词条 | 缘续他乡 |
释义 | 《缘续他乡》是美籍日裔导演羽田香代1994年作品,由工藤夕贵、三船敏郎主演,戛纳电影节金棕榈奖入围,获圣丹斯电影节观众奖。日本姑娘理代被被迫婚至夏威夷后,与其照片丈夫相识相恋的故事,一段再续前缘的异国生涯。爱情之花总是需要经久的灌溉才能顾盼生姿地开,而心底终于爱上的那个,正是浇花的人。 中文名:缘续他乡 外文名:Bijophoto.....(Japan) 其它译名:照片新娘 制片地区:日本/美国 导演:羽田香代 编剧:卡尤·哈塔,玛利·哈塔 主演:工藤夕贵, 三船敏郎, 卡里-希罗尤基·泰加瓦Cary-Hiroyuki, Tagawa 类型:爱情,剧情 片长:95min/98min 上映时间:日本1995年5月 imdb编码:tt0114129 级别:USA:PG-13/Spain:T 剧情介绍本片是个奇情浪漫的爱情故事,讲述年青貌美的理代被姑母迫婚,只身由日本远赴夏威夷,与照片中那个年青俊俏的未婚夫松治相聚。抵步后才发觉松治竟是个身无分文,在蔗园工作的中年男人。心灰意冷的理代于是努力赚... 相片的出现,对人们的生活也发生了影响。二十世纪早些时候,人们仅仅通过看看对方的照片,就定下了两个人的婚姻大事,不管这两个人相距多远。美代,一个年轻的女人,在父亲去世后,就剩下孤零零的一个人在日本,她的一位亲戚帮她也通过照片,定下了一门婚事。从对方的来信中,美代看到对方是一位年轻帅气的小伙子,还在心中写下了一首优美动人的诗歌。带着对美好未来的憧憬,美代只身一人来到了远离家乡的夏威夷。 可是,来接她的声称是她丈夫的人,却是一位上了年纪,甚至比自己父亲岁数还大的中年男人,这让美代无法相信眼前发生的一切是真实的。原来,这位男人真的是她的丈夫,照片上的年轻人也真的是他,因为他没有近照,只能把年轻时的照片寄去,作为相亲之用。知道了一切原委的美代很难接受事实,她无法忍受自己的下半生都要与这个比自己父亲还老的人生活。经过了一段痛苦的挣扎,在一个与自己一起干活的名叫香奈的女人的建议下,她决心通过自己的勤劳和努力攒下一笔钱还给自己的丈夫,然后回日本。可是,岁月和生活,总是在人们不经意间就会渐渐改变一个人。丈夫的歉疚,悉心的照顾,善解人意地尊重她,还有生活的艰辛让美代的心慢慢地越来越想依靠丈夫。 象征电影,以夏威夷的拓荒年代为背景,在描述美代的曲折经历的同时,也描摹了一群在夏威夷的甘蔗地劳作的日本劳工的生活,虽然生活艰辛,但是他们的心灵深处同样有着爱情、亲情,对美丽自然的热爱和对未来的美好憧憬。 同时,我从电影里,隐隐感觉到影片透露出来的一种思想,那就是对家的寻找。失去父亲的美代,在刚来到夏威夷时的诸多不适,让香奈以为她在思念日本的家乡,而美代却回答她自己没有家,这时的家,是美代心目中有亲人,有爱人的地方。可是面对陌生的夏威夷,陌生的丈夫,她却毅然决然地想要回到日本,仿佛日本又成为了心目中抽象的家的象征。最后,生活让美代和丈夫真正的融合在一起,美代道出了,夏威夷,我的家。 是的,人在面对生活时,往往显得那么地无助,心中对未知的未来充满了疑问,这一切,我们都只有请时间这位智者为我们解答,即使面前的一切看来是那么的不能如愿,时间也会慢慢地为我们揭开生活的面纱,发现,其实幸福,美丽就在我们身边。 职员表导演Kayo Hatta 演员Tamlyn Tomita Kana 贾森·斯科特·李 (uncredited) 三船敏郎 The Benshi Michael Ashby McCullum James Grant Benton Antone Glenn Cannon Mer. Pieper Lito Capiña Augusto Peter Clark Christian minister Warren Fabro Felipe Michael Hasegawa Immigration officer Kyle Kakuno Yamamoto Moe Keale Hawaiian fisherman Youki Kudoh Riyo Kati Kuroda Yayoi Jessica Louie Kei-chan Natasha Mamiya Kei-chan Christianne Mays Miss Pieper Melvin Miranda Miguel Keiji Morita Photographer Hatsuko Otsuka Fumi Dawn Saito Geisha Yôko Sugi Aunt Sode Riki Sugimoto Gambler 卡里-希罗尤基·泰加瓦 Kanzaki Akira Takayama Matsuji Traci Toguchi Uto 编剧Kayo Hatta also story Mari Hatta also story 制片人Nina Blake associate producer Cellin Gluck producer: Tokyo Dana Satler Hankins line producer Diane Mei Lin Mark producer Paul Mayersohn co-executive producer Eleanor R. Nakama associate producer Lisa Onodera producer 原创音乐Mark Adler 改编音乐摄像师Claudio Rocha 电影剪辑Mallory Gottlieb Lynzee Klingman Yumi Takada 协调剧组人员Anna Fishburn 造型设计Paul Guncheon 艺术指导布景师服装设计Ada Akaji 化妆师Debbie Blandin makeup artist: second unit Chantal Boom'la hair stylist Bryan D. Furer makeup supervisor Newton Koshi wig master Nicholas Serino hair stylist: second unit Cindy Stratton makeup artist 制片主管助理导演Tim August second unit director Emmett Dennis III first assistant director Nicole K.L.N. Ebeo second assistant director Cellin Gluck first assistant director: Japan 美术Leslie Craig property master Shell Dalzell construction coordinator Lani Eblen assistant set dresser Kurt Nelson additional production designer Rick Romer additional production designer Adam Yurman graphic artist 音效Dominic Tavella sound re-recording