

词条 周国成









1)周国成,吴京生,S. Kainer,曹祥东,王德驹,《空间带电粒子束流和等离子体相互作用的研究》,1990年10月,中国科学院院级重要成果。


3)周国成,C. S. Wu, P. H. Yoon,《行星际III型射电辐射的新机制》,1997年10月,中国科学院院级重要成果。

4)周国成,吴京生,S. Kainer,曹祥东,王德驹,《空间带电粒子束流和等离子体相互作用的研究》,1999年1月,世界华人重大科学技术成果(No.201412)。




1)周国成,吴京生,S. Kainer,曹祥东,王德驹,《空间带电粒子束流和等离子体相互作用的研究》,1991年10月,中国科学院自然科学奖,三等奖。

2)周国成,吴京生,S. Kainer,曹祥东,王德驹,《空间带电粒子束流和等离子体相互作用的研究》,1996年10月,联合国技术信息促进系统,中国国家分部,发明创新科技之星奖。


1). Xu, Y. L.(Shu Yung-lan) and G. C. Zhou(Chow Gou-chen) (周国成), The regions of charged particles moving in a magnetic field and the model experiment, Acta Geophys. Sinica, Vol.12, 121-130, 1963.

2). Xu, Y. L. and G. C. Zhou(周国成), The regions of charged particles moving in an electric and magnetic field and the model experiment, The Collected Words of Science Papers, Edited by The China University of Science and Technology, p.111-114, 1963.

3). Jaw, Jeou-jiang, Y. L. Xu(Shu Yung-lan), and G. C. Zhou(Chow Gou-chen) (周国成), The allowed regions of charged particles moving in the dipole magnetic field and the model experiment, Kexue Tongbao, Vol.18, 56-57, 1963.

4). Xu, Y. L.(Shu Yung-lan), G. C. Zhou(Chow Gou-chen) (周国成), and Jaw Jeou-jang, The allowed regions of charged particles moving in a magnetic field, Scientia Sinica, Vol.13, 1835-1842, 1964. [Physikalische Berichte (Phys. Briefs)1965, Bd.44(10), Abstract 2133.已收录]

5). Zhou, G. C. (周国成), A semi-omnidirectional detector and pitch angle distributions for the space charged particles, Proceedings of the Second Meeting on Space Physics, Beijing, China, p.165-169, 1979.

6). Zhou, G. C. (周国成), Drift shell split and magnetic coordinates, Proceedings of the second Meeting on Space Physics, Beijing, China, p.19-24, 1979.

7). Zhou, G. C. (周国成), Identification of the discontinuities at the magnetopause (Abstract), Proceedings of an International School and Workshop on Plasma Astrophysics held at Varenna, Como. Italy, from 27 Aug. to 7 Sept. 1981 (ESA SP-161). [Phys. Briefs 1982, Vol.4(14), Abstract 65416. 已收录]

8). Zhou, G. C. (周国成), Identification of the discontinuities at the magnetopause, Chin. J. Space Sci., Vol.1, 41-46, 1981.

9). Zhou, G. C. (周国成) and J. K. Shi, Influences of the on temperature on the nonlinear electrostatic waves in magnetized plasma, Chin. J. Space Sci., Vol.2, 304-311, 1982.

10). Zhou, G. C. (周国成) and H. Z. Wu, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in boundary layer regions of the plasma sheet during the magnetospheric substorm recovery, Chin. J. Space Sci., Vol.2, 44-51, 1982.

11). Winske, D., C. S. Wu, Y. Y. Li, and G. C. Zhou(周国成), Collective capture of released lithium ions in the solar wind, J. Geophys. Res., Vol.89, 7327-7330, 1984. [PA 1985, Vol.88(1248), Abstract 9554; Phys. Briefs 1985, Vol.7(5), Abstract 24871. 已收录]

12). Wu, C. S., G. C. Zhou(周国成), and J. D. Gaffey, Jr., Induced emission of radiation near 2wpe by a synchrotron-maser instability, Phys. Fluids, Vol.28, 846-853, 1985. [PA 1985, Vol.88(1259), Abstract 6603; Phys. Briefs 1985, Vol.7(9), Abstract 047761. 已收录]

