词条 | 臭屁炸僵尸Farts Vs Zombies |
释义 | 游戏介绍Farts Vs Zombies终于登陆Windows Phone啦! 打僵尸无疑是开发商们手里面最方便的游戏制作题材,无数的僵尸为了开发商们经常需要经受各种各样稀奇古怪的攻击,例如这款重口味游戏《臭屁炸僵尸》Farts VS. Zombies。 在这款重口味游戏《臭屁炸僵尸》Farts VS. Zombies里,玩家将要扮演一名造型酷似查克·诺里斯的家伙。这个家伙看一起来似乎有着极强的战斗力,打起僵尸应该是非常的爽快加暴力的。不过很可惜,在游戏中消灭僵尸的方式却是令人无语的用“放屁”,去攻击僵尸,让僵尸被“熏死”……话说回来僵尸还有嗅觉么? 查克·诺里斯(Chuck Norris)是谁?记好了啊,美国著名武术家,世界著名空手道巨星,同时亦是有名的武功电影明星。曾与李小龙合作演出了李小龙最为成功的一部经典功夫巨片《猛龙过江》。 只是一款**游戏.就是一边吃传送带上传来的东西一边放屁攻击僵尸,吃不同的东西,放的屁的杀伤力也会不一样.用手指绘制屁的路径攻击僵尸. 游戏特点▶不同颜色的屁杀伤力也不同。 ▶呕吐倾斜,你打电话来摧毁所有僵尸。 ▶特殊餐食与特殊攻击:炸弹屁,屁电气,双屁。 ▶物品:金钱,钻石,香蕉,... ▶不同的僵尸具有特殊动作。 ▶故事模式和生存模式(无尽模式)。 ▶最后boss:邪恶的麒麟。 ▶奖励时期! 游戏信息文件大小:40.63 MB 授权方式:免费软件 游戏类型:国外软件 运行环境:wp7,wp7.1,wp7.5,Windows Phone 游戏等级:★★★★★ 英文介绍Colonel John Farter is an American officer who spent seven years in a North Vietnamese POW camp, then escaped He just recently came back, and discover his town full of zombies and his only weapon is his ass He mets up with his old friend Banana Max and together, they will launch a mission to free the town from The Evil Unicorn and his army of zombies In Farts VS Zombies you have to kill zombies with farts, you draw with the finger the path of the farts and direct them to their faces The game goal is to protect the japanese schoolgirls from the attack of the zombies as much time as possible In fact, zombies hate farts, it’s the only thing that can kill them, well… not the only one really But the game is more than that, you can do Fart |
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