engineer Joanie Diener music editor Jake Eberle sound effects editor Tony Eckert foley mixer Sean England sound transfer Barbara McBane dialogue editor Marilyn McCoppen adr editor Jonathan Miller sound designer Marnie Moore foley artist Susan Moore-Chong sound mixer John Reynolds boom operator Dennis S. Sands music scoring mixer Akiva Toda adr coordinator: Tokyo Jana Vance foley artist Hugh Waddell dialogue editor Gwendolyn Yates Whittle dialogue editor 特技师Archie Ahuna special effects Mike Van Arkle special effects 视觉特效师特技演员Colin C.L. Fong stunts Leslie Miki stunts Dale Radomski stunts 其他职员Chris Chomyn additional cinematographer Julie Ahn production intern Puanani Akaka production intern Gordon Antell first assistant editor Alan Arakaki accountant Francis Badzey production assistant Summer Banner script supervisor Irish Barber script supervisor Kolo Barber grip Meredith Bernhardt production intern Rosi Bieheller production intern Teresa Bill historical advisor Charles A. Boller legal Vicki Busch talent coordinator Paul Butler grip department apprentice Alice Chai historical advisor Noreen Chun production intern Bob Condon additional cinematographer Rene Confair location scout Straker Coniglio production intern Garet Cook production intern Janice Corsino production intern Bob Cushnie fieldwork advisor Sandy DeCrescent music contractor Graham Driscoll additional cinematographer Cam Eason production assistant Elizabeth Eason production intern Helen Milsted Eisenman subtitler Sonia Fabrigas production intern Eddie Fan assistant to executive producer Louis Ferreira fieldwork advisor Jeffrey Fong cast physician Lois Freeman-Fox additional editor Lawrence Fuchs historical advisor Teresa Fukino interpreter Peggy Gee production intern Kristin Geldermann portrait photography Mark Gerasimenko second assistant camera Grace Gonser bookkeeper Glen Grant historical advisor Dylan M. Gross assistant camera: second unit Devon Guard assistant to producer Abraham Hall transportation captain Dennis Hall camera operator: second unit Brian Hamblet second assistant editor Jana Hatta script translator Mary Hatta advisor: funding Jeff Hedges production intern John Hirota fieldwork advisor Michael Hofacre associate editor Janice Holland craft services coordinator Janet Holman script supervisor Alice Hom assistant to producer Takeshi Hoshino advisor: funding Trea Leventhal production executive: Miramax Robert Huber production intern Robert Hughes fieldwork advisor David Henry Hwang script advisor Chris Ikeda accountant Asia Ireton advisor: funding Kikuko Ireton advisor: funding Shannon Ishikawa production intern Mary F. Jansen post-production supervisor Bob Johnson gaffer Jason Kanda production intern Lee Kaneakua key grip Barbara Kawakami consultant: historical costumes Mark Kawashima interpreter William Keamohuli driver Nicole Kelly production intern Kevin Kersting dolly grip Akemi Kikumura historical advisor Marilyn Carrera Killeri production coordinator Elaine Kim historical