词条 | 熊峻江 |
释义 | 简介熊峻江,男, 1966 年 4 月生,博士,教授。熊峻江1986 年获西北工业大学工学学士学位,后于 1992 和 1995 年,分别获北京航空航天大学工学硕士与博士学位; 1996 年 1 月至 1997 年 10 月,北京航空航天大学博士后流动站工作; 1997 年 11 月至今,北京航空航天大学工作,此间, 2003 年 4 月至 2004 年 4 月,英国南安普敦大学访问研究。 主持课题先后主持国家自然科学基金与航空基金等各类基金项目8项,国防预研与型号课题10余项,其中获中国高校科技进步一等奖1项(第1获奖人),部级科技进步二等奖2项(均为第2获奖人),三等奖2项。作为第一作者,在国内外学术刊物上发表论文70余篇,其中SCI收录论文21篇,EI收录论文32篇。出版教材专著4部,译著3部,其中获全国优秀科技图书二等奖1部(第2获奖人),国防优秀科技图书奖1部(第3获奖人)。主讲过《材料力学(I)》、《材料力学(II)》、《疲劳可靠性》、《飞行器结构力学(I)》和《飞行器结构力学(II)》等本科生课程,《断裂力学及其应用》、《可靠性设计》和《结构可靠性》等研究生课程。 发表论文[1]Cheng X, Xiong JJ. A Novel Analytical Model for Predicting the Compression Modulus of 2D PWF Composites. Composite Structures, (doi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2008.04.005) [2]Xiong JJ, Shenoi RA, Zhang Y. Effect of the mean strength on the endurance limit or threshold value of the crack growth curve and two-dimensional joint probability distribution. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2008; 43(4):243-257 [3]Xiong JJ, Shenoi RA. A Load History Generation Approach for Full-scale Accelerated Fatigue Tests. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2008; 75(10): 3226-3243 [4]Xiong JJ, Li YY, Zeng BY. A Strain-based Residual Strength Model of Carbon Fibre/Epoxy Composites Based on CAI and Fatigue Residual Strength Concepts. Composite Structures, 2008; 85: 29-42 [5]Xiong JJ, Shenoi RA. Integrated Experimental Screening of Bonded Composites Patch Repair Schemes to Notched Aluminum-alloy Panels Based on Static and Fatigue Strength Concepts. Composite Structures, 2008; 83: 266-272 [6]Xiong JJ, Shenoi RA. A Practical Randomization Approach of Deterministic Equation to Determine Probabilistic Fatigue and Fracture Behaviours Based on Small Experimental Data Sets. International Journal of Fracture, 2007; 145: 273-283 [7]Xiong JJ, Yu X. Helicopter Rotor-Fuselage Aeroelasticity Modeling and Solution using the Partition-Iteration Method. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2007; 302(4-5): 821-840 [8]Xiong JJ, Shenoi RA. Single-point Likelihood Method to Determine a Generalized S-N Surface. Proceedings of the I Mech E, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2006; 220(10): 1519-1529 [9]Xiong Jun-Jiang. A nonlinear fracture differential kinetic model to depict chaotic atom motions at a fatigue crack tip based on the differentiable manifold methodology. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2006; 29(5): 1240-1255 [10]Xiong JJ, Shenoi RA. An Integrated and Practical Reliability-based Data Treatment System for Actual Load History. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2005; 28(10): 875-889 [11]Xiong JJ, Shenoi RA, Qiu H Y. Reliability-based Minimal Sample Factor Formulation for Corrosion Damage Assessment. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2005; 40(8): 801-816 [12]Xiong JJ, Shenoi RA. Two new practical models for estimating reliability-based fatigue strength of composites. Journal of Composite Materials, 2004; 38(14): 1187-1209(23) [13]Xiong JJ, Shenoi RA, Wang SP, Wang WB. On Static and Fatigue Strength Determination of Carbon Fibre/Epoxy Composites. Part II: Theoretical Formulation. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2004; 39(5): 541-548 [14]Xiong JJ, Shenoi RA, Wang SP, Wang WB. On Static and Fatigue Strength Determination of Carbon Fibre/Epoxy Composites. Part I: Experiments. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2004; 39(5): 529-540 [15]Xiong JJ, Shenoi RA. A two-stage theory on fatigue damage and life prediction of composites. Composites Science and Technology, 2004; 64(9): 1331-1343 [16]Xiong J, Shenoi RA and Gao Z. Small sample theory for reliability design. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2002; 37(1): 87-92 |
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