词条 | BLD |
释义 | 作为单纯英语单词bld的意思是[工程]梁式引线掐。另外在医学上的意义更为丰富。 BLD在医学上的意义:1.潜血潜血(BLD):正常尿液因无红细胞或极少红细胞潜血试验呈阴性反应。当尿中红细胞数超过一定数量或尿中有游离血红蛋白时,潜血试验呈阳性。 2.尿隐血我昨天去体检后,今天尿常规结果显示,尿隐血(BLD),尿蛋白质(PRO),尿胆原(URO):弱阳性,尿比密(SG):1.030,请问这些结果显示表明了什么? 3.尿潜血你这也许是尿路感染,尿潜血(BLD):2+(80)代表有血尿,镜检白细胞(WBCJ):2+ 代表有感染,你可能去医院看看,在我手上有云云的病人,没你这么严重我的谁人病人是白细... 4.隐血隐血(BLD):尿隐血试验并不等于尿红细胞测定,用尿液分析仪测定尿隐血时,因过分敏感而缺乏临床意义。 BLD+的含义如果经过离心沉淀后的尿液,在显微镜下每高倍视野有2个以上的红细胞,就称的上是血尿。在高倍镜下,发现10个红细胞就计为“+、1+或+1”,20个计为“++、2+或+2”30个计为“+++、3+或+3”40个计为“++++、4+或+4”也就是说加号越多,说明肾脏固有细胞损伤的越厉害。比如隐血+2的意思是尿液经离心沉淀后在高倍显微镜下发现了20个血红细胞。 出现“+”表明肾脏的固有细胞已经开始被损害,肾脏的滤过功能已经开始受到免疫介质复合物的损伤,如果不能得到有效的治疗,损害、增生的肾小球的数量会越来越多,肾脏的破坏程度会逐渐增大。此时就我们应该接受系统正规的治疗,从而有效抑制肾脏纤维化的发展。 例句用法1.Objective Purpose false negative and the false positive in BLD urine liquid analyzer pass through only clone antibody occult blood test carry out quality control. 目的:对BLD尿液分析仪中的假阳性和假阴性通过单克隆抗体隐血试验进行质量控制。 BLD商务平台本服务协议双方为香港百利达投资有限公司(HONG KONG BEST LEADER INVESTMENT LIMITED——简称‘BLD’,公司注册编号:1654857)与BLD用户(以下简称用户),本服务协议具有合同效力。本服务协议内容包括协议正文及所有BLD已经发布的或将来可能发布的各类规则。所有规则为协议不可分割的一部分,与协议正文具有同等效力。 用户在使用BLD提供的各项服务的同时,承诺接受并遵守各项相关规则的规定。BLD有权根据需要不时地制定、修改本协议或各类规则,如本协议有任何变更,BLD将在网站上公布公告,通知予用户。如用户不同意相关变更,必须停止使用“服务”。经修订的协议一经在BLD网站公布后,立即自动生效。各类规则会在发布后生效,亦成为本协议的一部分。登录或继续使用“服务”将表示用户接受经修订的协议。除另行明确声明外,任何使“服务”范围扩大或功能增强的新内容均受本协议约束。 用户确认本服务协议后,本服务协议即在用户和BLD之间产生法律效力。请用户务必在注册之前认真阅读全部服务协议内容,如有任何疑问,可向BLD网站咨询。 无论用户事实上是否在注册之前认真阅读了本服务协议,只要用户成功注册BLD为用户,用户的行为仍然表示其同意并签署了本服务协议。 本协议不涉及用户与BLD其它用户之间因网上交易而产生的法律关系及法律纠纷。 一、 定义: 用户及用户注册:用户必须是具备完全民事行为能力的自然人,或者是具有合法经营资格的实体组织。无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人以及无经营或特定经营资格的组织不当注册为BLD用户或超过其民事权利或行为能力范围从事交换的,其与BLD之间的服务协议自始无效,BLD公司一经发现,有权立即注销该用户,并追究其使用BLD“服务”的一切法律责任。用户注册是指用户登陆BLD商务平台,并按要求填写相关信息并确认同意履行相关用户协议的过程。 二、 用户权利和义务: 1、用户有权利拥有自己在BLD商务平台的用户名及密码,并有权利使用自己的用户名及密码随时登陆BLD商务平台。用户不得以任何形式擅自转让或授权他人使用自己的BLD商务平台用户名; 2、用户有权根据本服务协议的规定以及BLD商务平台上发布的相关规则参加有关活动以及有权享受BLD商务平台提供的其它的有关信息服务; 3、用户在BLD商务平台使用过程中如与其他用户因产生纠纷,可以请求BLD从中予以协调。用户如发现其他用户有违法或违反本服务协议的行为,可以向BLD商务平台网站进行反映要求处理; 4、用户有义务在注册时提供自己的真实资料,并保证诸如电子邮件地址、联系电话、联系地址、身份证号码等内容的有效性及安全性,保证BLD商务平台际网站及其他用户可以通过上述联系方式与自己进行联系。同时,用户也有义务在相关资料实际变更时及时更新有关注册资料。用户保证不以他人资料在BLD商务平台网站进行注册或认证; 5、用户应当保证在使用BLD商务平台进行过程中遵守诚实信用的原则,严禁在过程中采取不正当竞争行为,严禁扰乱网上的正常秩序和从事与网上无关的行为; 6、用户严禁在BLD商务平台上恶意诋毁或评价同类公司或其他用户;7、用户严禁在其它互联网平台(如博客、空间、论坛、微博、QQ群、贴吧、百度、个人网站)以BLD投资公司的名义散播相关业务介绍、公司介绍、公告内容、奖金计划介绍等; 8、用户在BLD商务平台上严禁散播反国家、反社会、反政府等反动言论、不得发布违背社会公共利益或公共道德的言论,严禁对外夸大宣传公司形象和业务功能;; 9、用户承诺自己在使用BLD商务平台网站时实施的所有行为均遵守国家法律、法规和BLD网站的相关规定以及各种社会公共利益或公共道德。如有违反导致任何法律后果的发生,用户将以自己的名义独立承担所有相应的法律责任; 10、用户严禁以任何名义攻击BLD商务平台网站; 11、地面运作严禁发放带有BLD公司和奖金计划的宣传单, 工作室宣传不要过于夸张、不要存放奖金方案资料、不聚众、不媒体宣传,沟通过程中不夸大其词 ,不搞大型的会议,超过十人以上聚会联系市场管理人员。 12、严禁推荐学生、军人、邪教人员、国家指定不允许经商人员从事BLD,严禁同一身份证认购三个以上用户套餐;; 13、用户同意接收来自BLD商务平台网站发出的邮件信息。 三、BLD商务平台网站的权利和义务: 1、BLD商务平台网站有义务在现有技术上维护整个网上平台的正常运行,并努力提升和改进技术,使用户网上活动得以顺利进行; 2、对用户在注册使用BLD商务平台中所遇到的或注册有关的问题及反映的情况,BLD商务平台网站应及时作出回复; 3、对于用户在BLD商务平台上的不当行为或其它任何BLD商务平台网站认为应当终止服务的情况,BLD公司有权随时作出删除相关信息、终止服务提供等处理,而无须征得用户的同意; 4、对于用户在BLD商务平台发布的下列各类信息,BLD公司有权在不通知用户的前提下进行删除或采取其它限制性措施,包括但不限于以规避费用为目的的信息;以炒作为目的的信息;BLD公司有理由相信存在欺诈等恶意或虚假内容的信息;BLD商务平台网站有理由相信与网上无关或不是以为目的的信息;BLD商务平台网站有理由相信存在恶意扰乱正常秩序因素的信息;BLD商务平台有理由相信该信息违反公共利益或可能严重损害BLD商务平台网站和其它用户合法利益的; 5、BLD商务平台拥有对违规用户作出合理处罚的权利 四、隐私权政策: 适用范围: 1、在用户注册BLD商务平台网站账户时,用户根据BLD商务平台网站要求提供的个人注册信息; 2、在用户使用BLD商务平台网站服务,参加BLD商务平台网站活动,或访问BLD商务平台网站页时,BLD商务平台网站自动接收并记录的用户浏览器上的服务器数值,包括但不限于IP地址等数据及用户要求取用的网页记录; 3、BLD商务平台收集到的用户在BLD商务平台网站进行的有关数据信息使用: 4、BLD商务平台网站不会向任何人出售或出借用户的个人信息; 5、BLD商务平台网站严禁任何第三方以任何手段收集、编辑、出售或者无偿传播用户的个人信息。任何用户如从事上述活动,一经发现,BLD商务平台网站有权立即终止与该用户的服务协议,查封其账号。 6、为服务用户的目的,BLD商务平台网站可能通过使用用户的个人信息,向用户提供服务,包括向用户发出产品和服务信息。 信息披露: 用户的个人信息将在下述情况下部分或全部被披露: 1、经用户同意,向第三方披露; 2、如用户是合资格的知识产权投诉人并已提起投诉,应被投诉人要求,向被投诉人披露,以便双方处理可能的权利纠纷; 3、根据法律的有关规定,或者行政或司法机构的要求,向第三方或者行政、司法机构披露; 4、如果用户出现违反中国有关法律或者网站政策的情况,需要向第三方披露; 5、为提供你所要求的产品和服务,而必须和第三方分享用户的个人信息; 6、其它BLD商务平台网站根据法律或者网站政策认为合适的披露; 信息安全: 1、BLD商务平台网站账户双重密码保护功能,请妥善保管用户的账户及密码信息; 2、在使用BLD商务平台网站服务时,用户不可避免的要向对方或潜在的对方提供自己的个人信息,如联络方式或者邮政地址。