

词条 Jakarta Commons经典实例


出版社: 东南大学出版社; 第1版 (2005年6月1日)

平装: 377页

开本: 16开

ISBN: 7564100486, 9787564100483

条形码: 9787564100483

尺寸: 23.3 x 17.8 x 1.8 cm

重量: 621 g





* 对核心Java语言的扩展,包括字符串和日期操作、字符串编码和参数验证

* 对XML的支持,从解析、文档生成到使用搜索引擎索引XML文档所需的XPath

* 模板化框架使你能够超越JSP的基本功能,不仅Web页面,甚至XML文件或者电子邮件都能够进行模板化

* 使用FTP、SMTP、POP、NNTP、特别是HTTP和WebDAV等功能所需的工具

* 使用Functor进行编程的新方法,包括使用predicate、closure、transformer和functor(替换控制结构,如for和while)

* 新的collection和collection工具,包括LRU Map、predicated collection、适用于Java 1.4的typed collection、filtering iterator和set操作

* 对JavaBean的扩展,从bean到map的转换至序列化bean为XML字符串

* 提供对矩阵、复数、线性回归支持的新数学工具库

* 对Jakarta Commons组件和Maven、Ant协同使用的指导

* 日志、编码和对象池(object pools)

仅仅了解一两个有用的工具类是不够的,您必须意识到做出不同选择的可能,并对所选技术的全景有所了解。如果您希望能够摆脱令人手忙脚乱的编程方法并熟练掌握Java这门语言,《Jakarta Commons经典实例》正是您所需要的工具。



1. Supplements to the Java 2 Platform

1.1 Obtaining Commons Lang

1.2 Joining the Commons-User Mailing List

1.3 Getting the Commons Lang Source Code

1.4 Automating the Generation of toString()Content

1.5 Customizing Generated toString()Content

1.6 Automating hashCode()and equals()

1.7 Automating compareTo()

1.8 Printing an Array

1.9 Cloning and Reversing Arrays

1.10 Transforming Between Object Arrays and Primitive Arrays

1.11 Finding Items in an Array

1.12 Creating a Map from a Multidimensional Array

1.13 Formatting Dates

1.14 Rounding Date Objects

1.15 Truncating Date Objects

1.16 Creating an Enum

1.17 Generating Unique Numeric Identifiers

1.18 Validation of Method Parameters

1.19 Measuring Time

2. Manipulating Text

2.1 Setting Up StringUtils and WordUtils

2.2 Checking for an Empty String

2.3 Abbreviating Strings

2.4 Splitting a String

2.5 Finding Nested Strings

2.6 Stripping and Trimming a String

2.7 Chomping a String

2.8 Creating an Emphasized Header

2.9 Reversing a String

2.10 Wrapping Words

2.11 Testing the Contents of a String

2.12 Measuring the Frequency of a String

2.13 Parsing Formatted Strings

2.14 Calculating String Difference

2.15 Using Commons Codec

2.16 Getting the Commons Codec Source Code

2.17 Calculating Soundex

3. JavaBeans

3.1 Representing Beans Graphically

3.2 Obtaining Commons BeanUtils

3.3 Getting the Commons BeanUtils Source Code

3.4 Accessing Simple Bean Properties

3.5 Accessing Nested Bean Properties

3.6 Accessing Indexed Bean Properties

3.7 Accessing Mapped Bean Properties

3.8 Accessing a Simple,Nested,Indexed,and Mapped Bean Property

3.9 Determining the Type of a Bean Property

3.10 Comparing Beans

3.11 Copying Bean Properties

3.12 Cloning a Bean

3.13 Setting a Bean Property

3.14 Testing Property Access

3.15 Validating Beans with Predicates

3.16 Creating a Map of Bean Properties

3.17 Wrapping a Bean with a Map

3.18 Creating a Dynamic Bean

3.19 Getting and Setting Properties as Strings

4. Functors

5. Collections

6. XML

7. Application Infrastructure

8. Math

9. Templating

10. I/O and Networking

11. HTTP and WebDAV

12. Searching and Filtering






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