

词条 奥运之光



作品一经发表即被多家杂志、书刊广泛刊登,并由中国网通申报北京奥组委批准制作奥运电信纪念卡限量发行。这幅长达 8米的大型作品中,作者一改以往的纯抽象色彩的画面构成,还在画中着重体现了奥林匹克从创始之初到08年来到中国所经历的这段艰辛漫长的历程,清楚地表明了奥运精神生命力的顽强与今日中国经济的巨大腾飞。可以说,“奥运之光”既是顺应时代、激励民心、传播奥运美好精神的艺术力作,也是近年来一件罕见的让人震撼、几近完美的油画巨制。



墨客(Myo Khin),生于1949年, 华裔色彩主义抽象派画家。经济学硕士,动物学学士。1995年在海外建立Htan Yeik Nyo艺术中心,多次在国外举办展览。2003年在香港举办 "Creating Senses with Colours Atmosphere" 个展;2006年在北京与崔自默博士、刘墨博士举办三人行画展并被首都企业家诗书画院聘为特邀院士。著有Thesis for Myanmar Contemporary Art,Colour and the Artist等文章,出版了多部《墨客画集》。



Born in 1949, Myo Khin is an artist of Chinese origin. He has held the art exhibitions in many countries, and always exchanges opinions on art with artists of Span, France, Italy, etc. Htan Yeik Nyo Art Center was established by him in 1995. And in 2003, he held the art exhibition titled Creating Senses with Colours Atmosphere in HongKong. Besides, there are some famous articles written by him, such as Thesis for Myanmar Contemporary Art,Colour and the Artist and so on.

After working as a government employee, he came into the world of business. There was some time when he lived a seclusive life, like the life of a saint. Accompanied with Dharma, he was the noble traveler searching for the truth with purest mind. During that period, the paintings which he had collected before became the best companions for him. And then he started his artistic practice.

In his opinion, colors are the gifts of nature for everyone. The influence of colors and close relationship with the natural beauty and heart has encouraged his creation. With the belief that painting the five senses is a real painting, he uses colors to show his feelings for music, architecture, and sculpture. As a talented artist, he exploits the sensation deeply inside. And it becomes the whole life of him.


作者:墨客(MYO KHIN)







Light of OLYMPIC

I was pondering in front of a huge blank canvas for a long while, about Olympic game to be held at Beijing in 2008. I understand that Olympic is an international competition. Isn't it that the essence of the Game is love, peace and unity for universal human-kind? Competition is vital, not winning or losing. It is to create competitive mood. For that, competitors enthusiastically took part and the Games have become a magnificent event.

Olympic are held every four years, It is not celebrated at one single venue only. Shifting from one country to another, the light of the Olympic torch had lit one country to another. For various reasons, European countries are taken as more suitable and the frequency of Olympic celebration is more in them.

After the long period of times, Olympic reached Japan and Korea. In 2008, the Game will be at People Republic of China, aptly representing Asia. This clearly indicates China is economic progress and good constructive signs. I hope that the Olympic light to be lit over the five continents: Europe, America, Australia, Asia and Africa. This is my earnest desire. Now then, the Olympic light will shine on China, the country I much adore. Clean and Just competitions, enthusiastic and energetic competitors and an ocean of spectators, all will be there. And the Game, I believe, will raise China a status or a rank higher. China will be entering a new phase in the world by this Game.

With these beliefs, these delights, these ideas, these feelings willing in me, these deep emotions, I wish them all to be inclusive in the finishing of my painting. I will try my level best. I believe this painting will be able to light, in the heart of the beholder, the light of Olympic. New peace, joy and happiness generated by Beijing Olympic 2008 will overwhelm the whole world.

At last, when the painting is completed, I myself had experienced the magnificent of the Beijing Olympic vividly and glaringly.





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