13). Wu, C. S., B. R. Shi, and G. C. Zhou(周国成), Unstable-magnetic-drift waves in a plasma with temperature anisotropy, Phys. Fluids, Vol.29, 1840—1843, 1986. [PA 1986, Vol.89(1289), Abstract 103506; Phys. Briefs 1986, Vol.8(14), Abstract 63092. 已收录]

14). Wu, C. S., R. S. Steinolfson, and G. C. Zhou(周国成), The synchrotron-maser theory of type II solar radio emission processes: the physical model and generation mechanism, Astrophys. J., Vol.309, 392-401, 1986. [PA 1987, Vol.90(1309), abstract 88350; Phys. Briefs 1987, Vol.9(11), Abstract 53748. 已收录]

15). Zhou, G. C. (周国成) and D. J. Wang, Electrostatic ion cyclotron and ion acoustic wave instabilities driven by upgoing oxygen ion beams on auroral field lines, Chin. J. Space Sci., Vol.7, 103-116, 1987. [PA 1988, Vol.91(1330), Abstract 1363; Phys. Briefs 1992, Vol.14(9), Abstract 57637. 已收录]

16). Kainer, S., J. D. Gaffey, Jr., C. P. Price, X. W. Hu, and G. C. Zhou(周国成), Nonlinear wave interactions and evolution of a ring-beam distribution of energetic electrons, Phys. Fluids, Vol.31, 2238-2248, 1988. [PA 1988, Vol.91(?), Abstract 139556; Phys. Briefs 1988, Vol.10(9), Abstract 44797; Phys. Briefs 1988, Vol.10(18), Abstract 90119. 已收录]

17). Zhou, G. C. (周国成), Beam-cyclotron instabilities by moderately relativistic electron ring-beam, Chin. J., Space Sci., Vol.8, 168-176, 1988. [PA 1989, Vol.92(1351), Abstract 48080; Phys. Briefs 1990, Vol.12(21), Abstract 10975. 已收录]

18). Zhou, G. C. (周国成), Electrostatic ion beam-density drift instabilities in the plasma sheet boundary layer, Acta Geophys. Sinica, Vol.32, 628-653, 1989; Chin. J. Geophys.(USA), Vol.32, 491-498, 1989. [PA 1990, Vol.93(1380), Abstract 92520. 已收录]

19). Zhou, G. C. (周国成) and X. D. Cao, Numerical study of electrostatic ion beam -density drift instabilities in the geomagnetic tail, Chin. J. Space Sci., Vol.10, 101-106, 1990. [Phys. Briefs 1991, Vol.13(13), abstract 63691. 已收录]

20). Cao, X. D. and G. C. Zhou(周国成), Numerical study of the plasma dispersion function, Res. Space Phys., Vol.5, 32-36, 1990.

21). Zhou, G. C. (周国成), A semi-omnidirectional detector and pitch angle distributions for the space charged particles, Res. Space Phys., Vol.5, 176-180, 1990.

22). Zhou, G. C. (周国成), Drift shell split and magnetic coordinates, Res. Space Phys., Vol.5, 170-175, 1990.

23). Zhou, G. C. (周国成)and Z. X. Liu, Spatial distributions of the total counting rate near the lower edges for geomagnetically trapped radiation belts, Res. Space Phys., Vol.5, 198-204, 1990.

24). Zhou, G. C. (周国成)and L. F. Zhu, Plasma heating in the plasma sheet boundary layer, Active Phenomena in Solar System Plasma, Hong Kong Conference, Feb. 1991.

25). Zhou, G. C.(周国成)and L. F. Zhu, Beam-density gradient drift instabilities and heating in the plasma sheet boundary layer, J. Geophys. Res., Vol.96, 17581-17589, 1991. [PA 1992, Vol.95, No.1, Abstract 8118; Phys. Briefs 1992, Vol.14(12), Abstract 72604. 已收录]

26). Zhou, G. C. (周国成), L. F. Zhu, and Y. M. Xu, A kinetic cross-field streaming electromagnetic instability for transmitted ions within the bow shock front, Acta Geophys. Sinica, Vol.34, 265-271, 1991; Chin. J. Geophys.(USA), Vol.34, 125-132, 1991. [PA 1992, Vol.95, No.4, Abstract 27407; Phys. Briefs 1992, Vol.14(1), Abstract 7418. 已收录]

