

词条 粒子物理学中的超对称


书 名: 粒子物理学中的超对称

作 者:艾奇逊(Aitchison.I.)

出版社: 世界图书出版公司

出版时间: 2010年4月1日

ISBN: 9787510005626

开本: 16开

定价: 39.00元


《粒子物理学中的超对称》内容简介:This book is intended to be an elementary and practical introduction to supersymmetry in particle physics. More precisely, I aim to provide an accessible, self-contained account of the basic theory required for a working understanding of the 'Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model' (MSSM), including 'soft' symmetry breaking.Some simple phenomenological applications of the model are also developed in the later chapters.






1 Introduction and motivation

1.1 The SM fine-tuning problem

1.2 Three quantitative indications

1.3 Theoretical considerations

2 Spinors: Weyl, Dirac and Majorana

2.1 Spinors and Lorentz transformations

2.2 Constructing invariants and 4-vectors out of 2-component (Weyl) spinors

2.3 A more streamlined notation for Weyl spinors

2.4 Dirac spinors using X- (or L-) type spinors only

2.5 Majorana spinors

3 Introduction to supersymmetry and the MSSM

3.1 Simple supersymmetry

3.2 A first glance at the MSSM

4 The supersymmetry algebra and supermultiplets

4.1 One way of obtaining the SU(2) algebra

4.2 Supersymmetry generators ('charges') and their algebra

4.3 The supersymmetry current

4.4 Supermultiplets

4.5 A snag, and the need for a significant complication

5 The Wess-Zumino model

5.1 Interactions and the superpotential

5.2 Cancellation of quadratic divergences in the W-Z model

6 Superfieids

6.1 SUSY transformations on fields

6.2 A differential operator representation of the SUSY generators

6.3 Chiral superfields, and their (chiral) component fields

6.4 Products of chiral superfields

6.5 A technical annexe: other forms of chiral superfield

7 Vector (or gauge) supermultiplets

7.1 The free Abelian gauge supermultiplet

7.2 Non-Abelian gauge supermultiplets

7.3 Combining chiral and gauge supermultiplets

8 The MSSM

8.1 Specification of the superpotential

8.2 The SM interactions in the MSSM

8.3 Gauge coupling unification in the MSSM

8.4 R-parity

9 SUSY breaking

9.1 Breaking SUSY spontaneously

9.2 Soft SUSY-breaking terms

9.3 RGE evolution of the parameters in the (softly broken) MSSM

10 The Higgs sector and electroweak symmetry breaking in the MSSM

10.1 The scalar potential and the conditions for electroweak symmetry breaking

10.2 The tree-level masses of the scalar Higgs states in the MSSM

10.3 The SM fine-tuning problem revisited, in the MSSM

10.4 Tree-level couplings of neutral Higgs bosons to SM particles

11 Sparticle masses in the MSSM

11.1 Gluinos

11.2 Neutralinos

11.3 Charginos

11.4 Squarks and sleptons

12 Some simple tree-level calculations in the MSSM

12.1 Sparticle decays

12.2 Sparticle production processes

12.3 Signatures and searches

12.4 Benchmarks for SUSY searches







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