词条 | 现代汉译英口译教程 |
释义 | 百科名片作/译者:吴冰 戴宁 柯克尔 周燕出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 出版日期:2004年08月第1版 ISBN:9787560040653 [十位:7560040659] 页数:416 重约:0.534KG 定价:¥34.90 内容提要:《现代汉译英口译教程》是为高等院校英语专业学生编写的口译教材,也可供广大英语口译工作者或具有较好英文基础、有志于从事口译事业的自学者使用。 《现代汉译英口译教程》在1995年出版的《汉译英口译教程》(修订本)的基础上,全面更新了旅游,体育,教育,妇女与儿童,老人与家庭,人口,民族,宗教,医疗卫生,工业,农业,外贸,经济发展和改革开放,环境保护,外交和港、澳、台概况等16个单元的阅读材料,并增加了科技和文化两个单元。每个单元由阅读材料、词汇和表达法、语言重点以及新增的口译须知和技巧四大项构成。 《现代汉译英口译教程》根据口译的特点,针对中国学习者的问题与困难而编写,目的在于提高学习者及时、独立地进行即席翻译的能力。 图书目录:Unit One Tourism in China I. Reading Materials 1. China-a Tourist Attraction 2. Beijing Today and Yesterday 3. The Great Wall 4. The Temple of Heaven II. Words and Expressions III. Language Notes 1. “世界第八奇观” 2. “解放”怎么译? 3. 表示地理位置的介词in, to 和of 4. 一些中国特有的词组、用语的翻译 5. 地名的译法 6. 口译时中国计量单位的换算 7. Beijng 还是Peking? 8. 倍数表达法 9. 同义词、近义词辨析 (1)Road, street, avenue, boulevard, lane,alley,thoroughfare,expressway,freeway,freeway (2)Construction, building, structure (3)Site,scene,locale (4)Pillar, column IV. Guide to Oral Interpreting 1. 口译课的目的 2. 口译课的特点 3. 记忆力是口译工作者应该培养的基本功 Unit Two Sports I. Reading Materials II. Words and Expressions III. Language Notes IV. Guide to Oral Interpretin Unit Three Education I. Reading Materials II. Words and Expressions III. Language Notes IV. Guide to Oral Interpretin Unit Four Women and Children I. Reading Materials II. Words and Expressions III. Language Notes IV. Guide to Oral Interpretin Unit Five The Elderly and the Family I. Reading Materials II. Words and Expressions III. Language Notes IV. Guide to Oral Interpretin Unit Six Population and Development I. Reading Materials II. Words and Expressions III. Language Notes IV. Guide to Oral Interpretin Unit Seven China's Minority Ethnic Groups Unit Eight Religion Unit Nine Medicine Unit Ten Industry Unit Eleven, Agriculture and Rural Economy …… Unit Twelve Foreign Trade and Special Economic Zones Unit Thirteen Science and Technology Unit Fourteen Economic Development and Reform Unit Fifteen Environmental Protection Unit Sixteen China's Foreign Policy Unit Seventeen Policies towards Hong Kong,Macao, and Taiwan Unit Eighteen Culture 相关网址 参考书目 |
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