

词条 余绍宁


(Shaoning Yu)副教授,男,1964年生。1987年毕业于复旦大学物理二系,获理学学士学位,1990年获复旦大学应用化学硕士学位,1999年获中科院应用物理所无机化学博士学位。1999-2001年任海军医学研究所副研究员,2001-2004年美国德州大学医学院博士后,2004-2005年美国哈佛大学医学院博士后。发表论文三十余篇。专业方向:生物化学和生物物理。研究兴趣:用物理方法研究蛋白质构象与功能之间的关系。



(Selected Publications):

1, Xianrong Shen, Huiming Li, Yan Ou, Wenbin Tao, Aichun Dong, Jilie Kong, Chaoneng Ji and Shaoning Yu*. The Secondary Structure of Calcineurin Regulatory Region and It's Conformational Change induced by Calcium/Calmodulin binding. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2008, 283, 11407-11413.

2, Xianrong Shen, Wenbing Tao, Jilie Kong, and Shaoning Yu . The Role of Loops 3 and 4 in the interdomains and intersubunits communication of E. coli cAMP Receptor Protein. International Journal of Biological Macromolecular 2008, 42, 372-379.

3, Jilie Kong and Shaoning Yu*. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis of Protein Secondary Structure (Review). Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 2007, 39(8), 549-559.

4, Shaoning Yu, Fenghui Fan, Samuel C. Flores, Fang Mei, and Xiaodong Cheng*. Dissecting the Mechanism of Epac Activation via Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange FT-IR and Structural Modeling. Biochemistry 2006, 45, 15318-15326.

5, Shaoning Yu, Alice Wuu, Reneeta Basu, Michael R. Holbrook, Alan D. T. Barrett*, and J. Ching Lee*. Protein Stability and Structural Dynamics of Envelope Protein Domain III of Mosquito- and Tick-borne Flaviviruses. Biochemistry 2004. 43,9168-9176.

6, Shaoning Yu and J. Ching Lee*. Role of Residue 138 in the Interdomain Hinge region in Transmitting Allosteric Signals for DNA Binding in Escherichia coli cAMP Receptor Protein. Biochemistry 2004. 43, 4662-4669.

7, Shaoning Yu, Fang Mei, J. Ching Lee, and Xiaodong Cheng*. Probing cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase Holoenzyme Complexes I and II by FT-IR and Chemical Protein Footpringing. Biochemistry 2004. 43, 1908-1920.

8, Shaoning Yu, Lucy L.-Y. Lee, and J. Ching Lee*. Effects of Metabolites on the Structural Dynamics of Rabbit Muscle Pyruvate Kinase. Biophysical Chemistry 2003. 103, 1-11.





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