

词条 陈思锋






Departmental Affiliation:

Physiology and Pathophysiology,

Shanghai Medical College

Campus Address:

Room 214, 7 th Building,

West Fengling Campus

Phone: (021) 54237623


陈思锋,男,教授,博士生导师 ,1963年12月16日生。曾任第二军医大学病理生理系代主任、美国University of Alabama at Birmingham 医学院肾脏系assistant professor of medicine, 主要从事急性和慢性非感染性血管炎症特别是移植性血管内膜病变的发生机制和基因治疗研究。主持(4 项)和承担国家自然科学基金7 项。在美国主持(PI )和承担(Co-PI )美国NIH 项目4 项、国际I 型糖尿病协会重大项目1 项。在JEM 、PNAS 、JASN 、AJT 等杂志发表论著45 篇。曾获德国洪堡奖学金、国际癌症联盟技术转移奖、波兰科技进步奖(国际合作研究)各1项,军队科技进步二、三等奖7 项。曾参加《病理生理学》英文版教材、《病理生理学进展》、《急救医学》、《Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 》等专著的编写, 现为American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 、Inflammation Research 等国际性杂志审稿人、 中国病理生理协会微循环专业委员会副主任委员。


Dr. Chen graduated with honors from Second Military Medical University in Shanghai , China . He then joined the Department of Pathophysiology at the same university as an assistant professor and was promoted to associated professor. He also served as the active chairman of the department before being awarded with Humboldt Fellowship by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany to work in Department of Surgery at University of Magdeburg , Germany . He received post-doctoral training in Divisions of Pulmonary, Oncology, and Nephrology, Hypertension and Transplantation at the University of Florida in Gainesville . In September 2001, he became a research assistant professor. In January 2004, he accepted a position of assistant professor in the Division of Nephrology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham . In January 2006 ,he assumed current position at Fudan University as a professor of physiology and pathophysiology. He was awarded by multiple national and in ternational academic awards. His research was supported by 7 National Natural Science Foundation grants, 4 NIH grants, 1 center grant of Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International. His current support includes startup funding and grant awarded by National Natural Science Foundation.

Research Description

Cytokine-modified cell therapy in chronic vascular rejection

The focus of Dr. Chen's research is to provide anti-rejection protection to renal transplants by providing gene-modified cells to the transplant kidney. These cells will be derived from the recipient's mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) or endothelial cells (EC) which are modified ex vivo with interleukin-10 (IL-10) and/or a reporter gene using adeno-associated viral vectors and seeded into the kidney at the time of transplantation. The studies will include: (i) examine the feasibility of delivering modified MSC or EC into the rat kidney in a model of renal transplantation; (ii) examine infiltration and differentiation of the cells in rat models of aortic and renal transplantation (iii) examine the effects of pre-existing IL -10 in MSC and EC on ischemia-reperfusion injury, immune rejection, the number of functional renal cells, and graft survival.

Selected Publications:

· Deshane J, Chen S , Was H, Grochot-Przeczek A, Lach R, Hill-Kapturczak N, Siegal GP, Dulak J, Jozkowicz A, Agarwal A. Stromal cell-derived factor-1 promotes angiogenesis via a heme oxygenase-1 dependent mechanism. J Exp Med. 2007 Mar 19;204(3):605-18.

· Chen B, Kapturczak MH , George G, Wasserfall C , Campbell-Thompson M, Tisher CC, Flotte TR, Atkinson MA , Agarwal A , Chen S . rAAV-mediated Interleukin-10 Prolongs Graft Survival in Rat Kidney Transplantation, Am J Transplant. 2007 May;7(5):1112-20.

· Chen S , Wasserfall C , Kapturczak MH , Atkinson MA , Agarwal A . Freeze-thaw increases adeno-associated virus transduction of cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2006; 291(2):C386-92.

· Chen S , Kapturczak MH, Wasserfall C, Glushakova OY, Campbell-Thompson M, Deshane JS, Joseph R, Cruz PE, Hauswirth WW, Madsen KM, Croker BP, Berns KI, Atkinson MA, Flotte TR, Tisher CC, Agarwal A. Interleukin-10 attenuates neointimal proliferation and inflammation in aortic allografts by a heme oxygenase-dependent pathway. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA . 102 (20):7251-7256, 2005.

· Chen S , Agarwal A, Glushakova OY, Jorgensen MS, Salgar S, Croker BP, Madsen KM, Atkinson MA, Hauswirth WW, Berns KI, Tisher CC. Gene delivery in renal tubular epithelial cells using recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors. J Am Soc Nephrol. 14:947-958, 2003.





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