词条 | 韩俭 |
释义 | 个人简介韩俭,男,甘肃省会宁县人,兰州大学病原生物学专业副教授,硕士研究生导师,兰州大学病原生物学研究所副所长,甘肃省新药临床前研究重点实验室副主任。1993年6月毕业于兰州医学院临床医学专业,获学士学位,2003年7月毕业于兰州医学院病原生物学专业,获硕士学位,现在读博士。2003年12月至2004年3月,2007年11月至12月先后两次在日本山形大学医学部研修。主要从事病原生物学的教学和科研工作。研究方向包括幽门螺杆菌的生物学特性、致病性及致病机制研究;包虫病的分子流行病学及防治研究;疫苗的临床前安全性评价。目前主持省级科研项目1项,参与科研项目2项。在国内外学术刊物发表论文24篇。获2004年度甘肃医学科技奖三等奖一项,2008年度甘肃省科技进步二等奖一项。参编教材5部。 Resume: Han Jian, male, born from Huining County, Gansu Province. Associate professor of pathogenic biology of Lanzhou University. Tutor of postgraduate education of master degree. Vice-director of Pathogenic Biology Institute of Lanzhou University and Key Lab of Preclinical Study for New Drugs of Gansu Province. Finished undergraduate course education and postgraduate education in Lanzhou Medical College in 1993 and 2003 respectively and majored in clinical medicine and pathogenic biology. Once studied in school of medicine of Yamagata University in Japan from Dec. 2003 to Mar. 2004。 After finished graduate education, choiced the career of teacher and had taken on the subject of medical microbiology and immunology in school of basic medical sciences of Lanzhou University. During this period, won the title of the excellent teacher of Lanzhou University in 2007. Engaged in study on the biologic characters and the pathogenic mechanism of Helicobacter pylori, the molecule epidemiology, prevention and therapy of echinococcosis and preclinical security evaluation of vaccine. Published about 24 articles. Won the second grade Award of the Technology Advancement of Gansu Province and took part in writing 5 teaching books。 科研方向幽门螺杆菌的生物学特性、致病性及致病机制研究。 包虫病的分子流行病学及防治。 疫苗的临床前安全性评价。 Research Interests: Study on the biologic characters and the pathogenic mechanism of Helicobacter pylori。 Study on the molecule epidemiology, prevention and therapy of echinococcosis。 Preclinical security evaluation of vaccine。 荣誉称号及奖励2000年度省级大中专学生志愿者“三下乡”活动优秀指导者。 获2004年度甘肃医学科技奖三等奖。 2007年度兰州大学“三育人”先进个人。 2007年度兰州大学基础医学院优秀教师。 获2008年度甘肃省科技进步二等奖。 honors and awards: Won the third grade Award of Medical Technology of Gansu Province in 2004. Won the title of the excellent teacher of Lanzhou University in 2007. Won the second grade Award of the Technology Advancement of Gansu Province in 2008。 发表论文韩俭,张富花,张炜,等.提高农村群众卫生保健意识的方法探讨. 兰州大学学报(自然科学版),2000,36(supp):1~5 Han J, Zhang FH, Zhang W, et al. An Inquire into How to Improve the Rural People’s Health Consciousness. Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences). 2000,36(supp):1~5。 韩俭,张富花,吴德生,等.甘肃中部干旱山区学龄儿童幽门螺杆菌感染的调查及预防对策.兰州大学学报(自然科学版),2000,36(supp):71~74 Han J, Zhang FH, Wu DSH, et al An Epidemiological Survey and Preventive Measures on Helicobacter Pylori Infection in School Children of the Dry Mountain Area in the Middle Part of Gansu Province. Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences). 2000,36(supp):71~74。 张永平,韩俭,唐宁,等.2,6-二甲酸吡啶氮氧化物稀土配合物的合成及其抗菌活性的研究. 兰州大学学报自然科学版,2000,36(5):82~87 Zhang YP, Han J, Tang N, et al. Synthesis of Rare Earth Complexes with 2,6-Dicarboxilic Acid Pyridine-N-Oxide and the Study of Their Bacteriostatic Effect. Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences). 2000,36(5):82~87。 韩俭,于红娟,吴勇杰,等.中药血清药理学方法学研究-抗菌试验含药血清处理方案的研究.中药药理与临床,2002,18(1)47~48 Han J, Yu HJ, Wu YJ, et al. A Study about Methods of Serum Pharmacology-How to Deal with the Serum in Anti-bacterial Experiment. Pharmacology and Clinics of Chinese Materia Medica., 2002. 18(1): 47-48。 韩俭,景涛,黎卫平,等.会宁县部分小学生HBV感染状况及预防对策. 中国学校卫生,2002,23(supp):97~98 Han J, Jing T, Li WP, et al. An Epidemiological Survey and Preventive Measures on Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Pupils of Huining County. Chin J School Health, 2002,23(supp):97~98。 韩俭,吴勇杰,李文广,等. 柴黄片的抗炎、抗过敏、抗菌作用研究.