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释义 | 协会起源与发展世界纪录协会是非体育赛事民间世界纪录收录机构。 2008年4月,北京奥运会火炬传递在法国等西方国家受到阻挠,这件事激起了全球华人的愤慨。几位世界纪录爱好者将北京奥运会火炬传递参与人数申请为世界之最,尽管北京奥运会火炬传递参与人数为历史最多,但最终西方世界纪录收录机构没有收录。这次挫折使他们意识到东西方价值观的不同,中国人的世界纪录要有中国人来收录。他们立志建立起中国人自己的民间世界纪录收录机构。在一群世界纪录爱好者的帮助和努力下,2009年北京奥运会一周年纪念日,中国世界纪录协会在中国香港成立。2010年10月,中国世界纪录协会升格为世界纪录协会。 世界纪录协会为全球世界纪录爱好者提供优质的纪录服务。 如:世界顶级盛会上海世博会开幕式项目申报成功;世界500强企业宝洁公司(P&G)、中粮集团项目申报成功;世界顶级IT企业腾讯、阿里巴巴集团项目申报成功;大型旅游集团浙江富春江旅游项目申报成功;云南沧源县委县政府旅游项目申报成功;浙江企业家书法家徐双喜申报成功、福建画家郑木森申报成功、台湾作家郑文高申报成功、河南发明家李春涛申报成功;四川武术爱好者张文申报成功;辽宁民间艺术爱好者孙立满申报成功;湖北书法家陈新恒申报成功、山东书法家张殷实申报成功、红十字会志愿者杨天志申报成功。。。。。。以及更多的普通市民、工人、农民、学生等等世界纪录爱好者,人人都可以参与、人人都可以挑战! 协会概况世界纪录协会(英文名称WORLD RECORD ASSOCIATION,缩写WRA),经中华人民共和国香港政府批准成立(注册号51007998-003-08-10-7)。世界纪录协会,是专门收录非体育赛事的民间世界纪录商业收录机构。世界纪录协会收录全球民间世界纪录,真实纪录民间世界纪录成就。世界纪录协会致力成为全球最专业的世界纪录商业收录机构。 世界纪录协会纪录申报由协会下属机构广州纪协企业管理咨询有限公司(中华人民共和国组织机构代码证代码:55058037-X;工商登记注册号:440105000054005;税务登记号:44010555058037X)代理申报。 世界纪录协会成立以来,在广大世界纪录爱好者的支持配合下,积极开展世界纪录的收录、宣传、推广工作,采取免费、开放的申请原则,人人得以免费申请世界纪录,人人得以免费推荐世界纪录,协会积极为社会、世界纪录爱好者和企业服务,对促进世界纪录的传播与发展起到了积极的作用。 协会使命协会使命 通过纪录全球民间世界纪录,激励人类不断挑战,突破自我,以此推动人类社会进步,追求天地人和谐统一的理想世界。 协会宗旨 使人类不断挑战自我之精神永续传承。 协会目标 人人能挑战世界纪录; 人人能分享世界纪录。 协会价值观 勇于挑战,乐于分享! 对外交流 世界纪录协会热诚欢迎社会各界与本协会合作交流,实现资源共享,互惠共赢。 世界纪录世界最大规模的傣族手势舞——2012西双版纳傣族自治州傣族万人手势舞 证书编号:09620-1202-01 颁证日期:2012年4月14日 2012年4月14日在云南省西双版纳州景洪市泼水广场举行的傣族手势舞大联欢活动,共有12500人参加表演傣族手势舞,创世界纪录协会世界最大规模的傣族手势舞世界纪录。 The largest Dai’s gesture dance in the world ----Dai’s gesture dance with ten thousand people of Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture in 2012 On April 14th, 2012, the big celebration of Dai’s gesture dance was held in Songkran Square of Jinghong, Xishuangbanna Prefecture, Yunnan, with 12500 participants performing Dai’s gesture dance. It set the world record granted by the world Record Association for being the largest Dai’s gesture dance in the world. 世界上登顶珠穆朗玛峰最高的重卡——陕汽重卡 证书编号:09158-1111-01 颁证日期:2011年12月18日 中国陕汽重卡极限挑战队于2011年5月18日驾驶陕汽德龙重卡登顶海拔5200米的珠穆朗玛峰大本营,创世界纪录协会世界上登顶珠穆朗玛峰最高的重卡世界纪录。 The heavy-duty truck that reaches the highest at Mount Qomolangma in the world -- Shaanxi Heavy Duty Truck On May 18, 2011, the ultimate-challenge team of China Shaanxi Heavy Duty Truck arrived at the top of Mount Qomolangma by Shaanxi Heavy Duty D-long Truck, at the height of 5,200m above sea level. It has broken the world record of heavy-duty truck that reaches the highest at Mount Qomolangma as recognized by World Record Association. 世界上15秒内击破最多气球——宝洁公司15秒击破万只气球活动 纪录编号:Z-06399-1008-01 颁证时间:2010年8月11日 广州宝洁有限公司400名员工于2010年8月11日17时15分开始,历时15秒,在广州香格里拉大酒店同时击破10000只气球。 创世界纪录协会世界上15秒内击破最多气球世界纪录。 世界上连续举办届数最多的母亲节大型节庆活动——中国·营口望儿山母亲节 证书编号:09837-1204-01 颁证日期:2012年5月12日 中国辽宁省营口市鲅鱼圈区从1995年5月举办第一届中国·营口望儿山母亲节大型节庆活动到2012年5月12日,连续举办了18届营口望儿山母亲节大型节庆活动,创世界纪录协会世界上连续举办届数最多的母亲节大型节庆活动世界纪录。 The large celebrating activities for Mother’s Day with the most number of consecutive sessions in the world---- China ·Yingkou Wangershan Mother’s Day In May 1995, the large celebrating activities of the first China · Yingkou Wangershan Mother’s Day was held in Bayuquan District, Yingkou, Niaoning, China. Up to May 12th, it has consecutive held for 18 sessions of celebrating activities of of Yingkou Wangershan Mother’s Day, setting the world record granted by the World Record Association for being the large celebrating activities for Mother’s Day with the most number of consecutive sessions in the world. 世界最长的爱情风筝——常德桃花源风景区爱情主题风筝 证书编号:09750-1203-01 颁证日期:2012年3月28日 2012年3月28日,在中国湖南常德桃花源风景区举办的中国常德桃花节上放飞的大型爱情主题风筝,采用500个写有情书和爱情祝福的小风筝串联而成,长2780米,由100人共同放飞,创世界纪录协会世界最长的爱情风筝世界纪录。 