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释义 | 百科名片《oh what a circus》,安德鲁·罗依德·韦伯 基本信息《oh what a circus》是安德鲁·罗依德·韦伯创作的音乐剧《艾薇塔》(Evita)中的一首歌(此外还有另外一首出名的歌曲阿根廷别为我哭泣)。剧中由安东尼奥·班德拉斯演唱。 创作背景25岁的艾薇塔,嫁给49的贝隆,因为她深信“民主、自由、平等”的贝隆主义能真正的拯救阿根廷的那些穷人们,能将她从一种奢靡、堕落的状态中拯救出来。贝隆深陷囚笼,她依然在孤身在底层人民中间宣扬这民主平等,坚持着丈夫的政治理念。为了自己的政治理想,“第一夫人”艾薇塔奔走于工厂、学校、医院、孤儿院之间,提高阿根廷的社会保障、救济、劳工待遇、教育水平,努力缩小贫富差距,直到33岁生命结束之时。 歌曲歌词Oh what a circus, Oh what a show 噢,好一场闹剧,好一场秀 Argentina has gone to town 阿根廷人拥到城里 Over the death of an actress called Eva Peron 为了那个名叫艾维塔·贝隆的女演员的去世 We've all gone crazy 我们好象都发了疯 Mourning all day and mourning all night 不分昼夜的悲伤流泪 Falling over ourselves to get all of the misery right 投入全部热情加入到这场沉痛的哀悼中 Oh what an exit, that's how to go 好一个谢幕式,这就是人生 When they're ringing your curtain down 当我们该从人生舞台上退场时 Demand to be buried like Eva Peron 象艾娃·贝隆一样下葬该有多体面 It's quite a sunset 日落西山般壮观 And good for the country in a roundabout way 不管怎么说国家也挣了脸面 We've make the front page of all the world's papers today 我们上了世界各国报纸的头版新闻 But who is this Santa Evita? 这个艾维塔到底是何方神圣 Why all this howling hysterical sorrow 怎么让大伙儿哭的昏天黑地 What kind of Goddess has lived among us? 难道她原本是仙女下凡 How will we ever get by without her 我们没有了她可怎么往下过 She had her moments,She had some style 她曾红极一时,她曾风头出尽 The best show in town was the crowd 而最有看头的还要数 Outside the Casa Rosada crying Eva Peron 卡萨罗萨达街上为艾娃·贝隆哭天抢地的民众 But that's all gone now 不过一切都结束了 as soon as the smoke from the funeral clears 葬礼上的烟尘散去之后 We're all gonna see and how 我们就会看出 She did nothing for years 这些年来她一事无成 (Salve regina mater misericordiae Vita dulcedo et spes nostra Salve salve regina Ad te clamamus exules filii Eva Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes o clemens o pia) You let down your people Evita 艾维塔,你真让你的人民失望 You were supposed to have been immortal 人们本以为你会成为不朽 That's all they wanted not much to ask for 人民的要求不多只有这点愿望 But in the end you could not deliver 可是到头来你却辜负众望 Sing you fools but you got it wrong 唱吧,傻瓜们,你们还蒙在鼓里 Enjoy your prayers 好好享受这种感觉 Because you haven't got long 因为你们很快就要清醒 Your queen is dead,Your king is through 你们的王后死了,你们的国王完了 She's not coming back to you 她不会再回到你们身边 Show business kept us all alive 我们的生活就进入了大戏台 Since seventeen October nineteen forty five 自从1945年十月十七日开始 But the star has gone,The glamour's worn thin 可现在明星退场,台上灯光渐暗 That's a pretty bad state 状况实在不妙 For a state to be in 大家身陷其中 Instead of government 我们没有政府 We had a stage 倒有一个戏台 Instead of ideas 没有主张 a prima donna's rage 可有女主角发威 Instead of help 得不到帮助 We were given a crowd 倒可以一块起哄 She did't say much 她说的不多 But she said it loud 可架不住她声高 Sing you fools but you got it wrong 唱吧,傻瓜们,你们还蒙在鼓里 Enjoy your prayers 好好享受这种感觉 Because you haven't got long 你们很快就要清醒 Your queen is dead,Your king is through 你们的王后死了,你们的国王完了 She's not coming back to you 她不会再回到你们身边 (Salve regina mater misericordiae Vita dulcedo et spes nostra Salve salve regina Peron Ad te clamamus exules filii Eva Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes o clemens o pia) Don't cry for me Argentina For I am ordinary, unimportant And undeserving of such attention Unless we all are, I think we all are So share my glory, so share my coffin So share my glory, so share my coffin It's our funeral too |
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