

词条 amy pearson

Amy Pearson被喻为澳洲小"Cenline Dion"。《Who I Am》是Amy Pearson的个人首张专辑,兼歌手与词曲作者于一身,才华横溢的新晋艺人艾米·皮尔森凭借其出色的个人魅力以及发人深省的歌词将自己的事业推向了高峰。她极富感染力的流行摇滚风格,深入人心的歌曲意境加之多元化的歌曲创作,不禁让人赞叹其国际发展的潜力。艾米的首张专辑向人们展示了这位极富天赋独具魅力的年轻女士,将成为又一颗从澳洲走向世界的璀璨明星。


外文名:Amy Pearson




代表作品:don’t miss you




专辑名称:who I am

语 言:英语


Amy Pearson被喻为澳洲小"Cenline Dion"。《Who I Am》是Amy Pearson的个人首张专辑,兼歌手与词曲作者于一身,才华横溢的新晋艺人艾米·皮尔森凭借其出色的个人魅力以及发人深省的歌词将自己的事业推向了高峰。她极富感染力的流行摇滚风格,深入人心的歌曲意境加之多元化的歌曲创作,不禁让人赞叹其国际发展的潜力。艾米的首张专辑向人们展示了这位极富天赋独具魅力的年轻女士,将成为又一颗从澳洲走向世界的璀璨明星。

2003年,在一家制作公司工作的艾米·皮尔森引起了英国著名天才音乐人Gray Barlow (Take That成员)的注意。Gary被艾米的天赋和音乐经历所吸引,立即把她推荐给了SONY BMG澳洲公司。于是17岁的艾米·皮尔森便来到了澳大利亚,加入了SONY BMG唱片澳洲公司,开始了她的歌手生涯。 “说实话,那时我真没想到我会决定走,真的是这样。但对我来说这是一个绝佳的机会,所以我选择去实现我的梦想。”远离了亲人和朋友,艾米全身心地投入到了她首张个人专辑的创作当中,她共创作了70多首歌曲。专辑的幕后团队曾在Natasha Bedingfield, Kelly Clarkson, Delta Goodrem以及P!nk等知名艺人的国际大卖专辑中做出过重大贡献,其中包括重量级音乐人Matthew Gerard, Wayne Rodriguez和Tom Nicolls的跨刀助阵。

这张专辑中收录了12首歌曲,就像是她的个人成长历程以及跨越世界的旅程记录。她的才华在不同类型的歌曲中展露无遗:从闪耀流行光芒的首支单曲“Don’t Miss You”,到摇滚味十足的“Does Anybody”,当然还有标志性的抒情经典“Ready To Fly”,这些都被艾米出色的声线演绎得美轮美奂。

在写歌方面,艾米力求旋律的自然并把这些故事传达到世界各地,从美国、英国直到澳大利亚。她的首张专辑是一个世界音乐的集合,显示出了这位词曲作者兼歌手的杰出才华。她的音乐浓缩了清新充满活力的生活和年轻时代的憧憬以及分手后的心伤。“来到澳大利亚使我和他分居两地,直到有一天接到一个电话,他告诉我这一切都结束了。这次经历成为制作这张专辑的大背景,第一支单曲“Don’t Miss You”就是要告诉你该走的就让他走,不要留恋,一切都要靠你自己。”11月23日至11月30日,艾米·皮尔森将首次来到中国,在北京为澳大利亚2008奥运会转播机构Channel 7拍摄北京奥运宣传片,并拍摄新专辑中歌曲“Ready to Fly”的音乐录影带。

who i am曲目

1 don’t miss you

2 fool

3 not me

4 does anybody

5 ready to fly

6 stranded

7 don’ t ya give up

8 tell me

9 wish i was her

10 love is out of reach

11 now and for always

12 lost without your love

13 remember to breathe


Singer/songwriter Amy Pearson is a talented debut artist whose sparkling persona and insightful lyrics are propelling her career ever upwards. Her infectious rock/pop style and soulful delivery combined with an array of well-written and intricately crafted songs have those in the know already very excited about her global potential. Amy's debut album is an introduction to a young lady whose destiny - fuelled by a globe-trotting twist of fate and her unique flair - finds her in Australia as an international star on the rise.