advisor Kristine Kim production intern Deenie Kimura production intern Raydeen Kimura production intern Ron Knowlton production intern Michiko Kodama-Nishimoto historical advisor Karen Kodner unit publicist James Kohara advisor: funding Robert Komatsu first assistant editor Dee Lawyer production intern Helen Lee production intern Kelly Lee assistant to executive producer Minette Lew production intern Bernhard Lhert translator: subtitles Jim Lodl fieldwork advisor Gabriele Loza assistant to producer Beverly Lum advisor: funding Jeanne Lusignan script advisor Theresa C. Lynch assistant to producer Allison Lynde assistant to executive producer Jodi Macaulay post-production intern Antoine Malsani production intern Corky Mann production intern Ray Martino color timer Peter Maunu musician: guitar Maritza Mazariego costumes: second unit Scott McDonald assistant camera: second unit Jannette McIvor third assistant editor Natasha Meier production intern James Middleton script advisor Karen Miller photo tinter Melvin Miranda animal handler Maile Mitchell production intern Edith Miyazono dance coordinator Maria Montes production intern Sandra Montiel editorial apprentice Ray Morfino color timer Reid Mukai production intern Jan Nagano advisor: funding Helen Nagtalon-Miller historical advisor Carrie Nasanchuk second assistant editor Teresa Neuman production coordinator: Big Island Franklin Odo historical advisor Dennis Ogawa historical advisor Bucky Ohelo driver Gary Okihiro historical advisor Setsko Oyama production intern Michael Pacciorini assistant costume designer Dan Perri title designer: opening titles Carrie Portnoy production intern George Prime assistant to director Kimberly Quan assistant to producer Lance Rae assistant to producer Angela Robinson script supervisor David Rock accountant John Roscoe set medic Yuki Sakamura unit publicist Kent Sakoda historical advisor Keiko Sakuma-Neubauer assistant to production coordinator Eric Seabury production intern Jill Senior production intern Carrie Shepard assistant editor Craig Sherman third assistant editor Greg Spence production executive: Miramax Michelle Spina script supervisor: second unit Jeff Springer production intern Dave Sullivan gaffer Monica Sweet dolly grip Ronald Takaki historical advisor Kennedy Taylor production coordinator: Tokyo Walter Thuener generator operator Jere Tien post-production intern Anne Trumbone script advisor Michiko Ueno-Herr script translator Harry Urata historical music advisor Jim Walker musician: bamboo flutes Audrey Wasai production intern Mike Weisbrod first assistant camera Bruce Westcott post-production assistant Marco Williams advisor: funding Enna Wilson production intern Lauren K.K. Wong legal Lea-Ann Yakabe intern coordinator Gareth Yee production intern Kathie Fong Yoneda script advisor Clinton 'Tiny' Yoshikawa driver Kamo Yoshinoba production intern Jessica Yu script advisor James Haruo Saito production intern |
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