词条 | 暨南大学药学院 |
释义 | 院系简介暨南大学药学院成立于2001年4月,目前设置有药学和中药学两个本科专业。同时在我校国际学院还设有药学专业本科全英班。我院拥有药理学、药物化学、微生物与生化药学、中药学(一级学科)4个硕士点,1个生物医药工程二级学科博士点,并正在申报药物化学省级重点学科。现在读本科生、硕士及博士研究生400多人。 办学方针药学院坚持“面向海外、面向港澳台”的办学方针,结合药学学科专业特色,努力积极适应国家药学现代化建设需要和港澳台等地区对应用型药学人才的需求,积极探究具有侨校特色的药学本科教育模式,根据学校制订的内招生“加强基础、目标上移”和外招生“面向世界、应用为主”的分流教学要求,一方面努力为海外和港澳台地区培养能为居住地医药卫生事业发展服务的高素质药学人才;另一方面为我国药学现代化建设培养具有较高专业技能和综合素质的高层次药学专业人才。 科研中心药学院下设“两系一中心”,即药学系、中药学系及药学实验中心,全面负责本科教学工作。药学系下设药理学教研室、药物化学教研室、药剂学教研室、药物分析学教研室、药事管理学教研室、生物制药学教研室、药物毒理学教研室。中药学系下设中药药理学教研室、中药制剂学教研室、天然药物化学教研室、中药分析学教研室、中药学教研室和生药学教研室。药学院还设有中药及天然药物研究所、新药研究所、基因组药物研究所及神经药理研究室等四个研究机构。 师资力量药学院拥有一支年富力强、求实创新的优秀的教学科研队伍。其中中国工程院院士1人,长江学者特聘教授1人,高级职称教师31人。具有博士学位和硕士学位的教师达100%。有海外留学和海外学习或工作经历的专任教师占48%。 科研成果药学院的学科建设快速发展。目前已建成功能齐全、装备良好、管理规范的药学实验中心和中药及天然药物研究所、新药研究所、基因组药物研究所及神经药理研究室四个新药研究技术平台。目前,我院承担着国家973和863计划、国家“十五”科技攻关项目、国家“十一五”科技支撑计划、国家杰出青年科学基金项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目及面上项目、广东省政府-国家自然科学基金委员会联合基金、教育部重点科技项目等研究课题,已研究和开发出国家级新药多项,其中Ⅰ类新药2项、Ⅱ类新药1项。申报国内外发明专利多项,其中已授权20余项。近5年获批各类经费累计总额达2500万元,出版学术专著50余部。药学院在天然药物化学、中药活性成分化学结构修饰等领域的学术影响正逐年提高。先进的硬件设施和强劲的科研实力为我院教学科研的可持续发展提供了强有力的支撑。 科研项目药学院高度重视教学质量提高,积极开展教学改革,学院教师承担了国务院侨办的教改项目2项、省级教改项目1项、校级教改项目13项。药理学和天然药物化学课程为校级精品课程。药理学于2007年获得广东省精品课程建设项目支持。发表教学改革等教学相关论文35篇。 实习基地药学院已建成多个本科教学的院外实习基地。分别是广州市药品检验所、广东省药品检验所、中山国家健康科技产业基地、暨南大学第一附属医院、白云山化学药厂、白云山明兴制药有限公司、广州白云山和记黄埔中药有限公司、广东省药材公司中药饮片厂等。以上实习基地管理规范、硬件设施良好,加上院内的4个研究所,完全能够有针对性地满足药学院药学专业及中药学专业本科教学主要实践教学环节的需要,为药学院三、四年级本科生进行实习或见习,提供了优良的实践教学平台,也促进了“零距离就业”目标的实现。 教师学生获奖情况我院十分重视利用雄厚的科研优势为本科教学服务。以培养本科生创新思维能力和实践能力,拓展学生的专业知识和视野为主线,鼓励教师及时将科研成果转化为优质教学资源,鼓励学生参加各种课外科技创新活动。近年,药学院学生先后参加两届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛和“挑战杯”中国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛,获得全国金奖一项,全国银奖两项,广东省金奖两项,广东省银奖两项。 英文译文The Jinan University College of Pharmacy (JCP) was established in April 2001. JCP offers two undergraduate programs: the Bachelor of Pharmacy and the Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In addition, we offer a Pharmacy bachelor program at our International School, in which all courses are conducted in English. We also offer master and doctorate level graduate programs. The master degree programs are Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology, Microbiology and Biochemical Pharmaceuticals, and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the doctorate degree program is Biomedical Engineering. Currently, JCP has more than 400 students, with approximately equal numbers of undergraduate and graduate students. JCP is comprised of two departments, one experimental center, and four research institutes. The Departments of Pharmacy and Traditional Chinese Medicine together with the Center of Pharmaceutical Experiments provide course works and laboratory trainings for our undergraduates; the Institutes of Genomic Medicine, New Drug Research, Traditional Chinese Medicine & Natural Products along with the Laboratory of Neuropharmacology are focused on scientific research and provide training for our undergraduate and graduate students. JCP boasts a team of highly-qualified professors and pharmaceutical experts, including one academician from the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Almost half of our teaching staff has studied or worked abroad. We are among the best in the country and the world in the fields of natural product research and structure modification of active molecules from traditional Chinese medicine. JCP is well equipped and funded for teaching and research. Our staff members are conducting research for the national “973” and “863” programs, National Natural Science Foundation programs, the Key Research Project of Guangdong Province, etc. Our funding is well over 25 million. Over the past five years, we have applied for more than 20 patents, published over a hundred research papers, and developed three new drugs (two class I and one class II). JCP is collaborating with a number of pharmaceutical companies, research institutes, business organizations, and hospitals to provide our students with valuable working experience and practical training. These “practice bases” include the Guangzhou City Institute for Drug Quality Control, Guangzhou Provincial Institute for Drug Quality, Zhongshan National Health & Technology Industrial Base, the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Baiyunshan Chemical Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Co., Ming Hing Pharmaceutical Ltd. Co., Hutchison Whampoa Guangzhou Baiyunshan Chinese Medicine Ltd. Co., and the Chinese Medicine Raw Material Processing Plant of the Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine Corporation. All of these enterprises are well equipped and ably managed. They provide a platform for our students to go from university to real working environments, giving our students what we like to call a “zero distance” advantage when seeking employment after graduation. This is evident in the fact that a majority of our students receive job offers promptly after completion of our programs. In addition to providing students with the academic training necessary for success, JCP also provides a multicultural atmosphere in which students can hone their social and communication skills. We provide and create a high quality learning environment in which students can pave their own unique paths to success. We encourage the students to participate in a variety of extra-curricular science and technology innovation activities to further develop the social intelligence so necessary for success in any field. For example, in recent years, our students have participated in the biannual “Challenge Cup” entrepreneurship competition for university students all over China. To date, our students have won two silver awards at the National competitions, as well as two gold awards at the Guangdong provincial competitions. |
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