

词条 灵魂原味





专辑歌手:Ruben Studdard





2004葛莱美奖节奏蓝调歌手提名; 美国偶像第二季冠军歌手,全美新生代灵魂美声接班人; 初登场大破四十万张,空降全美流行、R&B/Hip-hop榜冠军!

有如泰迪熊宝宝一般温暖亲和可爱的Ruben Studdard鲁本史坦德,2003年在全美掀起一阵旋风的超级选秀节目“American Idol美国偶像”第二届比赛中荣获冠军,成为继第一季师姐Kelly Clarkson、同期兄弟Clay Aiken之后,另一颗崛起的闪亮实力派新星。

鲁本的首张专辑《Soulful灵魂原味》在美发行首周即以超过40万张的疯狂销售量登上冠军宝座,他更以初生之犊的姿态,获得第46届Grammy Awards提名殊荣,和R.Kelly、Luther Vandross、Brian Mcknight和Tyrese等超实力前辈们争夺“R&B最佳男演唱人”奖项。这位泰迪熊宝宝全程参与制作的《Soulful》,充满浓浓的灵魂风情。首支翻唱自英国男孩团体Westlife的单曲“Flying Without Wings“已成为畅销排行亚军全曲;另一首翻唱The Carpenters木匠兄妹经典《Superstar》在Ruben娓娓诠释下,呈现了令人动容的层次;而翻唱Bee Gees比吉斯的《How Can You Mend a Broken Heart》同样充满灵魂原味,值得细细品味,“我希望能制作出适合每个人聆听的音乐,可以完全代表我这个人”而显然鲁本史坦德成功了!岁末年终寒冷的季节里,就让泰迪熊宝宝充满“灵魂原味”的音乐温暖你的心!

以上是官方介绍,说实话,介绍得忒没焦点了。其实,这张专辑并不是什么大制作,没有华丽的编曲,没有大牌明星的合唱助阵,更没有那些能用来砸人的制作班底。但,当Ruben的声音从音响中弥漫开之后,你就明白了,那些广告效应的鬼玩意对Ruben来说都是画蛇添足,或者说是喧宾夺主。Ruben坚实而不失张力的嗓音完全可以让你忘记所有的不完美,或许这就是完美。就我个人而言,专辑中的三首翻唱歌曲中只有《How Can You Mend a Broken Heart》算是比较成功的,其他两首我不敢恭维。我并不推荐他的翻唱作品。事实上,其他作品才应该是Ruben的亮点,而且亮的晃眼睛。本人首推《Sorry 2004》,在这首歌里,无论是高音还是低音,Ruben的声音发挥到了近乎完美的程度,我的感觉是:踏实!和声编写也让人激动不已,还是完美!(我好像用了很多该死的完美)对于这首歌,我不想再用完美来形容了,~~~PERFECT!专辑中的《WHAT IF》,《DON'T QUIT ON ME》等等都可以一饱耳福。不多说了,最后引用一句最俗的话“Listen, and you'll understand.”

Ruben Studdard won the second season of "American Idol" and released "Soulful" as his debut CD. "Soulful" has much to offer fans of American Idol, including three songs he performed on the show. The song that put Ruben into the finals is here - "Superstar," which is his remake of the Luther Vandross remake of the Carpenter's song. I actually think he sounded better on the show, as the CD version makes him sound a bit marble-mouthed. Ruben's version of the Bee Gee's "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart" sounds good here. Finally, Ruben's first single, and the song he sang on the finale, is a bonus track - "Flying without Wings." The song peaked at #2 on the Top 100, but it's not one of my favorites. It's too much of a bland ballad that doesn't showcase much of Ruben's talent and tries too hard to be uplifting; however, I prefer it to most similar songs by American Idol contestants.

Fortunately, the CD also shows more of Ruben's urban/R&B side and can definitely be enjoyed by people who didn't watch or don't like "American Idol." The second single was "Sorry 2004" - it was a solid Top 10 hit and established Ruben as more than an American Idol. It's one of my favorites on the CD along with the very catchy "No Ruben," "Don't Quit on Me," and "What Is Sexy" with Fat Joe; the latter song contains a sample of Mary J. Blige's "Real Love." I'm puzzled why these songs weren't released as singles.

Overall, I think Ruben definitely delivered on his debut CD. Although some of the production sounds a bit cheap, Ruben is in good form and the CD is enjoyable. Perhaps more importantly, it sounds contemporary, which is not always the case for American Idol releases. I'm eagerly awaiting his next CD and seeing him continue to grow as an artist.

因为女朋友病重,我必须去照顾,所以断了三天的源。对因此给各位骡友造成的不便,我必须说一句:I am so sorry!But only sorry is not enough,我还会在以后提供更多的资源与各位分享,保证长期供源!



1. Sorry 2004

2. No Ruben

3. How Can You Mend a Broken Heart

4. Take the Shot

5. What If

6. Superstar

7. Can I Get Your Attention

8. For All We Know

9. Play Our Song

10.Don't Quit on Me

11.After the Candles Burn

12.Flying Without Wings

13.We Have Not Forgotten





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更新时间:2025/3/11 3:35:30