27). Xu, Y. M., G. C. Zhou(周国成), and L. F. Zhu, A kinetic cross-field streaming electrostatic instability for transmitted ions within the bow shock front, Chin. J. Space Sci., Vol.11, 92-97, 1991. [Phys. Briefs 1992, Vol. 14 (3), Abstract 21901. 已收录]

28). Zhou, G. C. (周国成) and J. B. Cao, Generation mechanism of magnetic noise bursts in the Earth's magnetotail, Science in China(Series A), Vol.34, 1492-1499, 1991; Vol.21(in Chinese), 976-981, 1991. [PA 1992, Vol.95, No.15(8221), Abstract 93517. 已收录]

29). Zhou, G. C. (周国成), Beam and cross-field drift instabilities in shock waves and boundary layer regions, Cluster Workshop held in Beijing, China, from 5 through 9 May 1992.

30). Zhou, G. C. (周国成) and L. F. Zhu, Wave-particle momentum exchange rate from electrostatic instabilities in the plasma boundary layer, Chin. J. Space Sci., Vol.13, 174-179, 1993.

31). Cao, J. B. and G. C. Zhou(周国成), Wave-particle transport from electromagnetic instabilities in the plasma sheet boundary layer, Acta Geophys. Sinica, Vol.37, 707-715, 1994; Chin. J. Geophys.(USA), Vol.37, 527-538, 1994.

32). Wu, C. S., P. H. Yoon, and G. C. Zhou(周国成), Generation of radiation in solar corona and interplanetary space by energetic electrons, Astrophys. J., Vol.429, 406-414, 1994. [PA 1994, Vol. 97, No 19(12534), Abstract 133088,已收录]

33).Zhou, G. C. and C. S. Wu, Langmuir waves spontaneously emitted by energetic electrons in the solar wind, Chin. J. Space Sci., Vol.14, 254-259, 1994.

34). Zhou, G. C. (周国成), Generation of radiation in solar corona and interplanetary space, Publications of Purple Mountain Observatory, Vol.13, 199-203, 1994.

35). Zhou, G. C.(周国成), Mechanism of solar corona type II and interplanetary type III radio bursts, Proceedings of the Seventh Meeting on Solar-terrestrial Space Physics, Guilin, Guangxi, China, p.2, 1994.

36). Zhou, G. C. (周国成), Q. G. Zong, D. J. Wang, and J. L. Gao, Mechanism of generation of electromagnetic waves in the mid-altitude cleft regions, Proceedings of the Seventh Meeting on Solar-terrestrial Space Physics, Guilin, Guangxi, China, p.50, 1994.

37). Zhou, G. C. (周国成) and L. C. Lee, An analytic study of the structure of reconnection diffusion region(Abstract), Annual of the Chinese Geophysical Society, p.372, 1994.

38). Yu, D. H. and G. C. Zhou(周国成), Self-consistent equilibrium structure of low latitude magnetopause, Science in China (Series A), Vol.38, 481- 489, 1995; Vol.25( in Chinese), 312-318, 1995. 《SCI收录刊物》

39). Zhou, G. C.(周国成), C. W. Jin, Q. G. Zong, D. J. Wang, and J. L. Gao, Electromagnetic instabilities in the mid-altitude cleft regions(Abstract), Annual of the Chinese Geophysical Society, p.107, 1995.

40). Zhou, G. C. (周国成), C. W. Jin, Q. G. Zong, D. J. Wang, and J. L. Gao, 中高度极隙区电磁不稳定性,地球物理学报,第39卷,452-460,1996;Electromagnetic instabilities in the mid-altitude cleft regions, Chin. J. Geophys.(USA), Vol.39, 173-182, Allerton Press, Inc., 1996 《SCI收录刊物》

41). Zhou, G. C. (周国成), C. W. Jin, Q. G. Zong, D. J. Wang, Electromagnetic instabilities in the cusp/cleft regions (in Chinese), IIIth Symposium Cinese/Foreign Space Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan, China, from Oct. 21 through 23, 1996.

