

词条 TreeGenerator


TreeGenerator是由Nicolas Bonneel个人开发的树木建模软件,在植物的快速建模中有自己的特点。


当前主要有两个版本可供使用:一个是 TreeGenerator v1.2,另一个是最新的TreeGenerator v2.0。


- DXF, OBJ and 3DS export of your trees

- Handle texturing/UV coordinatesgeneration (not exported in .DXF fileformat)...

- Interactive control of all parameters ofeach branch level for reasonable tree complexity.

- Leaf designer : just draw the outline ofyour leaf, with the help of a leaf texture if you want, and TreeGeneratormeshes it automatically and place it all over the tree.

- Control leaf density and scale for eachbranch level

- Levels of detail changing the resolutionof your tree mesh, and billboard cloud feature

- Number of levels to increase your treecomplexity

- Random seed change to be able to generatelots of different trees from a same set of parameters

- Tree's structure stored in the exportedfile allow easy modifications (each leave and each branch are storedindependantly which allow redesigning your tree in your favourite modeler, anddoing some special effect with leaves like wind blow).

- A bark texture tiling utility allows youto make a bark texture tileable (shading removal, symetrization...).

Branches parameters are :

- Length, Radius, Radius decrease withlength (linear and exponential terms)

- Twisting (radius and frequency)

- Bending

- Noise

- Resolution ( number of vertices along andaround the branch)

- Number of children and children positionning

- Leaves density

- Texture


Some parameters can be inherited from theparent's branch as a percentage of the parent value of the parameter.

To illustrate billboard features, here is ashort video : billboard

To illustrate post-editing facilities withthe flexible file structure export, here is a short video of falling leaves :wind

To illustrate realtime rendering, see Ogrewebpage


在TreeGenerator v2.0版本中,带有20种的树木参考模型,可以在此基础之上完成相应的树木。

在TreeGenerator v2.0版本中,带有15种的树木参考模型。





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更新时间:2025/3/29 5:39:53