The longest love kite in the world ----Kite in love theme of Changde Peach Garden Scene Spot On March 28th, 2012, in Changde Peach Flower Festival held in Changde Peach Gareden Scene Spot of Hunan, China, the large-scale kite in love theme, which was made up of a series of 500 small kites writing love letter and blessing, with a length of 2780m, was flied by 100 people. It set the world record granted by the world Record Association for being the longest love kite in the world. 世界最长的机械彩灯——《锦绣中华》百米大型机械彩灯 证书编号:08128-1101-01 颁证时间:2011年2月16日 山西省阳泉市王海柱、王骏辉先生于2010年3月17日至2011年1月10日制作的大型机械彩灯《锦绣中华》长108米、高3.8米,彩灯中经典古建模型300个,56个民族人物及动物模型550个,构成一幅立体的中华盛世图。创世界纪录协会世界最长的机械彩灯世界纪录。 The Longest mechanical fancy lantern of the world ----The mechanical fancy lantern Grand China over 100 meters The mechanical fancy lantern Grand China of 108 meters long and 3.8 meters high jointly made from March 17th 2010 to January 10th 2011 by Mr. Wang Haizhu and Mr. Wang Junhui of Yangquan City,Shanxi Province. On the lantern, 300 ancient structures, figures of 56 nations in China and 550 animal models are drawn. These created a splendid and prosperous China visually. This lantern is the longest according to the knowledge of World Record Association. 世界最大的洮砚——《中华龙砚》 证书编号:08203-1102-01 颁证时间:2011年2月28日 甘肃省洮砚开发公司于2008年5月至2010年10月采用洮砚绿为原材料制作的《中华龙砚》,长6.08米、宽2.68米、高1.18米、周长14.48米,创世界纪录协会世界最大的洮砚世界纪录。 The world's largest Tao Inkstone ---- China -dragon Inkstone Gansu Taoyan Development Company made China -dragon Inkstone by using green Tao inkstone as raw materials from May 2008 to October 2010, length 6.08 meters, width 2.68 meters and height 1.18 meters, circumference 14.48 meters, which created the record of world’s largest Tao inkstone as recognized by World Record Association. 世界上待机时间最长的彩屏双卡双待手机——飞利浦X513彩屏双卡双待手机 证书编号:06975-1011-01 颁证时间:2011年3月1日 深圳桑菲飞利浦公司制造的一台飞利浦X513彩屏双卡双待手机于2010年12月11日充满手机电池后待机封存,至2011年3月1日启封仍然带电,总计待机时间80天(1920小时),创世界纪录协会世界上待机时间最长的彩屏双卡双待手机世界纪录。 The dual-card and dual-standby color mobile phone with longest standby time ---- Philips X513 dual-card dual-standby mobile color phone The Philips X513 dual-card dual-standby mobile color phone made by Shenzhen Sang Fei Philips Company was charged full of power on December 1, 2010 and was unsealed on March 1, 2011, and the mobile still has power, standby time a total of 80days (1920 hours), which created the record of dual-card dual-standby color mobile phone with longest standby time as recognized by World Record Association. 世界上书体最多的碑碣——昂昂溪古遗址赋碑 证书编号:08109-1101-01 颁证日期:2011年1月25日 昂昂溪古遗址赋碑位于黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市昂昂溪滕家岗古遗址内,该碑碣由李铁城先生于2009年5月至7月创作完成,碑文《昂昂溪古遗址赋》、《沙丘古珍》、《怀梁思永先生》采用楷书、隶书、篆书、草书、行书、魏书6种字体,创世界纪录协会世界上书体最多的碑碣世界纪录。 The monument with most character styles in the world ----- The monument in Angangxi ancient ruin Angangxi ancient ruin monument is located in Angangxi Tengtengjiagang ancient ruin in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang. The monument was created by Mr. Li Tiecheng from May to July in 2009. The text Introduction of Angangxi Ancient Ruin uses 6 character styles: regular script, official script, seal script, cursive script, running script and Wei script. It has created the world record of monument with most character styles as recognized by World Record Association. 世界上棉瓣最多的棉桃——李杰采摘收藏的一枚棉桃 证书编号:06815-1010-01 颁证日期:2011-2-20 山东省平邑县李杰先生于2010年10月10日在平邑县平邑镇石盆村李杰家棉花地采摘到一枚11瓣棉桃,创世界纪录协会世界上棉瓣最多的棉桃世界纪录。 The cotton boll with most flaps in the world ---- A cotton ball collected by Li Jie Mr. Li Jie, from Pingyi County, Shandong Province, collected a cotton boll with 11 cotton boll from the farm field of Li Jie’s in shipan, Pinghu, pingyi, Shandong, which created the record of cotton boll with most flaps as recognized by World Record Association. 世界最多门的手工筷子屋工艺品——渠现华制作的多门筷子屋 证书编号:06580-1009-01 颁证日期:2011年2月21 山东省邹城市渠现华先生于2010年2月至9月采用618双一次性筷子制作的工艺品多门手工筷子屋,长33厘米、宽23厘米、高52厘米、共有48个门,每扇门均能自由活动,创世界纪录协会世界最多门的手工筷子屋工艺品世界纪录。 