42). Zhou, G. C. (周国成) and L. C. Lee, Structure of reconnection diffusion region in the presence of thermal streaming electrons, Magnetospheric Research with Advanced Techniques(abstracts), p.45, Chinese National Committee for COSPAR, April 15-19, 1996.

43). Jin, C. W. and G. C. Zhou(周国成), Electromagnetic instabilities in the cleft regions, in Magnetospheric Research with Advanced Techniques(abstracts), p.53, Chinese National Committee for COSPAR, April 15-19, 1996.

44). Jin, C. W. and G. C. Zhou(周国成), Electromagnetic instabilities in the cleft regions, URSI(Union Radio-Scientifique International/International Union of radio Science) XXVth General Assembly, H5.P23, p506, Lille, France, August 28-Septenmber 5, 1996.

45). Zhou, G. C. (周国成) and L. C. Lee, Structure of reconnection in the presence of thermal streaming electrons, Collected Works of Geomagnetism, in Geomagnetism Atmosphere Space Research and Application(地磁 大气 空间研究和应用), Seismological Press, Beijing, p552-568, 1996.

46). 周国成,磁层中小尺度等离子体现象的MHD理论,中国地球物理学会年刊,第251页,1996。

47). 周国成,金长文,极隙区电子束流模电磁不稳定性,地球物理学报,第40卷,10-18,1997 。《SCI收录刊物》

48). 周国成,李阳,张扬挺,曹晋滨,极尖/极隙区电子束流-等离子体相互作用的电磁粒子模拟,中国地球物理学会年刊,第211页,1997。

49). Zhou, G. C.(周国成), Y. Li, J. B. Cao, and X. Y. Wang, Particle simulations for electron beam-plasma interactions, Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.15, No.12, 895-897,1998. 《SCI收录刊物》

50). Zhou, G. C.(周国成), C. L. Cai, J. B. Cao, Y. T. Zhang, and T. Chen, Modified MHD theory and simulations of the magnetopause dynamics, IVth Symposium Chinese/Foreign Space Sciences, Zongli(Chung-Li), Taiwan, China from July 26 through 28, 1998.

51). Wang, D. J., H. Zhao, and G. C. Zhou(周国成), Preliminary analysis of 120oE longitude China data for CHIMAG geomagnetic pulsation (in Chinese), IVth Symposium Chinese/Foreign Space Sciences, Zongli(Chung-Li), Taiwan, China from July 26 through 28, 1998.

52). Cao, J. B., G. C. Zhou(周国成), X. Y. Wang, and C. S. Wu, Generalized ion ring instability driven by ions with a partial shell distribution, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol.25, 1499-1501, 1998. 《SCI收录刊物》

53). 汪学毅,吴京生,周国成,曹晋滨,高速太阳风中 离子分布的形成,空间科学学报,第18卷,301-307,1998。

54). 曹晋滨,周国成,汪学毅,吴京生,部分球壳分布离子驱动的离子环—束不稳定性,空间科学学报,第19卷,28-33,1999。

55). 曹晋滨,周国成,汪学毅,沈超,在磁场中飞行器光电子鞘层电子的漂移运动,空间科学学报,第19卷,102-107,1999。

56). Zhou, G. C. (周国成), C. L. Cai, J. B. Cao, Y. T. Zhang, T. Chen, and D. J. Wang, Modified magnetohydrodynamic model of the magnetic reconnection, Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.16, 461-463, 1999. 《SCI收录刊物》

57). Cao, J. B., X. Y. Wang, and G. C. Zhou(周国成), Micro perpendicular pick-up process of newborn ions, Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.16, 824-826, 1999. 《SCI收录刊物》

58). Cai, C. L., G. C. Zhou(周国成), J. B. Cao, D. J. Wang, Difference between the ion gyroviscous effect and Hall magnetohydrodynamic effect in the magnetic reconnection, Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.16, 856-858, 1999. 《SCI收录刊物》

59). 汪学毅,周国成,张效信,赵华,刘四清,温度各向异性束流和环束流电子激发的电磁辐射特征,地球物理学报,第42卷,第437-443页,1999。《SCI收录刊物》