请用户妥善保护自己的个人信息,仅在必要的情形下向他人提供; 3、如果用户发现自己的个人信息泄密,尤其是BLD商务平台网站账户及密码发生泄露,请用户立即联络BLD商务平台网站客服,以便BLD商务平台网站采取相应措施。 处罚措施: 1、一级警告:口头警告,立刻停止违规行为; 2、二级警告:一级警告无效立即进入二级警告,暂停当事人工资发放,扣除1个月内奖金; 3、三级警告:二级警告无效立即进入三级警告,临时冻结账户四周,扣除3个月内奖金; 4、冻结帐号:三级警告无效,永久冻结当事人ID; 以上服务协议希望所有BLD用户认真贯彻执行,共同营造一个和谐互助的创业理财平台。 Both sides of this service agreement Paradise Investments Limited of Hong Kong (HONG KONG BEST LEADER INVESTMENT LIMITED - referred to as the 'BLD') Company registration number: 1654857, the service agreement is contractual effect. The service agreement includes an agreement and all BLD body has been released or in the future may issue various types of rules. All the rules for an integral part of the body have the same effect with the agreement. Users in the use of the services provided by BLD at the same time, undertake to accept and comply with the relevant rules. BLD have the authority to formulate from time to time, amend this Agreement or the various rules, such as any changes to this Agreement, BLD will be posted on the website to notify to the user. If the user does not agree with the relevant changes, you must stop using the "service." The revised agreement has been announced in the BLD site immediately after take effect automatically. Various types of rules will take effect after the release, has become part of this Agreement. Login or continue to use the "service" means that the user will accept the revised agreement. Unless otherwise expressly stated, any "service" or expand the scope of the new content enhancements is governed by this agreement. The user to confirm the service agreement, the service agreement between the user and BLD legal effect. Please register before the user must carefully read the entire service agreement, if any doubt, consult the BLD site. Regardless of whether the user actually read carefully before registration of the service agreement, as long as the user successfully registered BLD for the user, the user's behavior continues to express their consent and sign the service agreement. This agreement does not involve users and other users BLD for online legal relations arising from transactions and legal disputes. First, the definition: User and User Registration: Users must have full civil capacity of natural persons or entities with a legitimate business organization qualified. No civil capacity or with limited capacity for civil conduct, and no business or specific business organization properly registered as a qualified user or BLD or exceed the capacity range of civil rights in exchange, the service agreement between the BLD and void ab initio, BLD Once the company found that the right to immediately cancel the user, and to hold its use BLD "service" all legal responsibility. User registration is the user login BLD business platform, as required, fill out the information and confirm the relevant User Agreement agree to perform the process. Second, user rights and obligations: 1, the user has the right to have their own business platform in the BLD user name and password, and have the right to use your own user name and password at any time landing BLD business platform. Users may not transfer or in any form without the authorize others to use your own user name BLD business platform; 2, users have the right under the provisions of the agreement and the service business platform BLD rules posted on the right to participate in relevant activities and other BLD business platform provides information about services; 3, the user BLD business platform in the process as a result of a dispute with other users, you can request to be coordinated from BLD. Users have found other users of the service agreement illegal or violate the act to be business platform to BLD website reflect the request processing; 4, the user is obliged to provide their own in the real