The handmade craft of multi-door chopstick house with most doors in the world ------ The multi-door chopstick house made by Mr. Qu Xianhua Mr. Qu Xianhua, from Zoucheng, Shandong Province, made a multi-door chopstick house by hand from February to September 2010, using 618 pairs of chopsticks, with length 33 cm, width 23 cm, height 52 cm and having a total of 48 freely movable doors, which created the record of handmade craft of multi-door chopstick house with the most doors as recognized by World Record Association. 世界上使用瓜子皮壳数量最多的瓜子环保画——刘宝林创作的《黑龙江传说》 证书编号:08157-1101-01 颁证时间:2011年2月17日 黑龙江省富锦市刘宝林先生于2008年5月至2008年11月采用各种瓜子皮壳为原材料创作的瓜子环保画《黑龙江传说》,长2440毫米、宽1200毫米,共使用瓜子皮壳40000颗,创世界纪录协会世界上使用瓜子皮壳数量最多的瓜子环保画世界纪录。 The environmental picture with the most sunflower seed shell of the world ------The picture Legend of Heilongjiang by Liu Baolin The picture Legend of Heilongjiang, made by Liu Baolin from Fujin City of Heilongjiang Province from May 2008 to November 2008 with 40000 pieces of sunflower seed shell, with a length of 2440 mm and a width of 1200 mm, is the environmental picture completed with the most pieces of sunflower seed shell to the knowledge of World Record Association. 世界最小的可以使用的银香炉——陈伟制作的银香炉 证书编号:06856-1010-01 颁证时间:2011年2月17日 广东省深圳市陈伟先生于2009年12月至2010年05月采用纯银制作的香炉,重33.2克、高3.5厘米、宽3.9厘米,创世界纪录协会世界最小的可以使用的银香炉世界纪录。 The smallest usable silver censer of the world ------The silver censer made by Chen Wei The censer, made of pure silver by Mr. Chen Wei from Shenzhen City, Guangdong province from December 2009 to May 2010, with 33.2 grams, 3.5 cm height and 3.9cm width, is the smallest usable silver censer of the world according to the knowledge of World Record Association. 世界上规模最大的集体瑜伽表演——万人粉红瑜伽活动 证书编号:08257-1102-01 颁证日期:2011年3月6日 由广东省妇女联合会、广州易初莲花连锁超市有限公司联合举办,主题为“我运动我健康我幸福”的万人粉红瑜伽活动于2011年3月6日在广州番禺大学城中心体育场进行,共有5840人参加集体瑜伽表演,创世界纪录协会世界上规模最大的集体瑜伽表演世界纪录。 The biggest scale group yoga performance -----ten-thousand-person-pink-yoga event On March 6, 2011, having a total of 5840 persons taking part in this group yoga performance, with theme of "I do sport; I am health; I am happy", the ten-thousand-person-pink-yoga event was held in University City of Panyu in Guangzhou, which has created the world record of the biggest scale group yoga performance in the world as recognized by World Record Association. 世界上用五个手指缝夹起红砖最多——林红春 证书编号:08199-1102-01 颁证日期:2010年3月7 湖南省武冈市林红春先生于2011年3月2日上午9时30分,在深圳市宝安区表演手指缝夹红砖,用5个手指缝夹起9块长21厘米、宽10.2厘米、厚3.6厘米、重1.5千克,总重量为13.5千克的红砖,创世界纪录协会世界上用五个手指缝夹起红砖最多世界纪录。 The one clamping most red bricks with his fingers --- Lin Hongchun At 9:30am on March 2nd, 2011 in Baoan District, Shenzhen City, Mr. Lin Hongchun, a citizen from Wugang city, Hunan province, gave a performance of clamping nine red bricks (L21 cm x W10.2cm x H3.6cm, 1.5kg for each brick), totaled 13.5kg, with five fingers. He broke the world record and become the person who clamping most red bricks with fingers in the world as recognized by World Record Association. 世界上最大的消防车装置雕塑——消防金刚“霄霄” 证书编号:08068-1012-01 颁证日期:2010年3月16 杭州市公安消防局联合装置艺术家周峰先生于2010年8月10日至12月17日用一辆报废的32米消防云梯车和一辆报废的泡沫水罐消防车纯手工打造成一个汽车装置艺术作品消防金刚“霄霄”,长4.69米、宽3.21米、高13.38米,重23.8吨,创世界纪录协会世界上最大的消防车装置雕塑世界纪录。 The largest fire engine device sculpture in the world ——Fire-fighting King Gong "Xiaoxiao" From 10th, August to 17th, December, 2010, the artist of united devices Zhou Feng from Public Security Fire Bureau in Hangzhou used a scrapped aerial ladder truck of 32m and a scrapped foam fire-extinguishing water tanker to make a vehicle device artistic work——fire-fighting King Gong "Xiaoxiao" completely by hands with a length of 4.69m, width of 3.21m, height of 13.38m and weight of 23.8 tons, which has set up the world record of the first fire engine device sculpture in the world as recognized by the World Record Association. 