词条 | 基于语料库的功能英语语法 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 知识产权出版社; 第1版 (2009年7月1日) 平装: 290页 正文语种: 英语 开本: 16 ISBN: 9787802477421, 7802477425 条形码: 9787802477421 尺寸: 25.8 x 18.2 x 1.4 cm 重量: 458 g 内容简介《基于语料库的功能英语语法》是一本以功能为体系的语法书,编著《基于语料库的功能英语语法》的目的是力求使语法发挥其应有的作用,成为交际的手段和工具,帮助英语学习者提高交际能力。《基于语料库的功能英语语法》实用,例句真实,具体体现在:(1)以功能为体系的语法书,有别于传统的以结构为体系的语法书。 (2)建立在语料库(COBUILD语料库、LSWE语料库、CI语料库)的基础上,所有例句均来自以上语料库,真实、鲜活、可靠,具有杜撰句所缺乏的交际价值,此外书中还提供了相关的语料库检索结果。 (3)《基于语料库的功能英语语法》为教师提供了无确定答案的交际练习活动素材,具有实用价值和趣味性。 目录1 Reflerring to people and things 1.1 Identifying people and things:nouns 1.1.1 Things that can be counted:countable nouns 1.1.2 Things not usually counted:uncountable nouns 1.1.3 Referring to groups:collectiVe nouns 1.1.4 Referring to materials:material nouns 1.1.5 Referring to abstract concepts,states,qualities and events:abstract 1.1.6 Referring to people and things by name:proper nouns 1.1.7 Nouns ending in-s 1.1.8 Sharing the same quality:adjectives as headwords 1.1.9 Specifying more exactly:compound nouns Commuicative Practice Activities 1.2 Referring to people and things without naming them:pmnouns 1.2.1 Referring t0 people and things:personal pmnouns 1.2.2 Mentioning possession:possessive pronouns 1.2.3 Referring back to the subject:renexiVe pronouns 1.2.4 Referring to a particular person or thing:demonstmtiVe pronouns 1.2.5 Referring to people and things in a general way:inde6nite pmnouns 1.2.6 Showing that two people do the same thing:recipmcal pmnouns 1.2.7 Joining clauses together:relatiVe pronouns 1.2.8 Asking questions:interrogative pronouns CommuicatiVe Practice ActiVities 1.3 Identifying what you are talking about:deternliners 1.3.1 Collocations between detenlliners and nouns 1.3.2 Collocations between deteminers 1.3.3 Definite specific reference:the definite article 1.3.4 Indefinite specific reference:the indefinite anicle 1.3.5 Generic reference:the zero anicle 1.3.6 Indefinite determiners Commuicative Practice Activities 2 Giving inflomation about people and things 2.1 Descrbing things:adjectives 2.1.1 One—word and compound adiectives 2.1.2 Centml and peripheral adjectives 2.1.3 Dynamic and stative adjectives 2.1.4 Grable and non—gradable adjectives 2.1.5 Panicipial adjectives 2.1.6 Descriptors and classifiers 2.1.7 AdjectiVe(phrase)as modifier in noun phmses 2.1.8 Adjective phrases as complement 2.1.9 C0mparison and Comparative Constmctions Commuicative Practice Activities 2.2 Indicating possession or association:genitive noun 2.2.1 Formation of genitive nouns 2.2.2 Meanings of genitive nouns 2.2.3 Uses of genitive nouns 2.2.4 The independent genitive 2.2.5 The double genitive Commuicative Practice Activities 2.3 Modifying using nouns:premodifying nouns 2.3.1 Meaning relations expressed by noun+noun sequences 2.3.2 Noun+noun sequences acmss registers 2.3.3 Plural nouns as premodifiers 2.4 Talking about quantities and amounts:panitives 2.4.1 General partitives 2.4.2 Partitives related to the shape of things 2.4.3 Partitive related to volume 2.4.4 Partitives related to the state of action 2.4.5 PartitiVes denoting pairs,groups,flocks,etc. 2.4.6 Partitives denoting measures 2.5 ReflerTing to an exact nunlber of things:numerals 2.5.1 Referring to the number of things:cardinal numbers 2.5.2 Referring to things in a sequence:ordinal numbers 2.5.3 Types of numerical expressions 2.5.4 Tlalking about age 2.5.5 Approximate numbers Commuicative Practice Activities 2.6 Expanding the noun phrase:postmodifiers 2.6.1 Nouns with prepositional phrases 2.6.2 Nouns with adjective phrases 2.6.3 Nouns with non-finite clauses 2.6.4 Nouns with appositive noun phrases 3 Making a message 3.1 Describing actions or states: verbs 3.1.1 Main verbs and auxiliaries 3.1.2 Transitive verbs,intransitive verbs and linking verbs 3.1.3 Dynamic verbs and stative verbs 3.1.4 Regular verbs and irregular verbs 3.1.5 Single-word verbs and phrasal verbs Commuicative Practice Activities 3.2 Describing and identifying things: complementation 3.2.1 Adjective phrases as subject complements 3.2.2 Noun phrases as subject complements 3.2.3 That-clauses as subject complements 3.2.4 Infinitive clauses as subject complements 3.2.5 Intransitive verbs with subject complements 3.2.6 Describing the object of a verb : object complements 3.3 Talking about closely linked actions : using two verbs together 3.3.1 Talking about two actions done by the same person: V1 +V2 3.3.2 Talking about two actions done by different people: V1 + O + V2 3.3.3 Verbs occurring in two patterns Commuicative Practice Activities 4 Varying the message 4.1 Using different kinds of sentence 4.1.1 Statements 4.1.2 Questions 4.1.3 Commands 4. I. 4 Exclamations Commuicative Practice Activities 4.2 Using negation 4.2.1 Negative statements 4.2.2 The scope of negation 4.2.3 Multiple negation " 4.2.4 Negative adverbs 4.2.5 Means to emphasize a negative meaning Commuicative Practice Activities 4.3 Using modals 4.3.1 Special features of modals 4.3.2 Indicating ability 4.3.3 Indicating permission and prohibition 4.3.4 Indicating possibility and likelihood 4.3.5 Indicating obligation 4.3.6 Indicating volition 4.3.7 Indicating suggestions and advice 4.3.8 Other modal meanings Commuieative Practice Activities Expressing time 5.1 The present 5.1.1 The present in general: the simple present 5.1.2 Accent on the present: the present progressive 5.1.3 Contrast between present progressive and simple present Commuicative Practice Activities 5.2 The past 5.2.1 Stating a definite time in the past: the simple past 5.2.2 Accent on the past : the past progressive 5.2.3 The past in relation to the present : the present perfective 5.2.4 Contrast between present perfective and simple past 5.2.5 Events before a particular time in the past : the past perfeetive 5.2.6 Contrast between past perfeetive and simple past Commuicative Practice Activities 5.3 The future 5.3.1 Indicating the future using "will" ~ 5.3.2 Other ways of indicating the future 5.3.3 Ways of indicating past future Commuicative Practice Activities 5.4 Timing by adjuncts 5.4.1 Adjuncts of relative time 5.4.2 Adjuncts emphasizing continuation, stop, occurrence, and not happening 5.4.3 Adjuncts of specific and non-specific times 5.4.4 Adjuncts of frequency 5.4.5 Adjuncts of duration Commuicative Practice Activities 6 Expressing manner and place 7 Reporting people's words of thoughts 8 Combining messages 9 The Structure of information |
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