

词条 tskmgr32.exe

tskmgr32.exe 进程信息

进程名称: tskmgr32.exe

详细名称: Tskmgr32

具体描述: tskmgr32.exe is a trojan that gives a remote user access to the infected computer.

能否关闭: 间谍或木马进程,建议关闭!

后台进程: 是

其他信息: 无

进程文件: tskmgr32.exe or tskmgr32

进程名称: Tskmgr32


tskmgr32.exe is a trojan that gives a remote user access to the infected computer. This process is a security risk and should be removed from your system. If found on your system make sure that you have downloaded the latest update for your antivirus application.

Recommendation for tskmgr32.exe:

DISABLE AND REMOVE tskmgr32.exe IMMEDIATELY. This process is most likely a virus or trojan.


Part Of:

安全等级 (0-5): 4

间谍软件: No

病毒: No ( Remove tskmgr32.exe )

木马: Yes ( Remove tskmgr32.exe )

Memory Usage: N/A

System Process: No

Background Process: Yes

Uses Network: Yes

Hardware Related: No

Common tskmgr32.exe Errors: N/A





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更新时间:2025/3/20 5:17:30