世界上保护性移植成活的最大古樟——庐陵文化生态公园古樟王 证书编号:08305-1103-01 颁证日期:2010年3月20 2010年1月19日从吉水县水田乡移植到吉安市庐陵文化生态公园的第01号古樟树,树胸径3.18米,移植前树冠展面1500平方米,移植处理后高15米、土球直径7.5米,冠幅保留直径16米,重112吨。至今长势良好,创世界纪录协会世界上保护性移植成活的最大古樟树世界纪录。 The biggest old camphor surviving protective transplant in the world No.1 old camphor, successfully transplanted from ShuitianTown, Jishui County to Ji’an Luling Cultural & Ecological Park on January 19, 2010, 3.18m in diameter at breast height, over 1500 m2 in crown surface, 15m in height after being treated by transplanting techniques, 7.5m in soil ball diameter, 16m in reserved crown diameter and 112 tons in weight. The old camphor has been growing well until March 20, 2011, and it has broken the world record of the biggest old camphor surviving protective transplant as recognized by World Records Association. 世界上规模最大的美容师保健操表演——诗丽堂美容师保健操集体表演活动 证书编号:08086-1012-01 颁证日期:2010年3月18 诗丽堂美容美体连锁机构于2011年3月18日在成都市金牛区体育中心举行美容师保健操集体表演,共有2011名美容师参加,创世界纪录协会世界上规模最大的美容师保健操表演世界纪录。 The biggest scale beauticians' healthy care exercise performance in the world ——Silk Tone beauticians' healthy care exercise group performance On March 18, 2011, with 2011 beauticians' participation, the beauticians' healthy care exercise group performance brought by Silk Tone Beauty Chain was held in Jinniu Gymnastic Center, Chengdu City, which has created the world record of the biggest scale beauticians' healthy care exercise performance in the world as recognized by World Record Association. 世界上最长的铜刻画长卷——李东坡、于明杰、李晓光、李凤宝创作的《富春山居图合璧卷》 证书编号:08253-1102-01 颁证时间:2011年3月5日 内蒙古自治区通辽市李东坡、于明杰、李晓光、李凤宝先生于2010 年2月至2011年1月联合制作的铜刻画长卷《富春山居图合璧卷》,长12.4米,宽0.6米,共由8卷组成,创世界纪录协会世界上最长的铜刻画长卷世界纪录。 The longest scroll of copper-etching painting in the world ——Combined Scroll Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountain From February, 2010 to January, 2011, Li Dongpo, Yu Mingjie, Li Xiaoguang and Li Fengbao in Tongliao, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region produced the copper-etching painting Combined Scroll Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountain together consisting of 8 volumes with a length of 12.4m and a width of 0.6m, which has set up the world record of the longest scroll of copper-etching painting in the world as recognized by the World Record Association. 世界上单日推广城市版面最多的报纸——2011年3月23日《辽沈晚报》 证书编号:08296-1102-01 颁证时间:2011年3月26日 《辽沈晚报》2011年3月23日当期报纸共有推广城市版面244版,创世界纪录协会世界上单日推广城市版面最多的报纸世界纪录。 The newspaper with the most city pages promoted on a single day in the world--Liaoshen Evening ——News of March 23, 2011 Liaoshen Evening News on March 23, 2011 had a total of 244 pages. It had broken the world record of the newspaper with the most city pages promoted on a single day as recognized by World Records Association. 世界上一次性整体浇铸最大的铁狮子——沧州“师子王” 证书编号:08272-1102-01 颁证时间:2011年3月28日 沧州“师子王”由河北沧州东塑集团股份有限公司捐资建造,采用灰铸铁为原材料,于2010年12月18日8时54分一次性整体浇铸完成,高6.905米、长8.532米、宽4.18米,重100.08吨,创世界上一次性整体浇铸最大的铁狮子世界纪录。 The world’slargest one-off integral casting iron lion ——Cangzhou “Lion King” The Cangzhou “Lion King” has been built with donation by the Hebei Cangzhou Eastern Plastics Group Co., Ltd.; with the gray iron as the raw material, it was completed in the way of one-off integral casting at 8:54 ,on December 18th , 2008, the height, length, and width of which are 6.905 meters, 8.532 meters and 4.18 meters respectively and the weight of which is 100.08 tons; it has set a world record as the world’s greatest one-off integral casting iron lion in the World Record Association. 世界最小的袖珍彩墨《清明上河图》烙画——谢仁山烙绘的《清明上河图》烙画 证书编号:08387-1103-01 颁证日期:2011年4月6日 江西省九江市画家谢仁山于2010年10月至2011年3月在特制“云母宣纸”上烙绘的袖珍彩墨《清明上河图》烙画,长86.8厘米、高4.8厘米,创世界纪录协会世界最小的袖珍彩墨《清明上河图》烙画世界纪录。 