60). 王德驹,陈斯文,周国成,用地磁脉动的日蚀效应研究甚低纬区Pc 3-4地磁脉动的来源,地球物理学报,第42卷,第460-464页,1999。《SCI收录刊物》

61). 汪学毅,黄永年,周国成,曹晋滨,太阳耀斑电子束在日冕区产生的静电不稳定性,地球物理学报,第42卷,增刊,第1-6页,1999。《SCI收录刊物》

62). 蔡春林,周国成,曹晋滨,王德驹,磁层顶有限Larmor半径效应的理论和模拟研究,中国地球物理学会年刊,第171页,1999。

63). 王德驹,周国成,赵华,曹晋滨,蔡春林,汤克云,曹冠宇,海南富克和北京台站观测到的Pi2脉动功率谱研究,中国地球物理学会年刊,第178页,1999。

64). 曹晋滨,周国成,王德驹,蔡春林,地球磁层暴时电子流对低轨道航天器充电过程的影响,中国地球物理学会年刊,第179页,1999。

65). 曹晋滨,汪学毅,周国成,陈涛,低轨道航天器充电过程,中国地球物理学会年刊,第180页,1999。

66). Zhou G. C. (周国成), J. B. Cao, D. J. Wang, and C. L. Cai, Relativistic radiation-belt-electron enhancements in the Earth’s magnetosphere and the space weather, Proceedings of IIIth Symposium on Space Weather, Kunming, Yunnan, China, Oct. 8-14, 1999.

67). 周国成,曹晋滨,王德驹,蔡春林,磁层相对论电子增强事件与空间天气,中国空间科学学会空间探测委员会第十二次学术会议论文集(昆明),第212-217页,1999。

68). 王德驹,周国成,赵华,曹晋滨,蔡春林,汤克云,曹冠宇,印开山,近赤道和低纬区地磁脉动的观测特征,中国空间科学学会空间探测委员会第十二次学术会议论文集(昆明),第297-299页,1999。

69). Zhou, G. C.(周国成), C. L. Cai, J. B. Cao, Y. T. Zhang, T. Chen, D. J. Wang, Modified MHD theory and simulations of the magnetopause dynamics, Terr. Atmos. Oce. Sci. (TAO), in press, 2000.

70). 曹晋滨,周国成,朱光武,王世金,王作桂,梁金宝,王德驹,蔡春林,磁层相对论性辐射带电子事件的探测研究,昆明空间天气会议,2000。

71). 曹晋滨,汪学毅,周国成,陈涛,低轨道磁化等离子体中运动航天器等离子体鞘层特性,地球物理学报,第43卷,第459-463页,2000。《SCI收录刊物》

72). 周国成,汪学毅, 王德驹,曹晋滨,蔡春林, 1998年4-5月地球同步轨道MeV电子通量增强事件, *第五届中外空间/太空科学讨论会论文摘要集,第25页,乌鲁木齐,2000年9月。*中国空间科学学会空间探测专业委员会第十三次学术会议论文集,第161-169页,四川成都,2000年9月。

73). 周国成, 王德驹,汪学毅, 曹晋滨,蔡春林, 1998年4-5月磁层MeV电子的响应事件, 第九届全国日地空间物理学术讨论会论文摘要集,第33页,山东 曲阜, 2000年10月。

74). 王德驹,周国成, 汪学毅, 曹晋滨,赵 华,蔡春林, 1998年4-5月北京Pi 2脉动与磁层腔振荡,第九届全国日地空间物理学术讨论会论文摘要集,第123页,山东 曲阜, 2000年10月。

75). Cai, C. L., J. B. Cao, G. C. Zhou(周国成), and D. J. Wang, Whistler turbulence at the magnetopause: A nonlinear generation mechanism, Physics of Plasmas, Vol.8, No.1, 272-276, 2001. 《SCI收录刊物》

76). 周国成,汪学毅, 王德驹,曹晋滨,蔡春林, 1998年4-5月地球同步轨道MeV电子通量增强事件, 地球物理学报,第43卷,第293-302页,2001. 《SCI收录刊物》

77). Zhou, G. C. (周国成), X. Y. Wang, D. J. Wang, J. B. Cao, and C. L. Cai, MeV electron-flux enhancement events during geosynchronous orbit in April-May 1998, Chin. J. Geophys., Vol.44, No.3, 285-293, 2001. 《SCI收录刊物》

