词条 | 埃里克·马比乌斯 |
释义 | 埃里克-马比乌斯(EricMabius) 基本信息生日:1971年4月22日 籍贯:哈里斯堡,宾夕法尼亚州,美国 身高:184cm 昵称:DaMabes 血统:波兰、爱尔兰和澳大利亚三国混血。 婚姻状况 :已婚并有一子。 埃里克.马比乌斯 - 经历 EricMabius,1971年4月21日出生在宾西法尼亚州首府哈里斯堡。他有着波兰、爱尔兰和澳大利亚三国血统。Eric1995年以喜剧《欢迎光临娃娃屋》(WelcometotheDollhouse)踏入影坛后,在1996年与LiliTaylor合演了著名的《颠覆三度空间》(《IShotAndyWarhol>)Eric在马萨诸塞州艾摩斯特市的艾摩斯特地区高中(AmherstRegionalHighSchool)毕业后,上世纪90年代初前往纽约布朗克斯维尔的萨拉劳伦斯学院就读。他在那里一直努力学习表演和其他艺术课程。Mabius在李国豪赔上性命的遗作《乌鸦》(《TheCrow》)里也有出演:他试演了TopDollar(迈克尔·温柯特MichaelWincott饰)的其中一个忠实追随者,最后得到了AlexCorvis这个角色。Mabius迄今为止饰演的最重要的一个电影角色是《生化危机》(ResidentEvil)中的警察。) 在电视剧方面,Eric也演了不少角色:《橘子郡男孩》(TheO.C.)(2005),《拉字至上》(TheLWord,2004)第一季,在第二和第三季各一集。他现在出演了美国翻拍的哥伦比亚电视剧《丑女贝蒂》中的英俊老板丹尼尔米德。 个人作品1.Where the Road Meets the Sun (2010) (post-production) .... Blake 2."丑女贝蒂" .... Daniel Meade (80 episodes, 2006-2010) - Smokin' Hot (2010) TV episode .... Daniel Meade - Chica and the Man (2010) TV episode .... Daniel Meade - Blackout! (2010) TV episode .... Daniel Meade - Back in Her Place (2010) TV episode .... Daniel Meade - The Passion of the Betty (2010) TV episode .... Daniel Meade (75 more) 3."The L Word" .... Tim Haspel (16 episodes, 2004-2009) - Last Word (2009) TV episode .... Tim Haspel - Losing the Light (2006) TV episode .... Tim Haspel - Life, Loss, Leaving (2005) TV episode .... Tim Haspel - Limb from Limb (2004) TV episode .... Tim Haspel - Locked Up (2004) TV episode .... Tim Haspel (11 more) 4.Nature of the Beast (2007) (TV) .... Donovan 5."Eyes" .... Jeff McCann (11 episodes, 2005-2007) - Art (2007) TV episode .... Jeff McCann - Investigator (2007) TV episode .... Jeff McCann - Poison (2007) TV episode .... Jeff McCann - Police (2007) TV episode .... Jeff McCann - Karma (2007) TV episode .... Jeff McCann (6 more) 6.A Christmas Wedding (2006) (TV) .... Ben 7."CSI: Miami" .... FBI Agent Perry (1 episode, 2006) ... aka CSI: Weekends (USA: promotional title) - One of Our Own (2006) TV episode .... FBI Agent Perry 8.Voodoo Moon (2005) (TV) .... Cole 9."橘子郡男孩" .... Dean Jack Hess (4 episodes, 2005) - The Perfect Storm (2005) TV episode .... Dean Jack Hess - The Last Waltz (2005) TV episode .... Dean Jack Hess - The End of Innocence (2005) TV episode .... Dean Jack Hess - The Shape of Things to Come (2005) TV episode .... Dean Jack Hess 10.Reeker (2005) .... Radford ... aka Dead People 2 (Philippines: English title) 11.Venice Underground (2005) .... Danny 12.The Job (2003/I) .... Rick 13.The Extreme Team (2003) .... Darby ... aka The X-Team (USA: TV title) 14."Fastlane" .... Trey (1 episode, 2003) - Dogtown (2003) TV episode .... Trey 15.Just Like You Imagined (2003) .... Gender Shifter 16.Dancing at the Harvest Moon (2002) (TV) .... John Keats Fleming 17.