The smallest pocket-size color painting pyrograph of Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival in the world ——The pyrograph of Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival painted by Xie Renshan The pocket-size color painting pyrograph of Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival, painted on special “mica paper” by Xie Renshan, a painter from Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province from October 2010 to March 2011, is 86.8cm in length and 4.8cm in height. It has broken the world record of the smallest pocket-size color painting pyrograph of Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival as recognized by World Record Association. 世界最重的钢制长刀——云南德宏户撒阿昌刀 证书编号:08266-1102-01 颁证日期:2011年4月12日 云南德宏户撒阿昌刀由陇川县张建华设计,户撒乡阿昌族民间制铁艺人李德永、李成强等16人于2003年9月至12月采用纯钢和不锈钢锻制而成,通长6.06米,刀身长4.06米,刀头宽0.8米,刀背厚0.026米,刀刃厚0.01米,总重1.55吨,创世界纪录协会世界最重的钢制长刀世界纪录。 The heaviest steel broadsword in the world ----Huche Achang sword of Dehong, Yunnan Huche Achang sword of Dehong, Yunnan, designed by Zhang Jianhua from Longchun County, was forged by 16 people including civil iron artists Li Deyong, Li Chengqiang, etc from Achang nationality, Huche Town from September to December 19, 2003 with pure steel and stainless steel, which was 6.06m in full length, among which the blade is 4.06m long, the head is 0.8m wide, the back is 0.026m thick and the edge is 0.01m thick, with a total weight of 1.55t. It had broken the world record of the heaviest steel broadsword as recognized by World Record Association. 世界最大的象脚鼓——云南德宏建州50周年献礼象脚鼓 证书编号:08267-1102-01 颁证日期:2011年4月12日 云南德宏建州50周年献礼象脚鼓由盈江县梁本明、莽洪刚、李双林、吴墩、江正成、咩罕亮等人于2003年12月10日制作完成,大鼓全长9米,其中鼓头长3.1米、鼓腰长5.3米、鼓尾长0.7米、鼓头直径2米、鼓面直径1.5米,重1.29吨,创世界纪录协会世界最大的象脚鼓世界纪录。 The largest elephant-foot drum in the world The elephant-foot drum on the fifth anniversary of Dehong Prefecture, Yunnan Province, completed by Liang Benming, Mang Honggang, Li Shuanglin, Wu Dun, Jiang Zhengcheng and Mie Hanliang from Yingjiang County on December 10, 2003, was 9m in full length, among which the head of 3.1m long, the waist of 5.3m long, the tail of 0.7m long, the head diameter of 2m, the surface diameter of 1.5m, with a weight of 1.29t. It had broken the world record of the largest elephant-foot drum as recognized by World Record Association. 世界上获得数学著作权证书最多的中学生——曾聪南 证书编号:06887-1010-01 颁证时间:2011年4月18 辽宁省大连市格致中学曾聪南同学于2010年8月16日至12月17日共获得8项数学著作权证书,创世界纪录协会世界上获得数学著作权证书最多的中学生世界纪录。 The middle school student who has obtained the most mathematics copyright certificates in the world Zeng Congnan, from GezhiMiddle School, Dalian, Liaoning, w obtained totally 8 mathematics copyright certificates from August 16 to December 17, 2010. It had broken the world record of the middle school student who had obtained the most copyright for mathematics as recognized by World Record Association. 世界最大的丝绸国画牡丹图——邢登科创作的《富贵迎春图》 证书编号:08382-1103-01 颁证时间:2011年4月11 甘肃省兰州市邢登科先生于2010年10月至12月在甘肃省兰州市创作的丝绸国画牡丹图《富贵迎春图》,长25米、宽13米,总面积325平方米,创世界纪录协会世界最大的丝绸国画牡丹图世界纪录。 The largest silk traditional Chinese painting of peony flowers ——Spring-greeting Peony Painting by Xing Dengke The silk traditional Chinese painting of Spring-greeting Peony, created by Mr. Xing Dengke in Lanzhou of Gansu from October to December, 2010, is 25m in length, 13m in width and 325m2 in total area. It has broken the world record as the largest silk traditional Chinese painting of peony flowers, as recognized by the World Record Association. 世界上接力时间最长的集体广播体操表演——华商晨报“迎全运、同做广播体操活动” 证书编号:08522-1104-01 颁证时间:2011年4月30日 辽宁省沈阳市《华商晨报》举办的“迎全运同做广播体操活动”之集体广播体操接力表演于2011年4 月30日7时5分至13时5分在沈阳中街举行,共有812人接力表演集体广播体操达6小时,创世界纪录协会世界上接力时间最长的集体广播体操表演世界纪录。 