词条 | 歇息 |
释义 | 释义歇息 xiē xi 休息。 住宿;睡觉。 例句:歇息总是那么的短暂,一张眼就已经是早上了。 (1) 休息。战马春放归,农牛冬歇息。——唐 白居易《偶作》诗之一 武松正坐在石上歇息,祗听草坡里刷剌剌响。 ——《金瓶梅词话》第一回 ﹝伯和﹞走得乏了,便靠在那小门之上歇息。 ——《恨海》第七回 (2) 睡觉;住宿。当日饮酒至晚,各自去客房里歇息。 ——《水浒传》第十六回 牀铺是收拾好的,这等相公请安置,长班也去歇息了。 ——清 李渔《风筝误·梦骇》 因打算第二天早晨弃火车而乘该处特备的小轮渡湖,所以特在湖滨的一个旅馆里歇息了一夜。 ——邹韬奋《萍踪寄语》十六 外文翻译英语翻译go to bed, have a rest 1. It was four o'clock before the camp sought repose.
2. On the last chapter we left the combatants breathing in their narrow lists.
3. She begged him to let her stay a while inside.
4. "Let me get water for washing your feet, and take your rest under the tree:"
5. The eaves of this deserted house have become the roost for pigeons.
6. During periods when he withdrew he counted on his assistants to carry on the day-to-day decisions.
7. Godliman stood at a lectern, perched one leg like a bird.
8. He paused, as at length he approached the mouth of the cavern, to recover breath.
9. We were comforting ourselves by the fire after our meal.
10. Sit back for a minute and think about what you have done.
日语翻译⑴ 休む.休息する.休憩する. 在家歇息 家で休む. ⑵ 泊まる.寝る. 当晚就歇息在山下的农民家里 その晩はふもとの农民の家に泊まった. 韩语翻译[동사] (1) 휴식하다.歇息过来了吗?휴식을 취하였습니까? =[休息] (2) 자다.早些歇息좀 일찍 자다 (3) 숙박하다. 묵다.今天晚上就在我家歇息吧오늘 저녁은 우리집에서 묵으세요 法语翻译[v.] se reposer / prendre du reposse coucher / dormir 意大利语翻译[动]prendersi un po'di riposo; riposarsi 西班牙语翻译respiradero 维吾尔语翻译دەم ئالماق 俄语翻译передышкаотдохнуть |
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