生化危机(2002) .... Matt Addison ... aka Resident Evil (France) (Germany) 18.On the Borderline (2001) .... Luke 19.Tempted (2001) .... Ted ... aka Séduction fatale (France) 20."Popular" .... Coach Casey Krupps (1 episode, 2000) - The Sweetest Taboo (2000) TV episode .... Coach Casey Krupps 21."Get Real" .... Andrew Clark (1 episode, 2000) - Guilt (2000) TV episode .... Andrew Clark 22.乌鸦: Salvation (2000) .... Alex Corvis / The Crow ... aka The Crow III - Tödliche Erlösung (Germany: DVD title) 23.Wirey Spindell (2000) .... Wirey, age 17 24."Party of Five" .... Brian Stilman (2 episodes, 1999) - Fate, Hope and Charity (1999) TV episode .... Brian Stilman - We Gather Together (1999) TV episode .... Brian Stilman 25.Cruel Intentions (1999) .... Greg McConnell 26.Splendor (1999) .... Ernest 27.The Minus Man (1999) .... Gene 28."Millennium" .... Samiel (1 episode, 1999) - Borrowed Time (1999) TV episode .... Samiel 29.Around the Fire (1998) .... Andrew 30.Myth America (1998) 31.Lawn Dogs (1997) .... Sean Torrance 32."Chicago Hope" .... Zeb Moser (1 episode, 1997) - ...And the Hand Played On (1997) TV episode .... Zeb Moser 33.Black Circle Boys (1997) .... Shane Carver 34.On Seventh Avenue (1996) (TV) .... Bass Player 35.Harvest of Fire (1996) (TV) .... Sam Hostetler 36.颠覆三度空间(1996) .... Revolutionary No. 2 37.A Gun for Jennifer (1996) (as Eric H.T. Mabius) .... Bar Patron 2/Clyde's Sidekick 38.The Journey of August King (1995) .... Hal Wright 39.欢迎光临娃娃屋 (1995) .... Steve Rodgers . .. aka Middle Child Thanks: Beyond the Pale (1999) (special thanks) Self: "The Wendy Williams Show" .... Himself (1 episode, 2009) - Episode dated 18 November 2009 (2009) TV episode .... Himself The 6th Annual Irish Film and Television Awards (2009) (TV) .... Himself/Award Presenter The Making of 'Anton' (2009) (V) .... Himself "Rachael Ray" .... Himself (2 episodes, 2008) - Ugliest Dog (2008) TV episode .... Himself - Episode #2.153 (2008) TV episode .... Himself "Entertainment Tonight" .... Himself (6 episodes, 2006-2008) ... aka E.T. (USA: informal title) ... aka ET Weekend (Australia: weekend title) ... aka Entertainment This Week (weekend title) ... aka This Week in Entertainment (USA: weekend title) - Episode dated 24 September 2008 (2008) TV episode .... Himself - Episode dated 9 November 2007 (2007) TV episode .... Himself - Episode dated 17 September 2007 (2007) TV episode .... Himself - Episode