78). 王德驹,曹晋滨,赵华,蔡春林, 周国成,地磁AE指数和Pi-2脉动的关系,中国地球物理学会年刊,第166页,2001。

79). 王德驹,曹晋滨,赵华,蔡春林, 周国成,磁层亚暴的地面监测,中国空间科学学会空间探测专业委员会第十四次学术会议论文集,第183-186页,黑龙江,镜泊湖,2001年8月。

80). C. L. Cai, J. B. Cao, G. C. Zhou(周国成), and D. J. Wang, Whistler turbulence at the magnetopause: A nonlinear generation mechanism, Physics of Plasmas, Vol.8, No.1, 272-276, 2001. 《SCI收录刊物》

81). 汪学毅,曹晋滨,张效信,周国成,高能离子束流引起低频电磁波动的特性,地球物理学报,第45卷,第1期,第1-7页,2002.《SCI收录刊物》

82). Y. P. Chen, G. C. Zhou, Peter H. Yoon and C. S. Wu, A beam-maser instability: Direct amplification of radiation, Physics of Plasmas, Vol.9, No.6, 2816-2821, 2002. 《SCI收录刊物》

83). G. C. Zhou(周国成), C. S. Wu(吴京生), D. J. Wang(王德驹), Y. P. Chen(陈雁萍),Excitation of electromagnetic waves by an electron ring beam in a magnetized plasma waveguide, Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.19, No.10, 1556-1559, 2002. 《SCI收录刊物》

84). Zhang, T. L., Zhao, H., Le G., Russell, C. T., Schwingenschuh, K., Magnes, W., Riedler, W., Zhou, G. C. (周国成), Wang, D. J., Liu, Z. X., Gao, Y. F., Tang, K. Y., Yumoto, K., Polarization characteristic of dayside Pi2 pulsation on June 14,1998, Adv. Space Res., Vol.30, No.10, 2339-2343, 2002. 《SCI收录刊物》

85). 周国成,蔡春林,曹晋滨,王德驹,近地磁尾准无碰撞磁重联事件,中国空间科学学会空间探测专业委员会第十五次学术会议论文集,第308-318页,安徽,九华山,2002年10月。

86). 周国成,蔡春林,H. Reme, A. Balogh, 曹晋滨,王德驹,近地磁尾准无碰撞磁重联事件,空间科学学报,第23卷,第1期,25-33,2003.

87). 陈雁萍,周国成,吴京生,电子束驱动的回旋激射不稳定性,物理学报,第52卷,第2期,421-427,2003.《SCI收录刊物》

88). Y. P. Chen and G. C. Zhou(周国成), Obliquely propagating shear Alfven waves excited by newborn ions in chromosphere-corona transition region, Solar Physics, Vol.215, No.1, 57-68, 2003. 《SCI收录刊物》

89). 曹晋滨,马志伟,路立,周国成,刘振兴,行星际 分量对地球磁层顶场向电流的调制,地球物理学报,第46卷,第2页,156-161;2003. 《SCI收录刊物》

90). Cao Jinbin, Ma Zhiwei, Lu Li, Zhou Guocheng(周国成) and Liu Zhenxing, Influence of interplanetary magnetic field on the field-aligned current in the magnetopause, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, Vol.46, No.2, 215-?, 2003. 《SCI收录刊物》

91). 曹晋滨,王得驹,赵华,周国成,北京地区Pi2脉动和地磁AE指数的关系,地球物理学报,第47卷,第6期,949-953,2004. 《SCI收录刊物》

92). 李柳元,曹晋滨,周国成,地球同步轨道附近哨声湍流对“种子电子”的加速,地球物理学报,第47卷,第5期,756-761,2004. 《SCI收录刊物》

93). 周国成,曹晋滨,王得驹,蔡春林,无碰撞等离子体电流片中的低频波,物理学报,第53卷,第8期,2644-2653,2004.《SCI收录刊物》

94). 曹晋滨,燕春晓,刘振兴,周国成,磁壳参数 与磁暴指数 和行星际磁场的关系,空间科学学报,第24卷,第2期,89-95,2004.

