L. Melissa, Ai-Zhong Liu and John M. Burke. 2005. Chloroplast SSR polymorphisms in the Compositae and the mode of organellar inheritance in Helianthus annuus. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 110: 941-947.

8. Kress, W. John, Ai-Zhong Liu, Mark Newman, and Jing-Jun Li. 2005. The molecular phylogeny of Alpinia (Zingiberaceae): A complex and polyphyletic genus of gingers. American Journal of Botany. 92: 167-178.

9. Funakoshi Hidenobu, W. John Kress, Jana Skornickova, Ai-Zhong Liu and Ken Inoue. 2005. Return from the Lost: Rediscovery of the presumed extinct Leptosolena (Zingiberace) in the Philippines and its phylogenetic placement in Gingers. Acta Phytotaxonomy and Geobotany. 56(1): 41-53.

10. Liu, Ai-Zhong, W. John Kress, and Long Chun-Lin. 2003. Customary use and conservational attention to Musella lasiocarpa (Musaceae), an endemic plant to China. Economic Botany. 57: 279-281.

11. Yang, Shi-Xiong, Liu Ai-Zhong, Peng-Hua, and Wu Zheng-yi. 2003. Stomatal apparatus of Pyrenaria (Theaceae) and its systematic significance. Guiaia. 23 (3): 250-252.

12. Liu, Ai-Zhong, W. John Kress, Wang Hong, and Li De-Zhu. 2002. Insect pollination of Musella lasiocarpa (Musaceae), a monotypic genus endemic to Yunnan. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 235: 135-146.

13. Liu, Ai-Zhong, Li De-Zhu, Wang Hong, and W. John Kress. 2002. Ornithopilous and chiropterophilous pollination in Musa itinerans (Musaceae), a pioneer Species in Tropical Rain Forests in Yunnan, SW China. Biotropica: 34: 254-260.

14. Liu, Ai-Zhong, Li De-Zhu, and Li Xi-Wen. 2002. Taxonomic notes for wild bananas (Musa) from China. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica. 43: 77-81.

15. Liu, Ai-Zhong, Li De-Zhu, Wang Hong. 2001. Pollination Ecology of a Pioneer Species: Musa itinerans (Musaceae) in Xishuangbanna, S Yunnan, China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 43: 319-322.

16. Liu, Ai-Zhong, Pei Sheng-Ji, and Chen San-Yang. 1999. Plant Worship of the Yi People in Chuxiong of Yunnan, China. Ethnobotany 11 (1) 1-8.

17. Liu, Ai-Zhong. 2003. Musacecae. In: W. John Kress et al. (eds), Checklist of the Trees, Shrubs, Herbs, and Climbers of Myanmar. Washington DC: Smithsonian Press. P. 63-65.

18. Liu, Ai-Zhong and W. John Kress. 2005. A plant diversity center in southwest China and northeast Myanmar, the Gaoligong Mountains. In: Plant Conservation: A Natural History Approach, Gary A. Krupnick and W. John Kress (eds), The University of Chicago Press. Pp. 86-92.

19. 刘爱忠,龙春林. 1999. 民族植物学进展. 植物科学进展. 2: 213-219.

20. 刘爱忠, 裴盛基, 陈三阳. 2000. 云南楚雄彝族“神树林”与生物多样性保护. 应用生态学报. 11 (4): 489-492.

21. 刘爱忠, 裴盛基, 陈三阳. 2000. 云南楚雄彝族植物崇拜的调查与研究. 生物多样性. 8(1): 130-136.

22. 刘爱忠, 李德铢. 2001. 树头芭蕉的名实辨证. 云南植物研究43: 77-81.

23. 刘爱忠. 1997. 第五章: 生态学. 裴盛基, 贺善安 (主编): 民族植物学手册. 昆明. 云南科学与技术出版社. Pp 149-191.

24. 刘爱忠, 裴盛基, 陈三阳. 1999. 云南楚雄彝族的植物文化与生物多样性保护. 面向中国21世纪的生物多样性保护. 许智宏(主编). 中国林业出版社. 北京. Pp. 38-45.

25. 刘爱忠, 裴盛基, 陈三阳. 2000. 云南楚雄彝族“神树林”的调查与研究. 许建初 (主编), 民族植物学与植物资源的可持续利用. 昆明. 云南科学与技术出版社. Pp 271-280.





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