中药药理与临床,2003,19(2):36-38 Han J, Wu YJ, Li WG, et al. Study of anti-inflammatory, anti-hypersensitivity and antibacterial effects of Chaihuang Tablet. Pharmacology and Clinics of Chinese Materia Medica., 2003. 19(2):36-38。 韩俭,景涛,张富花,等.小学生幽门螺杆菌感染与胃肠道疾病的关系. 中国学校卫生,2003,24(1):34~35 Han J, Jing T, Zhang FH, et al. the Relationship between Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Gastroduodenal Disease of Pupils. Chin J School Health,2003,24(1):34-35 韩俭,景涛,樊平,等.幽门螺杆菌感染和武威地区胃癌组织中核增殖抗原表达的关系. 兰州医学院学报,2003,29(3)7-9 Han J, Jing T, Fan P, et al. The relationship between the infection of Helicobacter pylori and the expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen in gastric carcinoma in Wuwei area. J Lanzhou Med Coll, 2003, 29(3):7-9。 韩俭综述,景涛审校.幽门螺杆菌感染与胃癌的关系. 兰州医学院学报,2003,29(4):80-82(综述) Han J, Jing T. Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric carcinoma. J Lanzhou Med Coll, 2003, 29(4):80-82。 邵力,武田弘明,韩俭,等. Helicobacter pylori本邦分?株における菌体接着因子SabAの??.第46回日本消化器病学会大会(日本福冈).2004年10月21日.A68)。 贺永功,韩俭,吴勇杰,等. Warthin-Starry银染色与Grams染色在诊断组织中幽门螺杆菌感染的作用比较.兰州大学学报(医学版),2005,31(2):27-29 He YG, Han J, Wu YJ, et al. Compared with Warthin-Starry Sliver staining and Grams staining on diagnosis Helicobacter pylori infection using paraffin fixed gastric specimen. Journal of Lanzhou University (Medical Sciences), 2005, 31(2):26-28 魏虎来 高丽萍 景涛 赵怀顺 易娟 孙静 韩俭.靶向siRNA沉默mdr1基因表达及对白血病耐药细胞系K562/ADM的耐药逆转作用.中华血液学杂志,2007,28(6):388-390. Wei Hu-lai,GAO Li-ping,JING Tao,ZHAO Huai-shun,Yi Juan,Sun Jing,HAN Jian. siRNA silences mdr1 gene expression and reverses apoptosis resistance of K562/ADM cells line. Chin J Hematol,2007,28(6):388-390。 韩俭,严小鹏,王齐成等.甘肃省金昌市农村胃癌流行状况调查.兰州大学学报(医学版),2008, 34(1):51-54 HAN Jian, YAN Xiao-peng, WANG Qi-cheng et al. Epidemic status of gastric carcinoma in rural areas of Jinchang of Gansu Province. Journal of Lanzhou University (Medical Sciences), 2008, 34(1):51-54。 韩俭,吴勇杰,李文广等.柴黄片解热作用的实验研究.中药药理与临床.2008,24(3):92-93 HAN Jian, WU Yong-Jie, LI Wen-guang, et al. The Experimental Study on Antifebrile Effect of Chaihuang Tablet(柴黄片). Pharmacology and Clinics of Chinese Materia Medica, 2008,24(3):92-93 陈晓,徐红霞,吴戌年,韩俭,景涛,吴勇杰.甘肃武威地区胃肠道疾病患者幽门螺杆菌感染状况及与p53突变的关系. 兰州大学学报(医学版),2008, 34(4):1-3,7 Chen Xiao, Xu Hongxia, Wu Xunian, Han Jian, et al. Infection status of Helicobacter pylori and its relationship with p53 mutation among people suffered from upper gastrointestinal diseases in Wuwei area of Gansu province. Journal of Lanzhou University(Medical Sciences) ,2008, 34(4):1-3,7。 郗宁,韩俭,吴玲.兰州市不同毒力基因型志贺菌致病力研究.中国人兽共患病学报,2009,25(3):273-275(通讯作者) XI Ning, HAN Jian, WU Ling. The pathogenicity of Shigella isolates with different virulence genotypes demonstrated in Lanzhou city. Chinese Journal of Zoonoses, 2009,25(3):273-275。 郗宁,韩俭,吴玲,李宁荫.兰州市志贺菌相关毒力基因. 兰州大学学报(医学版)2009,35(2):36-38(通讯作者) XI Ning, HAN Jian, WU Ling, Li Ning-yin. Virulent genes of Shigella from Lanzhou city. Journal of Lanzhou University(Medical Sciences), 2009,35(2):36-38。 郗宁,韩俭,丁进芳. 志贺菌毒力因子. 甘肃科技, 2009,25(3):155-157 XI Ning, HAN Jian, Ding Jinfang.The virulent factors of Shigella. Gansu Science and Technology. 2009,25(3): 155-157。 焦志刚,李玉华,张富花,陈根,景涛,韩俭. 武威市农村居民HAV及HBV感染状况分析.中国公共卫生,2009,25(5):620-621 JIAO Zhi-gang, Li Yu-hua, ZHANG Fu-hua, et al. Prevalence of HAV and HBV among rural people of Wuwei area, Gansu province. Chin J Public Health, 2009,25(5): 620-621。 赵玉敏,童苏祥,景涛,种世桂,才学鹏,景志忠,韩俭.甘南藏族自治州动物棘球绦虫感染状况调查. 中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志,2009,27(1):27-30 ZHAO Yu-min, TONG Su-xiang, JING Tao, CHONG Shi-gui, CAI Xue-peng, JING Zhi-zhong, HAN Jian. Investigation on Echinococcosis in Animals in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. Chin J Parasitol Parasit Dis, 2009,27(1):27-30。 |
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