

词条 四川外语学院国际商学院




School of International Business Sichuan International Studies Universtiy

学院简介 Profile


History: In 1986 the Department of Business English (DBE) was established; in 1996 the DBE was renamed School of International Law and Business; in 2007 School of International Law and Businessand School of Managementwere merged to form the School of International Business(SIB).四川外语学院国际商学院是为顺应经济全球化发展趋势,适应教育国际化发展需求,根据四川外语学院学科建设发展需要而创立的新型商学院。国际商学院是四川外语学院最年轻、最富有活力和最具发展潜力的院(系)之一。

In order to follow the trend of economic globalization and meet the needs of international development of education, the School of International Business, Sichuan International Studies University(SIB, SISU) was a new business school founded in accordance with the demand of SISU’s disciplinary construction and development. Now, SIB is the youngest and one of the most dynamic and potential departments in SISU.


Covering 4 disciplines of Economics, Management Science, Law as well as Literature, SIB has the most disciplinary categories in SISU. There are 6 full-time undergraduate specialties at present, namely, International Economics and Trade, International Finance, Human Resources Management, Tourism Management, Law(with international economic law direction) and English(with business direction). With the school-running orientation of Multi-disciplinary, Multi-level and Internationalized, the SIB is committed to foster compound high-quality international talents who are proficient in English and familiar with international economic laws, regulations and conventions.


The compound knowledge structure of students shows as following: First, students of economics, management and law specialties systematically receive professional disciplinary education while they have a good English level equivalent to English majors. Secondly, English majors systematically receive professional language and culture education while they have a good master of business knowledge. Thirdly, upon approval of the school, non-English majors of SIB can take part in the TEM-8 (Test for English Majors).



Graduates from SIB enjoy a favorable employment status due to their obvious specialized accomplishment and language advantage. Most graduates serve in government agencies across the state, foreign firms, import and export enterprises, domestic and foreign law firms, international accounting firms, international hotels, travel agencies, higher institutions, press services, Law Court, Customs, automobile manufacturing. On top of that, many outstanding talents are working for state ministries, such as Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of State Security, Ministry of Culture as well as Ministry of Education.


师资力量 Facultie

国际商学院拥有一支学术思想活跃,教学素质过硬,具有一流外语水平,同时又具备扎实的经济、管理、法律、英语专业理论基础的复合型教学科研队伍。学院现有教职工62人,其中专任教师59人,平均年龄不到40岁。学院拥有教授3人,副教授14人,讲师33人,教职工95%以上拥有国内外知名高校授予的硕士、博士学位,其中有博士学位的教师5人,在读博士11人,教师中70%以上获得国外大学学位、到国外进修或做过研究。学院还常年聘有外籍专家和教师,有12 名知名教授、专家担任学院的客座教授。近年来,学院在教学科研方面均取得了很大成就,出版有多部专著、译著和教材,发表了大量的高水平学术论文,承担过多项省部级以上研究课题。学院现有国务院政府津贴专家 1人,市级学术技术带头人 1人,校级学科带头人 5人,校级学术带头人 5人。根据学科建设发展需要,学院也正在积极引进和打造高职称高学历高水平的教学科研型师资队伍,尤其是海外留学归国人才。

The faculties in SIB are active in academic thinking, solid in teaching quality. They have sturdy professional foundations (of economics, management, law and English) while they are good at foreign languages. There are 62 teaching and staff members in SIB at present, of whom, 59 are full-time teachers (3 professors, 14 vice-professors and 33 instructors) and averagely below 40 years old. 95% of the staff and teaching members hold master’s or doctoral degrees of domestic and foreign universities, of whom, 5 hold doctoral degrees, 11 are to receive doctoral degrees, over 70% have received their degrees from overseas universities or ever conducted further education and research abroad. Full-time foreign experts and teachers serve in SIB and 12 renowned professors or experts are recruited as visiting professors. In recent years, great progress has been achieved in SIB’s teaching and research, which resulted in varieties of monographs, translation works, higher textbooks, high-level academic papers as well as undertaking of various research topics equivalent to above province or ministry-level. At present, there is 1 expert enjoying Governmental Special Allowance offered by the State Council, 1 Municipality-level Academic Leader and 5 University-level Disciplinary Leaders. Based on the demand of disciplinary construction, SIB is now actively bringing in and creating a faculty team with “senior title, high academic qualification and advanced-level”, especially those who study overseas and return to China.


·国际经济与贸易 International Economics and Trade

·国际金融 International Finance

·人力资源管理 Human Resources Management

·旅游管理 Tourism Management

·法学专业(专业方向国际经济法)Law(with international economic law direction)

·英语专业(专业方向涉外法律)English(with foreign law direction)

·英语专业(专业方向涉外会计)English(with foreign accounting direction)

·英语专业(专业方向国际经贸)English(with international business and trade direction)

·英语专业 (商务方向) English(with business direction)


Notes: Various directions of English majors are merged into “English(with business direction)” since Grade 2008.



School of International Business, SISU always has close connections with many well-know universities both domestically and abroad and overseas learning service agencies, thanks to the experience of taking in charge of the SISU Training Department for Personnel Going Abroad(directly supervised by the Ministry of Education of the PRC) on behalf of the University.

So far, the first international education programs, such as “2+2 international double degrees (US colleges)”“1+1 master’s degree international cooperation program (US and UK)”“internship program with salary (US)”, which are mainly targeted at the full-times undergraduates of SIB.

辅 修 Minor Specialtie



四川外语学院、西南政法大学所有在校各专业的二、三年级本科生、自考生 、研究生和社会各界人士。

二、辅修专业和考试培训项目 Minor Specialty and Training Programs


International Economics and Trade, International Finance, International Law, Human Resources Management, Tourism Management (Hotel/Tourist Guide).

三、待遇与毕业 Treatment and Graduation




1. The learning period is two years for minors and classes are arranged at extracurricular time (Fri. nights, Saturdays and Sundays).

2. Certificate of Minor Specialty Graduation will be issued by Sichuan International Studies University to the ones who have learned all the required courses and passed relevant examinations.

3. Certificate of Training Completion will be issued by the School of International Business Sichuan International Studies University to the ones who have received training from the SIB, under strict administration of school registries to the trainees.

培 训 Training


In addition, to satisfy the needs of the students in SISU, the School of International Business have established a series of training programs by taking advantage of itself, namely, Training Program for Customs Broker Examination (appointed by the Customs Brokers Association of Chongqing Municipality), International Trade Salesclerk Training Program (training and examination spot designated by the China International Trade Association) and Higher Mathematics Training Program.

现任领导 Leader

院 长 Excecutive Dean

杨 柏 教授 Prof. YANG BO

党总支书记 Secretary of General Branch of the CPC

岳兴懋 副教授 Associate Prof. YUE XING-MAO

副院长 Vice Dean

李 训 副教授 Associate Prof. LI XUN

院长助理 Assistant Dean

李 江 副教授 Associate Prof. LI JIANG

彭 程 副教授 Associate Prof. PENG CHENG





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