registration information, and to ensure that such e-mail address, telephone number, address, ID number, etc. of the efficacy and safety, to ensure inter-BLD business platform through the web site and other users can The contact with their contact. At the same time, users also have an obligation to change the relevant information when the actual update the registration information. Ensure that no user information to others in the business platform BLD website registration or certification; 5, the user should ensure that the use of BLD business process platform to comply with the principle of good faith, is strictly prohibited in the process of taking unfair competition, non disrupt the normal order and in line with the behavior of the Internet has nothing to do; 6, the user is strictly prohibited in the business platform BLD evaluation of malicious slander or similar companies or other users; 7, the user is strictly prohibited on other internet platforms (such as blog, space, forums, microblogging, QQ group, paste it, and personal Web site) to BLD spread of investment-related business in the name of the company, the company introduced, announcement content, such as bonus schemes introduced ; 8, users on non-business platform in the BLD spread anti-national, anti-social, reactionary anti-government remarks, shall publish the public interest or contrary to public morality, speech, non-hype the company's external image and business functions;; 9, the User agrees to use its own BLD business platform in the site are to comply with all acts of national laws, regulations and relevant provisions of BLD website and various social and public interests or public morals. Any violation resulted in any legal consequences, users will be independent in their own name to bear all the corresponding legal responsibility; 10, the name of the user is prohibited to attack any website BLD business platform; 11, ground operations and non-payment of bonus plans with BLD's promotional single, studio publicity not too exaggerated, do not store bonus program information, not crowds of people, not media, the communication process is not exaggerated, not to engage in large-scale conference, more than gathering of more than ten people who contact the market management. 12, non-recommended students, soldiers, cult personnel, designated by the State does not allow business people engaged in the BLD, the same ID to subscribe for three or more non-user packages;; 13, the user agrees to receive from the BLD website to send messages to business information platform. Three, BLD website business platform the rights and obligations: 1, BLD Business Platform website obligation to maintain the existing technology platform for the normal operation of the Internet, and efforts to upgrade and improve technology that enables users to online activities to be carried out smoothly; 2, the user in the registration business platforms use the BLD or registered encountered problems and reflect on the situation, BLD business platform site should respond in a timely manner; 3, for business users on the platform in the BLD misconduct or any other website that BLD business platform services should be terminated the case, BLD has the right to delete information at any time, terminate the service delivery process, without the consent of the user's consent; 4, BLD business platform for the user released the following types of information, BLD has the right without notice to the user's premise to delete or take other restrictive measures, including but not limited to circumvent the costs for the purpose of information; to speculation as purpose of the information; BLD's reason to believe that fraud and other malicious or false information content; BLD business platform independent web site and has reason to believe that the purpose of the information or not; BLD