The collective setting-up exercises performance with the longest relay time in the world The collective setting-up exercises relay performance of “Greeting the National Games, Doing the setting-up exercises together” held by Chinese Business Morning of Shenyang, Liaoning in Shenyang Middle Street from : to : on April 30, 2011, lasts up to hours and minutes, with a total of participants. It has broken the world record of the collective setting-up exercises performance with the longest relay time as recognized by World Record Association. 世界最大的花馍——云丘山旅游景区大花馍 证书编号:08396-1103-01 颁证时间:2011年4月19日 山西省乡宁县云丘山旅游景区23名员工于2011年3月4日至19日采用1580斤面粉制作而成的云丘山大花馍,高3米、直径1.5米、重1220千克,创世界纪录协会世界最大的花馍世界纪录。 The biggest art steamed bread in the world ——Yunqiu Mountain tourist site big art steamed bread The big art steamed bread made by 23 workers (from Yunqiu Mountain tourist site, Xiangning County, Shanxi) from March 4 to 19, 2011, with 1580kg flour, is 3 meters in height, 1.5 meters in diameter and 1220kg in weight. It had broken the world record of the biggest art steamed bread as recognized by World Record Association. 世界上同时品茗人数最多——2011’中国·陕西(安康)茶叶节万人品茗活动 证书编号:08393-1103-01 颁证时间:2011年4月25日 2011’中国·陕西(安康)茶叶节举办的万人品茗活动于2011年4月25日在安康市金州广场举行,共有8512人同时品茗,创世界纪录协会世界上同时品茗人数最多世界纪录。 The Largest Number of People Drinking Tea at the Same Time 8512 Drinking tea at the same time on the Ten Thousand People Drinking Tea Activity was held by 2011 Tea Festival (An’kang) Shaanxi,China at Jinzhou Square An’Kang City on April 25, 2011. It has broken the world record of the largest number of people drinking tea at the same time as recognized by World Record Association. 世界上创作百字图数量最多——万佩升 证书编号:06629-1009-01 颁证日期:2011年2月20日 陕西省西安市万佩升先生于1980年至2010年创作的福、禄、寿、喜、龙、虎、马等共计19字的百字图书法作品,每字写100个无重复,每幅作品宽68厘米、长138厘米,创世界纪录协会世界上创作百字图数量最多世界纪录。 The person who created most hundred-word pictures in the world ------ Wan Peisheng Mr. Wan Peisheng, from Xi'an, Shanxi Province, created 19 hundred-word pictures of Chinese character of Fu, Lu, Shou, Xi, Long, Hu, Ma from 1980 to 2010, for every 100 words written without duplication, the width of the work 68 cm, length 138cm, which created the record of creating most hundred-word pictures as recognized by World Record Association. 世界最大的巨印——中华万福巨印 证书编号:06028-1003-01 颁证日期:2010年9月2日 中华万福巨印由山东莒县魏延君先生采用花岗岩于1992年开始至2009年8月刻制完成,印体长2009毫米、宽2009毫米、高1560毫米、净印面长1949毫米、宽1949毫米,创世界纪录协会世界最大的巨印世界纪录。 The biggest giant seal in the world ——Chinese-all-happiness giant seal Started from the year of 1992 to August of 2009, Mr. Yanjun Wei from Ju County in Shandong adopted granite and carved a giant seal of 2009 millimeters long, 2009 millimeters wide, 1560 millimeters high of gross body and 1949 millimeters long, 1949 millimeters wide of net stamp surface, which has created the world record of the biggest giant seal in the world as recognized by the World Record Association. 世界上收集汉字同类同音字最多——《李建余集文字典》 证书编号:08278-1102-01 颁证日期:2011年2月28日 广东省吴川市李建余先生于1995年8月至2011年1月手抄《李建余集文字典》,共收集汉字同类同音字44618字,创世界纪录协会世界上收集汉字同类同音字最多世界纪录。 The largest collection of similar Chinese characters and homophones in the world ---- Li Jianyu Dictionary Li Jianyu Dictionary, handwritten by Mr. Li Jianyu in Wuchuan City, Guangdong Province from August 1995 to January 2011, has a total collection of 44,618 similar Chinese characters and homophones. It had broken the world record of the largest collection of similar Chinese characters and homophones as recognized by World Record Association 世界上加盖寺院印鉴最多的手抄《般若波罗蜜多心经》——张树海书写的《般若波罗蜜多心经》 证书编号:08370-1103-01 颁证日期:2011年5月3日 湖南省长沙市张树海先生于2001年书写的11米长《般若波罗蜜多心经》,自2001年至2011年历经国内外212座寺院,加盖245颗寺院印鉴,创世界纪录协会世界上加盖寺院印鉴最多的手抄《般若波罗蜜多心经》世界纪录。 The handwritten Prajnaparamita Hrdaya Sutra stamped with the most seals of temples in the world The 11-meter-long Prajnaparamita Hrdaya Sutra, handwritten by Mr. Zhang Shuhai in Changsha City, Hunan Province in 2001, was stamped with 245 seals of 212 temples at home and abroad from 2001 to 2011. It has broken the world record of the handwritten Prajnaparamita Hrdaya Sutra stamped with the most seals of temples as recognized by World Record Association. 