词条 | 山东华能大厦 |
释义 | 山东华能大厦简介山东华能大厦酒店位于市中心最繁华的商业中心—泉城路,靠近贵和购物中心、天下第一湖——大明湖、泉城广场,地理位置优越。 山东华能大厦设有豪华套房、普通套房、豪华标准房、标准房、单人房和商务房200间,客房设有独立控制的空气调节装置、国际国内直拨长途电话、私人保险箱、迷你雪柜、收音机及遥控彩电、可接收卫星新闻网络、闭路电视等。酒店餐饮设施齐全,设有16个卡拉 OK宴会包间。 山东华能大厦中餐厅提供正宗鲁菜及各大菜系的佳肴。酒店中小型会议厅设备齐全,最多能容纳150人。 山东华能大厦是国家旅游局批准的四星级旅游饭店,位于济南市最繁华的商业中心----泉城路,背靠大明湖,南面千佛山,西临趵突泉,距国内最大的城市多功能广场“泉城广场”不足1公里,交通极为便捷、步行五分钟可抵达省政府、省人大及贵和购物中心、贵和商厦、银座购物广场、沃尔玛等。驱车15分钟到达济南火车站,约30分钟到达济南国际机场。 山东华能大厦拥有各类豪华套房及标准客房204余套,设备设施先进齐备、独立的中央空调调节装置,24小时热水供应,先进的数字卫星系统可接收近60套国内外电视节目。房间配备电脑、VOD点播系统、私人保险柜,冰箱,小酒吧,干肤器,健康秤等;房间面积超大,视野广阔,既可俯视济南商贸中心的繁华,又可领略湖山相间的情致。房间面积、层高设计及房间设施在济南市同类酒店属上乘,是商旅客人住宿洽商的最佳选择。 酒店餐饮共有400余个餐位,中西餐厅风格迥异。菜肴以鲁菜、粤菜为主,兼营川、淮扬等菜系。主打“中国鲍王”品牌。“孔府宴”出访台湾、南下江浙,倍受赞誉;精心研制出的《名泉宴》系列美食,被韩国和日本客人评品为“亚洲第一美味”。 会议中心设施高档豪华。有容纳10人-120人的各种大小不同的会议室6个,有高档的投影设备,超 大的投影屏幕,会议室内可以宽带上网举行视频会议。 娱乐中心设有夜总会、KTV包厢、室内游泳池,是松弛身心的好去处。 Concept of Enterprise: innovation, brand and culture Slogan for propaganda: occupying favorable timing and geographical conditions, enjoying harmony in Huaneng Hotel Hotel Introduction Location: As a four-star foreign-related hotel approved by the National Tourism Administration, Huaneng Hotel is located in Quancheng Road, which is the busiest commercial center of Jinan. It lies in the central part of three scenic spots, to the north is Daming Lake, to the south Thousand-buddha Mountainand to the west Baotu Spring, and it is less than one kilometer from “Quancheng Square”,the largest square in Shandong Province. The traffic around the hotel is convenient. It takes 5 minutes on foot to Shandong Provincial Government, the People’s Congress of Shandong Province, Guihe Shopping Center, Guihe Plaza, Silver Plaza, Wal-Mart, Isetan, etc., 15 minutes bus drive to Jinan Railway Station and some 30 minutes to Jinan International Airport. Guestroom: There are more than 180 deluxe suites and standard rooms of all kinds in Huaneng Hotel. They are well equipped with advanced facilities and equipment, such as the independent adjusting device for central air-conditioning, 24-hour hot water, and the advanced digital satellite receiving system which can receive nearly 60 sets of domestic and foreign programs. Every room is furnished with computer, VOD (Video-On-Order) system, personal safe box, refrigerator, mini bar, body drierand bathroom scale and so on. The guestroom has an extra large area with broad view, from where guests can overlook the busy commercial and trade center of Jinanand enjoy the scenery between Thousand-buddhaMountainand Daming Lake. The room area, design of story height and facilities of the guestroom rank the first among its counterparts in Jinan. Living in Huaneng Hotel is the best choice for guests on business and tourism. Food and beverage: There are over 400 dinning seats in the hotel. Chinese and western restaurants have utterly different styles. Shandong cuisine is served as the principal flavor while Sichuan, Cantonese and Huaiyang cuisines are also available. “The First Flavor in Abalone cooking in China” and “Confucius’ Town Flavored Feast” earn wide praise in Taiwan, Zhejiangand Jiangsuregions. The series cuisines, “Renowned Springs Feasts” cooked by Jinan Restaurant of the hotel, are called as the “No.1 delicacy in Asia” by guests from South Koreaand Japan.” Holding the concept of developing culture of gestation. Other facilities and services: The meeting center has been redecorated in 2006, where deluxe and high grade facilities are well equipped, for instance, 6 meeting rooms of different sizes which can accommodate 10 to 120 people, high grade projection equipment, and extra large projection screen. Video meeting can be held through the wideband network and 12 microphones can be used simultaneously. There are a nightclub, KTV rooms and an indoor swimming pool in the recreation center, which is the ideal place for relaxation. 山东华能大厦详细信息酒店地址:济南市历下区泉城路17号 1997年开业 2007年装修 楼高22层 客房205间 商业区:泉城广场、市中心商业区 行政区:历下区 服务设施:商务中心、租车服务、票务服务、洗衣服务、美容美发、停车场、商店、按摩、机场接机服务(收费) 餐饮休闲:中餐厅主要经营鲁菜、川菜、粤菜、淮扬菜可容纳800人 大堂吧、室内游泳池、棋牌室、俱乐部 周围景观:贵和购物中心、大明湖、泉城广场 信 用 卡:万事达卡(Master)、威士卡(VISA)、运通卡(AMEX)、大莱卡(Dinners Club)、JCB卡、银联 交通: 机场 济南国际机场 38公里 火车站 济南火车站 5公里 市中心 济南市中心 0公里 酒店荣获的主要荣誉: 青年文明号 十佳旅游星级饭店 旅游行业建功立业先进集体 金叶级绿色旅游饭店 山东省旅游细微服务示范企业 十佳旅游星级饭店 山东华能大厦荣获省管企业精神文明单位称号 荣获山东省国资委先进基层党组织称号 荣获全省旅游系统先进单位 |
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