business platform has reason to believe there is a malicious Web site to disrupt the normal order of factors information; BLD business platform has reason to believe that the information against the public interest or could seriously damage BLD business platform web sites and the legitimate interests of other users; 5, BLD business platform has made a reasonable punishment for violation of user rights Fourth, the privacy policy: Scope: 1, the user account registration website BLD business platform, the user under the BLD site requires business platform to provide personal registration information; 2, the user business platform web services use the BLD, BLD business platform to participate in site activities or business platform for web page access time BLD, BLD Business Platform website automatically receive and record the user's browser on the server value, including but not limited to IP addresses access to data and user requirements such as web logs; 3, BLD business platform to collect BLD business platform user site in the relevant data to use: 4, BLD business platform site will not sell or rent any user's personal information; 5, BLD business platform website by any means is prohibited any third-party collection, editing, sale or free dissemination of user's personal information. If any user engaged in these activities, once discovered, BLD Business Platform website right to immediately terminate the service agreement with the user and blocked its account. 6, for the purpose of service users, BLD business platform Web site may use your personal information to provide services, including products and services given to the user information. Disclosure: User's personal information in the following cases the disclosure of some or all of: 1, the user agrees, disclosed to third parties; 2, such as the user is eligible for intellectual property and the complainant has filed a complaint, the complainant should be required to disclose complaint to the rights of both parties to deal with possible disputes; 3, according to the relevant provisions of the law, or administrative or judicial body of the request, or to a third party administrative and judicial institutions to disclose; 4, if the user appear in violation of Chinese laws or policies of the site, requiring disclosure to third parties; 5, to provide you requested products and services, and third parties must share your personal information; 6, the other business platform BLD Web site by law or policy that the appropriate disclosures; Information Security: 1, BLD business platform dual password protection website account, please take good care of User's account and password information; 2, BLD business platform using Web services, the user inevitably to the other party or the other to provide their own potential for personal information such as contact or postal address. Your users to properly protect their personal information, the case only when necessary to provide to others; 3, if the users find their personal information compromised, especially BLD business platform website account and password is compromised, please immediately contact BLD commerce platform user site customer service, in order to website BLD business platform to take corresponding measures. Penalties: 1, a warning: verbal warning, immediately stop the breach; 2, two warning: a warning, immediately enter the second warning, suspension of payment of wages to the parties, after deducting one month bonus; 3, three warnings: two warnings immediate access to three warnings, temporary account freeze around 3 months bonus deduction; 4, freeze accounts: three warnings, permafrost party ID; Hope all the above services agreement BLD users seriously implemented, the joint venture to create a harmonious mutual financial management platform. |
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