

词条 Niggaz4Life



风格:匪帮说唱(Gangsta Rap),匪帮放克(G-Funk) 厂牌:Ruthless,Priority

制作人:Dr. Dre,DJ Yella


N.W.A的第二张正式专辑Niggaz4Life(又名Efil4Zaggin),发行于1991年,证明了团队即使在Ice Cube离开的情况下也能获得成功。这张专辑中的歌曲被认为是Dr. Dre制作生涯中最为出色的,同样的,也被认为是匪帮放克(G-Funk)时代的开端。当然,专辑也明显地表示了对前成员Ice Cube的敌意和贬低。

与Ice Cube的纷争

插曲 "A Message to B.A." 回应了AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted中的"Turn Off the Radio"的开头。Ice Cube一开始还只是被称为本笃·阿诺德,后来更是被N.W.A剩下的成员和N.W.A的粉丝大肆辱骂,包括MC Ren在插曲结尾的这一段话:当门看见你(的黑皮股)是,我么剪断你的头发并用扫帚猛揍你。怎么样?蠢货?(When we see yo' ass, we gon' cut yo' hair off and fuck you with a broomstick. Think about it, punk muthafucka) Ice Cube和N.W.A的纷争最开始升级,包括歌曲和现实当中。

AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted这张专辑中,Ice Cube避免了和N.W.A剩下成员的冲突,但他的第二张正式专辑中,Death Certificate,Ice Cube开始了他的报复。他采样并嘲笑了插曲"A Message to B.A." ,并在臭名昭著的辱骂歌曲——"No Vaseline"中使用。Ice Cube在歌词中猛烈地报复了N.W.A:“你们看起来就像鲁莽的笨蛋,我发现了所以我就单干;我有了自己的公司,你们就开始嫉妒,但我是真汉子,没人可以像我一样急速。(You lookin' like straight bozos / I saw it comin' that's why I went solo / You got jealous when I got my own company / But I'm a man, and ain'

t nobody humpin' me”)”Ice Cube同样回应了"100 Miles and Runnin‘":“一开始有太多无用的货,我丢下四个黑鬼;于是我转到了所有的家伙。( I started off with too much cargo, dropped four niggaz / And now I'm makin' all the dou)”而Eazy-E,Dr. Dre,MC Ren分别被Ice Cube用同性恋隐喻了他们与经纪人杰瑞·海勒(Jerry Heller)之间的关系:轻松地摆脱那恶魔,瞄准他的颞颥;你们不能成为“黑鬼人生”的团队,因为告诉你们怎么做的人是个白犹太。(Get rid of that devil real simple / Put a bullet to his temple / Cuz you can't be the 'Niggaz 4 Life' crew / With a white Jew tellin' you what to do.)”歌曲因为他的基于对海勒的宗教信仰的反犹太主义 (antisemitism)而备受争议(即指责Ice Cube与伊斯兰国度的从属关系)。这首歌在英国发行专辑时被去掉,制作了它的审核版本。


在1990年9月,Ruthless旗下的团体Above the Law在位于纽约的时代广场(Time's Square)的马奎斯万豪酒店的年度新音乐研讨会(New Music Seminar)上与Ice Cube的团体Da Lench Mod发生冲突,并且迫使后者狼狈地逃离现场。1991年1月27日,Dr. Dre痛殴了迪·巴恩斯(Dee Barnes),一个嘻哈节目Pump It Up的主持人,因为他在Ice Cube和N.W.A的争端中支持了Ice Cube。以下是滚石杂志的记着阿兰·赖特(Alan Light)的报道: “他(Dr. Dre)在她(巴恩斯)的保镖还在人群中时,一把拎起了她,把她的身体右侧压在墙上并扇她巴掌。之后Dre想把她扔下楼梯,但失败了,于是他开始踢她的肋骨和手,她爬了起来并逃进了女性休息室,Dre跟了上去,用手抓住了她的头发并用拳头猛击她的后脑勺。(He picked her up and "began slamming her face and the right side of her body repeatedly against a wall near the stairway" as his bodyguard held off the crowd. After Dre tried to throw her down the stairs and failed, he began kicking her in the ribs and hands. She escaped and ran into the women's rest room. Dre followed her and "grabbed her from behind by the hair and proceeded to punch her in the back of the head.”)”事后Dr. Dre对此事作出了回应:“人们都在讨论这件鸟事,但是你知道,一个蠢货在找我麻烦,我就给他们制造了一些麻烦。我就是那么做了,你知道的。你现在再讲什么也不能改变这件事了。除此之外,这并不是什么大不了的事情,我只不过把她(巴恩斯)扔到了门里而已。” ("People talk all this shit, but you know, somebody fuck with me, I'm gonna fuck with them. I just did it, you know. Ain't nothing you can do now by talking about it. Besides, it ain't no big thing—I just threw her through a door.")





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