

词条 窦贤康

窦贤康(Dou xiankang),男,汉族,教授,博士生导师,中国科学技术大学副校长。






1990.9-1993.6 法国巴黎第七大学博士

1989.7-1990.8 法国巴黎第七大学硕士

1988.9-1989.6 上海外国语学院法语培训

1987.9-1988.7 中国科学技术大学硕士学习

1983.9-1987.7 中国科学技术大学本科

2002.2起 中国科学技术大学地球与空间科学学院常务副院长

2000.1起 中国科学技术大学教授

1997.5-2002.2 中国科学技术大学地球与空间科学系系副主任

1995.3-2000.1 中国科学技术大学副教授

1998.9-1999.2 法国国家科学研究中心访问教授

1993.6-1995.2 法国国家科学研究中心博士后

2006起 中国科学技术大学副校长



Dou X.K., G.Scialom, Y.Lemaitre, 1996: Doppler radar and mesoscale meteorology. Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc.,Vol 122, Part B, 1231-1261.

Dou X.K., J. Testud, P. Amayenc and R. Black, 1999: The parameterisation of rain for a weather radar. C.R.Acad.Sci. Paris, Serie II a. 328, 577-582

Testud J., P.Amayenc, X.K.Dou, T.Tani, 1996: Tests of rain profiling algorithms for a spaceborne radar using raincell models and real data precipitation fields. J.Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 9, 426-453.

Oury S., X.K. Dou, J. Testud, 1999: Estimate of precipitation from the dual beam airborne radars in TOGA-COARE. Part II: Precipitation efficiency in convective cells. Case study of 9th February 1993. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol.39,No12,2371-2384.


窦贤康,刘万栓,胡先鹏,1998: 用TOGA/COARE试验中机载雷达资料进行衰减效应订正的个案研究,电波科学学报,第13卷1期,6-10

窦贤康,P.Amayenc,刘锦丽,刘万栓,1998: 机载雷达测雨中消除雨滴谱参数误差的一种新方案,电波科学学报,第13卷4期,355-359

X.K Dou, J. Testud, P. Amayenc, R. Black, 1999, The concept of normalized gamma distribution to describe raindrop spectra, and its use to parameterize rain relations. P4.1, 29th Conference on radar meteorology, Montreal, Canada.

Testud J., P.Amayenc, X.K.Dou, T.Tani, 1996: Tests of rain profiling algorithms for a spaceborne radar using raincell models and real data precipitation fields. J.Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 9, 426-453.


P.Amayenc, X.K.Dou, A.Kabeche, M.Marzoug, T.Tani, J.Testud, 1994: Impact of non uniform beam filling on rain radar algorithms. Final report of ESA contract n°10204/92/NL/NB, 349pp

J.Testud,X.K.Dou, P.Amayenc, 1994: Impletation of retrieval algorithms for spaceborne radar. Final report of ESA contract n°10146/92/NL/GS,320pp

DOU Xiankang, J.Testud, P.Amayenc, 1997: Tests of spaceborne rain radar retrieval algorithms by simulation, Chinese science bulletin, Vol 42, 402-405

窦贤康,J.Testud, P.Amayenc, 1997 星载雷达降雨量反演算法的模拟验证,科学通报, 第42卷3期,292-295

Dou Xiankang, G.Scialom, Y.Lemaitre, 1997:Analytical retrieval of three-dimensional wind field from airborne Doppler radar data. Part I: The extension of MANDOP method to the airborne Doppler radar data analysis through simulated data, Chinese J. Atmos. Sci, Vol.21, No.2, 158-166

窦贤康,G.Scialom, Y.Lemaitre, 1997: 用机载多普勒雷达资料进行三维风场解析反演(I)MANDOP方法在机载雷达情况下的推广及模拟验证. 大气科学,第21卷3期,348-356

Dou Xiankang,G.Scialom, Y.Lemaitre, 1997: Three-dimensional wind field analytical retrieval from airborne Doppler radar data. Part II: application of MANDOP method to airborne Doppler radar data obtained during the CaPE experiment. Chinese J. Atmos.Sci,Vol.21,No.3,pp.241-251

窦贤康,G.Scialom, Y.Lemaitre, 1997:用机载多普勒雷达资料进行三维风场解析反演(II)MANDOP方法应用于在CaPE现场试验中获取的机载雷达实测资料大气科学,第21卷4期,426-436

Zhang Ling, Dou xiankang, Liu jinli, 1998: Studies of the vertical structure model and the microwave attenuation of clouds and precipitation over tropical ocean area. Acta Meteorologica sinica, Vol.12, No.4, 400-409.

窦贤康,J.Testud,1999: 立体雷达方法在星载测雨雷达上的应用,气象学报,第57卷第3期,358-366。

窦贤康,刘万栓,刘锦丽,1999, 机载雷达定量测雨中的衰减效应的订正研究,大气科学,1999,23卷第4期,403-410。

窦贤康,刘万栓,刘锦丽,1999, 机载雷达定量测雨中雨滴谱参数的优化,应用气象学报,1999,第10卷3期,293-298

窦贤康,刘万栓,刘锦丽,1999, 用机载雷达资料反演雨空间结构,遥感学报,1999,第3卷第3期,203-208

吕达仁,窦贤康,刘锦丽,1999.12:降水分布的空基遥感。遥感技术与应用,Vol.14, No.4, 1-9

窦贤康,刘万栓,P.Amayenc,刘锦丽,2000.7: 不均匀性束内充塞效应对星载测雨雷达反演算法的影响,大气科学,24卷4期,568-576

热带海域云雨垂直结构模式及微波衰减特性研究,1997, 张凌,窦贤康,刘锦丽,地球环境和气候变化探测与过程研究(主编 吕达仁),152-157

X.K.Dou, G.Scialom,Y.Lemaitre, 1991, Three-dimensional analytical mesoscale wind field retrieval from airborne Doppler radar data. pp 490-492, in proceedings of 25th International Conf.on Radar Meteo., Paris.

X.K.Dou, G.Scialom,Y.Lemaitre, 1992, Three-dimensional analytical mesoscale dynamic structure of the stratiform part of a squall line retrieved from airborne Doppler radar obtained during the CaPE experiment. pp 25-32, in proceedings of speciality meeting on airborne radar and lidars ,Toulouse.

X.K.Dou, G.Scialom,Y.Lemaitre, 1992, Three-dimensional analytical mesoscale dynamic and thermodynamic structure of the stratiform part of Doppler radar data obtained during the CaPE experiment. pp 455-458, in proceedings of 11th ICCP, Montreal.





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