词条 | 深圳市智百威科技发展有限公司 |
释义 | 深圳市智百威科技发展有限公司是经深圳市工商局注册登记,是一家专业从事商业零售流通领域计算机管理信息系统的研究与开发的高科技企业,长期专注于商业POS-MIS和POS-ERP系统的软件开发,并为客户提供从管理咨询、软件开发、设备采购、系统集成到技术服务的全方位解决方案。 1. 智 百 威 概 况智百威公司成立于2003年6月,在社会各界尤其是广大用户以及代理商的支持下,公司发展迅猛,聚集了一批既精通计算机技术又具有丰富管理经验的专业人才,凭借多年的商业理论研究和丰富的行业实践为基础,结合国内商业零售企业的实际需要,利用最先进的计算机软硬件技术,开发出了拥有自主知识产权的软件产品――《百威3000XP商业管理系统》《百威8000商业管理系统》《百威9000商业管理系统》。 目前,我们的业务范围覆盖全国以及港澳台地区,在全国各大城市以及香港设有办事处或分销网点,并拥有完善的市场销售和技术服务网络,能为客户提供优质、快速、便捷的服务。我们的软件产品在国内已经拥有广泛的客户群,具有较高的市场占有率,公司已经成为国内最具影响力的商业POS软件开发商之一。 我们将致力于推动我国零售行业管理、信息产业发展,秉承诚信、专业、服务的企业经营理念,以人为本、以客户为中心、以技术为根本、以现实为导向、以质量求生存、以执着的敬业精神,为客户提供全面、安全、可靠的信息技术服务。“为用户提供一流的产品和服务”是智百威公司的宗旨,今天的智百威公司是一个活力、充满生机的公司,智百威人将以高度的敬业精神和务实的作风面对竞争、迎接挑战,我们自信智百威公司将成为神州大地的一颗明星。 Shenzhen Bestway Technology Development Co.,Ltd. is a high-tech company, which is registered in Business Administration Bureau. It is concentrate in researching and developing the computer controlling system of the business retail circulating field, especially for the developing POS-MIS and POS-ERP system software and providing the customers with comprehensive solution from managing consultation、developing software、stocking device,、integrating system to technology service. Bestway was established in June,2003, with the support of the whole society especial the mass customers and distributors, this company develops very fast. Many talents with versed computer technology as well as the abundant management experience get together to this company. By right of many years’ business theory research and abundant industry experience as the basis, combining the actual need of the domestic business retail enterprises, and making use of the most advanced computer software and hardware, it has developed a software product which has the independent intellective property-- <<Bestway business management system 3000XP>> <<Bestway business management system 8000>> and << Bestway business management system 9000 >>. Recently, our operation scope has covered the whole country even the Hong Kong、Macao、Taiwan area, and has office or distribute net site in each city in the country, including in Hong Kong, and has a very perfect marketing sales and technology service net, so we can provide the high-grade speediness and convenience. Our software has abroad customers group, as well as the high percentage of the market occupation, the company has becomes one of the most influential business POS software developers. We will dedicate in promoting management of our retail industry and the development of information industry, and take honesties、profession、service as our operation faith: People are the base, customers are the center , technology is the foundation, reality is the guide, quality is the way to survive , using the clinging working attitude to give our customers complete、safe、and reliable information technology service.” Give our customers the topping products and service” is Bestway company’s tenet. Today’s Bestway is a active company fulfilled with energy, Bestway people will face the competition and receive the challenge with the highly activity, and we are sure Bestway will become one of the new stars in China. 2. 智 百 威 结 构3. 智 百 威 荣 誉4. 智 百 威 文 化〖企业文化〗 创 新 精 神:创新是我们发展的源泉 团 队 精 神:团队是我们发展的力量 专 业 精 神:专业是我们发展的基础 服 务 精 神:服务是我们发展的保障 〖经营理念〗 诚 信——"诚"者言必成也,"信"者储也。诚实守信不仅体现了现代化社会的文明,而且已成为市场竞争所必须遵循的行为规范。我们坚信:诚信是我们长期立足于市场的根本,获得并珍惜客户的信任才是企业永续经营的保证。 专 业——从公司成立开始,就以连锁超市、便利店为起点,专业地开发适合中国连锁超市便利企业的POS/MIS系统。我们坚持:专业才能真正满足客户不断提升的管理需求,伴随着客户的成功而成长。 服务——市场营销学之父菲利普·科特勒指出:消费者购买产品的真正目的是购买产品所带来的服务。而服务恰恰是智百威产品的核心价值所在。我们认为:我们从事的是一个服务业,而不仅仅是一个科技业。对于零售业管理软件产品,售后服务尤重于售前服务。智百威区域服务分公司的建立正是我们服务理念的纵深延续。 〖经营特点〗 更强大的软件开发基地:持续强化软件人才队伍,以不断扩充软件功能来满足不同发展阶段、不同地区的多种用户需求; 更完善的区域技术服务:积极建设区域分公司服务网络才能真正做好当地用户的技术服务工作; 更专业于一个核心业务:专注于提供超市便利企业管理信息系统的整体解决方案; 更投入的管理咨询服务:专业的管理咨询服务可提升完善客户的管理,创造更高的附加价值 5. 智 百 威 宗 旨以人为本 以客户为中心 以领先的技术为保障 以执着的敬业精神,为客户提供全面、安全、可靠的信息技术服务 |
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