

词条 周向葛


1987年9月–1991年7月:武汉大学化学系有机化学专业本科生 , 学士;







2003年7月-现在 :四川大学化学学院。


1、金属有机化合物的合成及催化性质的研究; 2、不对称有机合成; 3、生物无机合成。


1 、国家自然科学基金 20671075 ;

2 、教育部 留学回国人员科研启动基金 200 5383-10-9

3 、四川大学“振兴计划”

4 、配位化学国家重点实验室开放基金


在 Chem. Commun. , Dalton Trans 以及 J. Mol. Cat. 等 SCI 刊物上发表论文 52 篇,被引用超过 300 篇次。 其中以第一作者发表于 Chem. Commun ., (1999, 1789-1790) 一文到目前已被引用 64 次。 2002 年获德国洪堡基金; 1999 年获日本学术振兴会基金。

代表性成果 (获奖成果、专著、论文、专利,限 10项)


1. H-H Liu, Y Wang, Y-J Shu, X-G Zhou , * J Wu, S-Y Yan : Cyclopropanation of alkenes catalyzed by metallophthalocyanines J. Mol. Cat., A:Chemical, 2006 , 246 , 49–52 .

2. M Jiang, S-F Zhu, Y Yang, L-Z Gong, X-G Zhou, * Q-L Zhou : Asymmetric aldol reactions catalyzed by new spiro diamine derivatives Tetrahedron Asymmetry, 2006, 17, 384-387 .

3. S-Y Yan, Y Wang, Y -J Shu, H-H Liu, X-G Zhou * : Nitrene transfer reaction catalyzed by substituted metallophthalocyanines J. Mol. Cat., A:Chemical, 2006 , 248, 148-151.

4. Z-K Li, L. Liang, L. Yang, H. Chen, X-G Zhou *: Asymmetric epoxidation catalyzed by Cr(III)-binaphthyl Schiff base complexes J. Mol. Cat., A:Chemical, 2005 , 2 35, 108 – 113.

5. Z-K Li, J. Zhao, L. Liang, X-G Zhou* : Bis(pyrimidine-2-thiolato)bis(triphenylphosphine)-ruthenium(II) chloroform solvate Acta Cryst. 2005 , E 61 , m714–m716.

5. Z-K Li, L Yang, L Lei, X-G Zhou* : Synthesis, structure and catalytic properties of Re(I)-NOBIN Schiff base complex Inorg. Chem. Commun ., 2005 , 307-309.

6 . XG Zhou , J Zhao, Santos AM, F E Kuehn: Molybdenum(VI) cis-dioxo complexes with chiral Schiff base ligands: Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic applications Zeit . Natur . B 2004 , 59, 1223-1228.

7. CG Zhang, BG Zhang, XG Zhou , G-L Zhang: Synthesis of 7a -Aza-benzonaphthacen-7-one Chin . Chem. Lett. 2004 , 269-272

8 . J. Zhao, X-G Zhou , A. M. Santos, E. Herdtweck, C. C. Rom?o, F. E. Kühn: Molybdenum(VI) cis -dioxo complexes bearing sugar derived chiral Schiff base ligands: synthesis, characterization, and catalytic applications

J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans ., 2003 , 3736-3742.

9. Murahashi S-I, Zhou-XG , Komiya N: Chlorinated phthalocyanine Iron(II) complex catalyzed oxidation of alkanes and alkenes with molecular Oxygen in the presence of acetaldehyde. Synlett ., 2003 , 321-324.

10. Zhou-XG , Huang-JS, Zhou-ZY, Cheung-KK, Che-CM: Ligand chirality-controlled selective formation of mono- and dinuclear copper complexes.

Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2002 , 194-198.

11. Yu-XQ, Huang-JS, Zhou-XG , Che-CM: Amidation of saturated C-H bonds catalyzed by electron-deficient ruthenium and manganese porphyrins. A highly catalytic nitrogen atom transfer process. Organic lett ., 2000 , 2, 2233-2236.

12. Zhou-XG , Huang-JS, Yu-XQ, Zhou-ZY, Che-CM: Binaphthyl Schiff base complexes of palladium(II): Structures and reactivities toward alkene epoxidation.

J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans ., 2000 , 1075-1080.

13. Zhou-XG , Yu-XQ, Huang-JS, Che-CM: Asymmetric amidation of saturated C-H bonds catalysed by chiral ruthenium and manganese porphyrins.

Chem. Commun ., 1999 , 2377-2378.

14. Zhou-XG , Huang-JS, Ko-PH, Cheung-KK, Che-CM: Titanium and ruthenium binaphthyl Schiff base complexes as catalysts for asymmetric trimethylsilylcyanation of aldehydes. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans ., 1999 , 3303-3309.

15 Zhou-XG , Yu-XQ, Huang-JS, Li-SG, Li-LS, Che-CM: Asymmetric epoxidation of alkenes catalysed by chromium binaphthyl Schiff base complexe supported on MCM-41. Chem. Commun ., 1999 , 1789-1790.





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