世界上最长的中水养鱼鱼缸——泰山啤酒生肖乐园鱼缸 证书编号:08306-1103-01 颁证日期:2011年3月30日 山东省泰山啤酒厂生肖乐园鱼缸于2010年7月建成开放,该鱼缸长42.8米,宽0.585米,总容积6.33立方米,所用水源为泰山啤酒厂污水处理厂的中水,创世界纪录协会世界上最长的中水养鱼鱼缸世界纪录。 The longest fish tank with reclaimed water in the world Built and launched by the Shandong Taishan Beer Co., Ltd in July 2010, the fish tank decorated with Chinese zodiac signs is 42.8m in length, 0.585m in width and 6.33m3 in total volume, with reclaimed water from the sewage treatment plant of Taishan Beer Co., Ltd. It has broken the world record as the longest fish tank with reclaimed water, as recognized by the World Record Association. 世界历时最长的节日——中国(云南)玉溪米线文化节 证书编号:08263-1102-01 颁证日期:2011年3月5日 云南玉溪米线文化节是玉溪各族人民的传统节日,自每年正月初一起,至三月二十二日止,历时81天,创世界纪录协会世界上历时最长的节日世界纪录。 The festival which has the longest time in the world ——China (Yunnan) Yuxi Rice Noodle Cultural Festival Yuxi Rice Noodle Cultural Festival in Yunnan is the traditional festival of people of all ethnic groups in Yuxi from the first day of lunar January to 22nd, March lasting for 81 days, which has set up the world record of the festival having the longest time as recognized by the World Record Association. 世界最长的异金书法作品系列——冯国东创作的《毛泽东诗词书法全套》异金书法 证书编号:06898-1010-01 颁证日期:2011年4月18日 中国四川省达州市冯国东先生于2004年1月至2007年1月采用金属丝创作的异金书法作品系列《毛泽东诗词书法全套》,共33幅,总长40米,创世界纪录协会世界最长的异金书法作品系列世界纪录。 The longest metal calligraphy series in the world ——Metal calligraphy of Mao Zedong Poetry in Calligraphy Collection created by Feng Guodong Mao Zedong Poetry in Calligraphy Collection, the metal calligraphy series created by Mr. Feng Guodong in Dazhou, Sichuan from January 2004 to January 2007 with metal wires, was 40 meters in total length, with a total of 33 pieces. It had broken the world record of the longest metal calligraphy series as recognized by World Record Association. 世界最长的小篆书法长卷——胡寿文创作的《毛主席诗词》小篆书法长卷 证书编号:06699-1010-02 颁证时间:2011年4月18日 天津市塘沽区胡寿文先生于2002年3月至2007年12月创作的小篆书法长卷《毛主席诗词》,长208米,共4223字,创世界纪录协会世界最长的小篆书法长卷世界纪录。 The longest small-seal script calligraphy long scrollin the world The 208-meter-long small-seal script calligraphy scroll Chairman Mao's Poems created by Mr. Hu Shouwen from Tanggu District, Tianjin from March 2002 to December 2007, has 4223 Chinese characters. It had broken the world record of the longest small-seal script calligraphy long scroll kept as recognized by World Record Association. 世界上篆刻成语印章数量最多——杨桂臣 证书编号:08153-1101-01 颁证日期:2011年3月21日 中国辽宁省沈阳市杨桂臣先生于1982年10月年至2008年10月共篆刻中华成语印章6000方,创世界纪录协会世界上篆刻成语印章数量最多世界纪录。 世界上使用最长毛笔创作书法的人——林友然 证书编号:08080-1012-01 颁证日期:2011年5月10日 中国山东省乳山市林友然先生于2010年10月至2010年12月使用7.18米长毛笔创作117米毛泽东诗词书法长卷,创世界纪录协会世界上使用最长毛笔创作书法世界纪录。 The person who creates calligraphy with the longest writing brush in the world ——Lin Youran Mr. Lin Youran from Rushan, Shandong, China, created a 117-meter-long calligraphy long roll of Mao Zedong’s poetry with a 7.18-meter-long writing brush from October 2010 to December 2010. He has broken the world record of the person who creates calligraphy with the longest writing brush as recognized by World Record Association. 世界最长的手工刺绣长卷——葛保民创作的《伟人毛泽东的一生》 证书编号:08109-1101-01 颁证日期:2011年4月11日 中国山东省滕州市葛保民先生于2000年3月至2010年8月在白布上手工剌绣的《伟人毛泽东的一生》长卷,长100米、宽1米,共156幅画面,创世界纪录协会世界最长的手工刺绣长卷世界纪录。 The longest handmade embroidery scroll in the world -- The Life of the Great Man, Mao Zedong made by Ge Baomin The handmade embroidery scroll of The Life of the Great Man, Mao Zedong on a piece of calico, made by Ge Baomin from Tengzhou City, Shandong, China, from March 2003 to August 2010, is 100m long, 1m wide and 156 pictures in total. It has broken the world record of the longest handmade embroidery scroll as recognized by World Record Association. 