

词条 代数拓扑中微分形式


出版社: 世界图书出版公司; 第1版 (2009年3月1日)

外文书名: Differenitial Forms In Algebraic Topology

平装: 331页

正文语种: 英语

开本: 32

ISBN: 9787506291903

条形码: 9787506291903

尺寸: 22.2 x 14.8 x 2 cm

重量: 440 g


作者:(美国)Raoul Bott (美国)Loring W.Tu


《代数拓扑中微分形式》内容为:The guiding principle in this book is to use differential forms as an aid inexploring some of the less digestible aspects of algebraic topology. Accord-ingly, we move primarily in the realm of smooth manifolds and use thede Rham theory as a prototype of all of cohomology. For applications tohomotopy theory we also discuss by way of analogy cohomoiogy witharbitrary coefficients. Although we have in mind an audience with prior exposure to algebraicor differential topology, for the most part a good knowledge of linearalgebra, advanced calculus, and point-set topology should suffice. Someacquaintance with manifolds, simplicial complexes, singular homology andcohomology, and homotopy groups is helpful, but not really necessary.Within the text itself we have stated with care the more advanced resultsthat are needed, so that a mathematically mature reader who accepts thesebackground materials on faith should be able to read the entire book withthe minimal prerequisites.




De Rham Theory

§1 The de Rham Complex on R

The de Rham complex

Compact supports

§2 The Mayer-Vietoris Sequence


The Mayer-Vietoris sequence

The functor and the Mayer—Vietoris sequence for compact supports

§3 Orientation and Integration

Orientation and the integral of a differential form


§4 Poincar6 Lemmas

The Poincare lemmafordeRham~ohomoiogy

The Poincare lemma for compactly supported cohomology

The degree of a propermap

§5 The Mayer-Vietoris Argument

Existence of a good cover

Finite dimensionality of de Rham cohomology

Poincar6 duality on an orientable manifold

The Kiinneth formula and the Leray-Hirsch theorem

The Poincar6 dual of a closed oriented submanifold

§6 The Thorn Isomorphism

Vector bundles and the reduction of structure groups

Operations on vector bundles

Compact cohomology of a vector bundle

Compact vertical cohomology and integration along the fiber

Poincar6 duality and the Thorn class

The global angular form,the Euler class,and the Thorn class

Relative de Rham theory

§7 The Nonorientable Case

The twisted de Rham COD rplex

Integration of densities,Poincard duality,and the Thom isomorphism


The Cech——de Rham Complex

§8 The Generalized Mayer-Vietoris Principle

Reformulation of the Mayer-Vietoris sequence

Generalization to countably many open sets and applications

§9 More Examples and Applications of the Mayer—Vietoris Principle

Examples:computing the de Rham cohomology from the

combinatorics of a good cover

Explicit isomorphisms between the double complex and de Rham and each

The tic—tac-toe proof of the Kfinneth formula

§10 Presheaves and Cech Cohomology


Cech cohomology

§11 Sphere Bundles


The Euler class of an oriented sphere bundle

The global angular form

Euler number and the isolated singularities of a section

Euler characteristic and the Hopf index theorem

§12 The Thorn Isomorphism and Poincar6 Duality Revisited

The Thorn isomorphism

Euler class and the zcr0 locus of a section

A tic—tac-toe lemma

Poincar6 duality

§13 Monodromy

When is a locally constant presheaf constant?

Examples of monodromy


Spectral Sequences and Applications

§14 The Spectral Sequence of a Filtered Complex

Exact Couples

The spectral sequence of a filtered complex

The spectral sequence of a double complex

The spectral sequence of a fiber bundle

Some applications

PfodUct structures

The Gysin sequence

Leray’S construction

§15 Cohomology with Integer Coefficients

Singular homology

The cone construction

The Mayer-Vietoris sequence for singular chains

Singular cohomology

The homology spectral sequence

§16 The Path Fibration

The pathfibration

The cohomology of the loop space of a sphere

§17 Review of Homotopy Theory

Homotopy groups

The relative homotopy sequence

Some homotopy groups of the spheres

Attaching cells

Digression on Morse theory

The relation between homotopy and homology

π3(S2)and the Hopf invariant

§18 Applications to Homotopy Theory

Eilenberg-MacLane spaces

The telescoping construction

The cohomology of K(Z,3)


Basic tricks of the trade

Postnikov approximation

Computation ofπ4(S3)

The Whitehead tower

Computation of π5(S3)

§19 Rational Homotopy Theory

Minimal modds

Examples of Minimal Models

The main theorem and applications


Characteristic Classes

§20 Chern Classes of a Complex Vector Bundle

The first Chern class of a complex line bundle

The projectivization of a vector bundle

Main properties of the Chern classes

§21 The Splitting Principle and Flag Manifolds

The splitting principle

Proof of the Whitney product formula and the equality

of the top Chern class and the Euler class

Computation of some Chern classes

Flag manifolds

§22 Pontrjagin Classes

Conjugate bundl

Realization and complexification

The Pontrjagin classes of a real vector bundle

Application to the embedding of a manifold in a

Euclidean space

§23 The Search for the Universal Bund

The Grassmannian

Digression on the Poincar6 series of a graded algebra

The classification of vector bundles

The infinite Grassmannian

Concluding remarks


List of Notations






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