Growing up in Birmingham in the UK, Amy was a talented young performer whose artistic destiny was clear at a very early age. Beginning to sing at the age of 3, and writing songs at the age of 6, it wasn't long before she was performing in bands and taking part in talent competitions, setting her apart as a young artist with standout potential.

Whilst working at a production company in 2003, Amy came to the attention of Gary Barlow (from Take That), one of the UK's most successful and talented songwriters. Impressed with Amy's natural talent and anticipating a huge music career for her, Barlow initiated global industry introductions that had her working closely with SonyBMG Australia's future A&R director. Through this connection and a certain twist of fate, Amy Pearson found herself moving to Australia and signing to SonyBMG at 17 years of age.

"To be honest, at the time, I really didn't think about the move I was about to make - it was a gut feeling. I had the opportunity to take my career forward, and so I made the decision to follow my dreams."

Away from her family and friends, Amy feverishly began work on her debut album, writing music and lyrics for over 70 songs. Some of the people working with Amy have been responsible for international pop hits by the likes of Natasha Bedingfield, Kelly Clarkson, Delta Goodrem and Pink, the record containing collaborations with some of the world's best songwriters and producers, including Matthew Gerard, Wayne Rodriguez and Tom Nicholls.

The album is a collection of thirteen tracks, and resembles a personal diary of Amy's journeys in becoming a woman and traveling the world. Her talent is displayed in a diverse collection of songs extending from shimmering pop gems like the first single 'Don't Miss You' through to the catchy pop/rock hit 'Does Anybody', and onto the remarkably beautiful and inspiring track 'Ready To Fly', all firmly connected by Amy's standout and unique vocal delivery.

"Initially the songs started off as very piano-based, but once I started to experience the live scene I realised I wanted to play with a band, and so we then began to bring in a lot of guitars and drums into the process of building the songs. The songs on the album are both reflective and fun, and capture all my different moods, and I think, the moods of a lot young people who will end up listening to it. The record is really like a conversation I'm having with my friends about what was going on in my life at the time."

Amy's impressive vocal range characterises her individual and distinctive talent, whilst hints of Christina Aguilera, Kelly Clarkson, and Pink can be heard in her voice. She also credits the likes of Michael Jackson and Destiny's Child as strong influences on her backing vocals, as well as legendary jazz and soul vocalists Nina Simone, Ella Fitzgerald, Stevie Wonder and Aretha Franklin, all of whom played a significant role in her early musical development.

In writing music, Amy is influenced by the natural melody of song and the story she is trying to convey. Recorded around the world in the US, UK and in Australia, her debut album is a truly world class collection of songs and performances that reveal a gifted songwriter and singer. Her music encapsulates the fresh, youthful joys of life and the desire and heartache of early relationships.

"When I first moved to Australia I was in a long-distance relationship and unfortunately one day I received a call from him telling me that it was all over. It was that experience that really formed the backbone of the songs for the bulk of my album. The first single 'Don't Miss You' is in fact all about realizing that sometimes you're better off moving on, letting go of what you don't really need, and standing on your own two feet.

"A lot of the songs are about making it on your own and being ok about who you are and the decisions you make. It's about following your heart and your dreams. I do really believe I've become a woman through the journey and the experiences of making this album. I became so independent and began to take responsibility for the decisions I was making in my life. I know what I want now, and I'm going after it with everything I have in me.

Although still missing her family and friends in the UK, the now 21-year old Amy Pearson loves her new life in sunny Australia. The opportunities and experiences over the last few years have transformed her from a girl with limited experience, into a young woman whose songs really connect as a result of her honesty, sincerity, and undeniable talent. Amy Pearson is a star with the world at her feet.





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