世界最大的砚台——中华和谐砚 证书编号:08666-1105-01 颁证日期:2011年5月21日 中国甘肃省洮砚开发公司于2005年5月至2010年5月采用紫石为原材料制作的《中华和谐砚》,长15.80米、宽3.28米、高1.68米、重99吨,创世界纪录协会世界上最大的砚台世界纪录。 The largest inkstone in the world ----- China Harmonious Inkstone The violet stone “China Harmonious Inkstone” created by China Gansu Tao Inkstone Development Company from May, 2005 to May, 2010 is 15.80 meters long, 3.28 meters wide, 1.68 meters high and 99 tons heavy. It has broken the world record of the largest inkstone as recognized by World Record Association. 世界最大的《金刚经》书法长卷——郦汾阳创作的《金刚经》书法长卷 证书编号:08619-1105-01 颁证日期:2011年5月25日 中国江苏省丹阳市郦汾阳先生于2011年4月17日至5月20日创作的《金刚经》正书体书法长卷,长228米,高5.08米,总面积1158平方米,其中最大的字为20平方米、总字数为5500字,创世界纪录协会世界最大的《金刚经》书法长卷世界纪录。 The largest calligraphy long scroll of “Diamond Sutra” in the world The calligraphy long scroll of “Diamond Sutra” in standard Chinese character created by Mr. Li Fenyang from Danyang, Jiangsu, China from April 17th to May 20th, 2011 is 228 meters long and 5.08 meters high with a total area of 1158 square meters. Thereamong, the largest Chinese character is 20 square meters and the total number of characters is 5500. It has broken the world record of the largest calligraphy long scroll of “Diamond Sutra” as recognized by World Record Association. 世界上最长的天青石毛笔雕塑——湖北玉龙神来之笔 证书编号:08600-1104-01 颁证日期:2011年5月19日 湖北玉龙漂流有限公司于2010年8月至2011年2月采用天青石为原料制作的毛笔雕塑,长13米、直径1.3米、总重量50吨,创世界纪录协会世界上最长的天青石毛笔雕塑世界纪录。 The longest celestite writing brush sculpture in the world ----- The delicate sculpture of Hubei Yulong Drifting Co. Ltd. The celestite writing brush sculpture created by Hubei Yulong Drifting Co. Ltd. from August, 2010 to February, 2011 is 13 meters long with a diameter of 1.3 meters and a gross weight of 50 tons. It has broken the world record of the longest celestite writing brush sculpture as recognized by World Record Association 世界最大香包——庆阳香包 证书编号:08579-1104-01 颁证日期:2011年6月6日 五彩香包魅力庆阳——2011西安世界园艺博览会庆阳活动周中展出的一个特大庆阳香包,由庆阳市人民政府组织民间工艺刺绣大师30人历时30天绣制而成,香包净长3米、净宽3米、厚1.7米,成椭圆心形,加上底部4.3米的丝线吊穗,总高度为7.3米,创世界纪录协会世界最大香包世界纪录。 The Biggest Sachet in the World ——Qingyang Sachet “Colorful Sachet, Fascinating Qingyang” - The extra big Qingyang Sachet, exhibited in Qingyang Activity Week of International Historical Exposition 2011 in Xi’an, was a masterpiece of 30 folk handicrafts embroidery masters assigned by the People’s Government of the Qingyang City through 30 days’ painstaking effort. The net length, width and thickness of the Sachet are 3m, 3m and 1.7m respectively. It is oval-shaped and with the decoration fringe in silk thread of 4.3m long at the bottom. And the whole height is 7.3m. It has created the world record as the biggest sachet in the world, as recognized by the World Record Association. 世界上丹顶鹤数量最多的花鸟写意画作品——郑云涛创作的《百鹤图》 证书编号:08673-1105-01 颁证日期:2011年6月2日 中国福建省福州市郑木森(郑云涛)先生于2010年9月至2011年1月创作的花鸟写意画作品《百鹤图》,长4000厘米、宽68厘米,作品中画有180只形态各异的丹顶鹤,创世界纪录协会世界上丹顶鹤数量最多的花鸟写意画作品世界纪录。 The flower-and-bird free sketch with the most red -crowned cranes in the world The flower-and-bird free sketch “Crane Picture” created by Mr. Zheng Musen (Zheng Yuntao) from Fuzhou, Fujian, China from September 2010 to January 2011 is 4,000 centimeters long and 68 centimeters wide. There are 180 red-crowned cranes in different shapes in the work. It has broken the world record of the flower-and-bird free sketch with the most red -crowned cranes as recognized by World Record Association. 世界最大的牛仔裤——高度特工火 证书编号:Z-06857-1010-01 广州市新塘镇柒哥制衣厂于2010年10月制作完成的一件高度特工牛仔裤,长68。7米,腰围52米,2010年11月1日在广州市新塘国际牛仔城展示,创世界纪录协会世界最大的牛仔裤世界纪录。 。 世界参与人数最多的单项电子竞技比赛——2010街头篮球全国联赛 证书编号:Z-06368-1007-01 上海天游软件有限公司组织举办的的电子竞技比赛2010街头篮球全国联赛自2010年5月1日开始,至8月29日结束,参加球队达95462支,参赛人数达286387人,创世界纪录协会世界参与人数最多的单项电子竞技比赛世界纪录。 世界最大的小吃店——北京万丰全国小吃店 证书编号:Z-06239-1006-01 2010年5月开业的北京市丰台区万丰路北京万丰全国小吃店总店经营面积为16000平方米,创世界纪录协会世界面积最大的小吃店世界纪录 |
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