95). 陈雁萍,周国成,电子束驱动的回旋激射不稳定性进一步的数值研究,物理学报,第53卷,第10期,3398-3403,2004.《SCI收录刊物》


97).马玉端,曹晋滨,周国成,刘振兴,H. Reme, I. Dandouras, 2001年9月7日BBF事件的多点卫星观测,中国地球物理,第二十届年会2004年10月17-20日(西安),中国地球物理学会编,西安地图出版社,pp.211,2004.

98). 魏新华,周国成,曹晋滨,李柳元,无碰撞电流片低频电磁不稳定性:MHD模型,物理学报,第54卷,第?期,?,2005.《SCI收录刊物》


100).马玉端,曹晋滨,周国成,刘振兴,H. Reme, I. Dandouras,磁宁静期磁尾爆发性整体流持续时间多点卫星研究,地球物理学报,第48卷,第2期,252—258,2005。《SCI收录刊物》


102).Zhou Guo-cheng(周国成), Wei Xin-hua, Cao Jin-bin, Wang De-ju, Whistler wave instabilities in collisionless current sheet, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol.29, 404-412, 2005. 《SCI收录刊物》

103). 陈雁萍,王传兵,周国成,损失锥-束流分布电子驱动的回旋激射不稳定性,物理学报,第54卷,第7期,3221-3227,2005.《SCI收录刊物》

104). 魏新华,周国成,曹晋滨,李柳元,无碰撞电流片低频电磁不稳定性:MHD模型,物理学报,第54卷,第7期,3228-3235,2005.《SCI收录刊物》

105). 魏新华,周国成,曹晋滨,近磁尾磁重联与波活动增强事件的多点观,中国地球物理,第二十一届年会,2005年8月27-30日(长春),中国地球物理学会编,吉林大学出版社,pp.254,2005.

106). 马玉端,曹晋滨,周国成,刘振兴,H. Reme, I. Dandouras,地磁活动时期磁尾爆发性整体流持续时间多点卫星研究,中国地球物理,第二十一届年会,2005年8月27-30日(长春),中国地球物理学会编,吉林大学出版社,pp.255,2005.

107). 李柳元,曹晋滨,周国成,2003年10-11月磁层相对论电子通量增强事件,中国地球物理,第二十一届年会,2005年8月27-30日(长春),中国地球物理学会编,吉林大学出版社,pp.256,2005.

108). 李柳元,曹晋滨,周国成,磁层相对论电子通量变化与磁暴/亚暴的关系,地球物理学报,第49卷,第1期,9—15,2006。《SCI收录刊物》

109). Li Liu-Yuan, Cao Jin-Bin, Zhou Guo-Cheng(周国成), Relation between the variation of geomagnetospheric relativistic electron flux and storm/substorm, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, Vol.49, No.1, 1-7, 2006.

110). 马玉端,曹晋滨,周国成,刘振兴,H. Reme, I. Dandouras,磁尾爆发性整体流与亚暴的关系,地球物理学报,第49卷,第3期,609—615,2006。《SCI收录刊物》

111). J. B. Cao, Y. D. Ma, G. Parks, H. Reme, I. Dandouras, R. Nakamura, T. L. Zhang, Q. Zong, E. Lucek, C. M. Carr, Z. X. Liu, and G. C. Zhou(周国成), Joint Observations by Cluster satwllites of bursty bulk flows in the magnetotail, J. Geophys. Res., Vol.111, A04206, doi:10.1029/2005JA011322, 2006.


113).Wei, X. H., Zhou, G. C.(周国成), Cao, J. B., O. Santolik, H. Reme, N. Cornilleau, Andre Balogh, Whistle and Hall magnetic field associated with near-Earth magnetotail reconnection observed by Cluster, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, Vol.50, No.3, 575-585, 2007.

114). X. H. Wei, J. B. Cao, G. C. Zhou(周国成), O. Santolik, H. Reme, I. Dandouras, N. Cornilleau, E. Lucek, C. M. Carr, A. Fazakerley, Cluster observations of waves in the whistler frequency range associated with magnetic reconnection in the Earth’s magnetotail, J. Geophys. Res., VOL.112, doi:10.1029/2006JA011771, 2007.





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