

词条 bernard schmitt


博尔纳.施密特(Bernard Schmitt), 1929年生于法国科尔马(Colmar)。 量子经济学(quantum economics)概念创建者。1958年在巴黎完成其博士论文后,就读于英国剑桥大学,师从经济学家皮耶罗.斯拉法(Piero Sraffa)。1954年成为法国国家科学研究中心(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS) 成员,1961年及1971年分别被此中心授予卓越研究奖章。其研究方向主要为宏观货币理论,主要任教于法国第戎的勃艮第大学(Université de Bourgogne) 和瑞士的弗里堡大学(Université de Fribourg). 分别为两所大学货币经济研究所导师。



1960: La formation du pouvoir d’achat, Paris: Sirey.

1966: Monnaie, salaires et profits, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

1971: L’analyse macroéconomique des revenues, Paris: Dalloz.

1972: Macroeconomic Theory. A Fundamental Revision, Albeuve: Castella.

1973: New Proposals for World Monetary Reform, Albeuve: Castella.

1975a: Théorie unitaire de la monnaie, nationale et internationale, Albeuve: Castella.

1975b: Génération de la monnaie des monnaies européennes, Albeuve: Castella.

1976-7: La pensée de Karl Marx. Critique et synthèse, with. Cencini, A., Albeuve: Castella.

1977a: L’or, le dollar et la monnaie supranationale, Paris: Calmann-Lévy.

1977b: La monnaie européenne, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

1978: Die Theorie des Kreditgeldes, Stuttgart: Gustav-Fischer.

1982: "Time as Quantum", in Baranzini, M. (ed.): Advances in Economic Theory, Oxford: Blackwell.

1984a: Inflation, chômage et malformations du capital. Macroéconomie quantique, Paris and Albeuve: Economica and Castella.

1984b: La France souveraine de sa monnaie, Paris and Albeuve: Economica and Castella.

1984c: "Introduzione" of Scritti monetari by David Ricardo, Rome: Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana.

1986: "The Process of Formation of Economics in Relation to other Sciences", in Baranzini, M. and Scazzieri, R. (eds.): Foundations of Economics, Oxford: Blackwell.

1988: "The Identity of Aggregate Supply and Demand in Time", in Barrère, A. (ed.): The Foundations of Keynesian Analysis, London and New York: Macmillan Press.

1991: External Debt Servicing. A Vicious Circle, with Cencini, A., London and New York: Pinter.

1996a: "Unemployment: Is There a Principal Cause?", in Cencini, A. and Baranzini, M. (eds.): Inflation and Unemployment, London and New York: Routledge.

1996b: "A New Paradigm for the Determination of Money Prices", in Deleplace, G. and Nell, E.J. (eds.): Money in Motion, London and New York: Macmillan and St. Martin's Press.

1996c: "Monnaie", in Encyclopaedia Universalis, Paris.

2003: "Circuit économique et pensée néoclassique", in Piégay, P. et Rochon, L.-P. (eds.): Théories monétaires post Keynésiennes, Paris: Economica.





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