dated 30 November 2006 (2006) TV episode .... Himself - Episode dated 15 November 2006 (2006) TV episode .... Himself (1 more) "Live with Regis and Kathie Lee" .... Himself (1 episode, 2008). .. aka Live with Regis (USA: new title) ... aka Live with Regis & Kelly (USA: new title) - Episode dated 23 April 2008 (2008) TV episode .... Himself Speechless (2008) (TV) .... Himself Becoming Ugly: A New Face for Television (2007) (V) .... Himself " The View" .... Himself (1 episode, 2007) - Episode dated 3 May 2007 (2007) TV episode .... Himself "Xposé" .... Himself (1 episode, 2007) - Episode #1.12 (2007) TV episode .... Himself "Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show" .... Himself (1 episode, 2007) ... aka The Ellen Show (Australia) - Episode dated 3 January 2007 (2007) TV episode .... Himself "The Megan Mullally Show" .... Himself (1 episode, 2006) - Episode #1.21 (2006) TV episode .... Himself Archive Footage: The Beautiful World of Ugly Betty (2007) (TV) .... Daniel Meade The Beauty of Ugly Betty (2007) (TV) .... Daniel Meade Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004) .... Matt Addison in flashback 个人其他信息埃里克.马比乌斯 - 琐事★他自认为自己是一个完美主义者。 他是一个非常注重个人隐私的人,并不经常在媒体上曝光。 他严格意义上的荧屏处女作是1995年拍的《欢迎光临娃娃屋》。 他的妻子IvySherman是一名室内设计师。 他与妻子是高中校友。 他的儿子MaxfieldElliot出生于2006年的夏天。 他与IvySherman在2006年的二月结婚。他们的婚礼在新奥尔良举行。 他是《人物》杂志(PeopleMagazine)2006年11月27日那期评选的“十五个世界上最性感的电视剧男人”中的第14名。 他在电影《乌鸦》(heCrow:Salvation)中试演了Funboy一角,但是那个角色最终给了MichaelMassee。讽刺的是,MichaelMassee饰演的那个角色最后开枪打死了Eric饰演的那个角色。有一天,他向一个同剧组演员扔了一根铅管。(想不到他这么猛)他与制作人爱德华·R.·普莱斯曼(EdwardR.Pressman,制作了《Badlands》和《野战排》(前进高棉/杀戮战场Platoon)和印度制作人BharatNalluri在电影开拍前接触过。他们非常喜欢他,但是米拉麦克斯公司的高官认为Funboy这个角色应该给一个著名演员。但是最后幸运的是,他还是得到了AlexCorvis这个角色。 他出演了《危险性游戏》(CruelIntentions)中的一个被一对诡计多端的寄兄妹操纵的同性恋足球运动员。同剧的明星有萨拉.米歇尔.盖勒(SarahMichelleGellar)和瑞安.菲利普(RyanPhillippe)。 他的老师JohnWarthen对Eric的积极性和天赋留下了很深的印象。 在一次TheGazette的采访中,Eric透露他第一次被扔爆竹(一种小的爆炸性物体,用来代替子弹打在身体上)就被扔了14个。 Eric在九年级时,他的兄弟搬到了马萨诸塞州的艾摩斯特市(Amherst)。 他在1996年11月登上了SassyMagazine杂志。 他的姓氏应该发音成"MAY-bee-us." 他的很大一部分童年是在一次次的搬家中度过的。 他从马萨诸塞州的艾摩斯特市地区高中(AmherstRegionalHighSchool)毕业。 在1999年的圣丹斯电影节上,Eric以《心理陷阱》(TheMinusMan)和《Splendor》受到了一致好评。 他在纽约的帕拉蒙特酒店(ParamountHotel)做过房间服务员并同时在百老汇表演。 他的第一个主要的电影角色是约翰·杜依根(JohnDuigan)导演的"TheJourneyofAugustKing" Eric自从在学校出演了《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的帕里斯一角后,对演戏入了迷。 Eric非常喜欢芥末,吃任何东西都要涂。 1989年,Mabius去纽约附近的萨拉劳伦斯学院学习表演、舞蹈和雕刻。 2006年,他与相恋5年的女友IvySherman结婚。 他放松自己的方式是做木工和木制品。 他的兄弟叫CraigMabius。 他在1997年试演了《夺命狂呼2》(Scream2) |
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