词条 | 南加州大学电影艺术学院 |
释义 | 南加州大学电影艺术学院(USC School of Cinematic Arts,简称SCA)1929年由南加州大学和美国电影艺术与科学学院共同创建,原名南加州大学电影电视学院(USC School of Cinema-Television),2006年4月更名为南加州大学电影艺术学院。 学院简介南加州大学是美国第一所授予电影艺术学士学位的大学,学院最初的教职员包括道哥拉斯·范朋克 ,大卫·格里菲斯, Cecil B. DeMille , 恩斯特·刘别谦, Irving Thalberg, Darryl Zanuck等人。南加州大学电影艺术学院对美国电影,电视,电影研究,动画,纪录片,广告以及交互媒体都颇有建树。因此,学校一直在全美各大电影学院中排名第一。学院的校友包括了在全世界各专业院校的学者,艺术家,技术人员,编剧,导演以及电影工业的行政人员。许多校友都是各自领域的佼佼者。校友们荣获过各种电影电视业界的奖项。从奥斯卡奖和艾美奖到美国及世界各大电影节,都留下了南加州大学电影艺术学院校友们的光辉成绩。自1965年以来,平均每两年就有一位校友获得奥斯卡奖的提名。学院在保留传统的同时,也在不断改进已有的课程来适应不断变化的媒体艺术与技术的新浪潮。南加州大学电影艺术学院努力地领导着电影,电视制作,电影教育和学术研究等各个方面。 许多电影公司、知名校友在捐建世界一流的电影电视中心,提供一流的教学设施和设备。 学校建有 乔治·卢卡斯教学楼、马西娅·卢卡斯后期制作大楼、史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格电影配乐录音棚、哈罗德·劳埃德摄影棚、约翰尼·卡森摄影棚等。 电影学院伴随着好莱坞的电影工业发展,造就了不少电影界的奇才,最著名的校友是电影《星球大战》系列的导演乔治·卢卡斯和音效大师班·布特、《达芬奇密码》的导演朗·霍华德,《阿甘正传》的导演罗伯特·泽米吉斯、《巧克力工厂》的导演大卫.L.沃尔普,这些校友在功成名就后以资金赞助学校的发展,是校方丰沛的财源之一。 全美第一的影视艺术学院也许是南加大中最出名的学院,授予学位给文学考论,编剧,电影制片,电影创作,在2001年, 影剧学院新增了南加大互动多媒体部门,研究包括立体电影、超宽银幕电影、沉寖体验电影、互动电影、电玩、虚拟实境和行动多媒体等新媒体形态。 学院长期由多位杰出校友的大力支持,其中包含知名校友乔治·卢卡斯,朗霍华, 罗勃辛密克斯, 约翰米辽士, Ben Burtt和Bryan Singer.在2006年9月19日,南加大宣布乔治·卢卡斯捐赠了1亿7千5百万美金给南加大影视学院,这是南加大史上收到的最大单笔捐赠(也是第5笔超过1亿的捐赠)。 英文介绍Welcome to the USC School of Cinematic Arts, where we invite you to explore and expand the power and potential of film, television and new media. For time immemorial, the desire for humans to imagine and create characters, environments and adventures has been a universal catalyst that binds people, cultures and entire civilizations; giving us common hope, purpose and direction. It is a venerated tradition that spans time and distance, from the hand drawings in the Caves of Lascaux to the great oral tales of Homer to the vignettes transmitted on the screens of today’s cell phones. Throughout the 20th century and now in the 21st, the School of Cinematic Arts has nurtured and inspired the writers, directors, scholars, entrepreneurs, producers, animators, interactive designers and others who have developed an unparalleled mastery in cinema, television and new media. At the heart of their success is the knowledge and experience gained from the school’s unique and time-tested philosophy of forging a nexus where cinematic theory and practice meld with one another. Since its founding in 1929, the school has served as a dynamic crucible where students and faculty transform their dreams into the new philosophies, technologies and artistic movements that influence how we entertain, educate and express ourselves. Our programs provide a one-of-a-kind opportunity for women and men such as yourself, from regions as diverse as Europe, Asia, Africa and theAmericas, to explore and expand your creative potential. From the very moment you arrive in Los Angeles, you will be immersed in the latest techniques and methodologies, as well as the history and lore that anchor the art form. With hundreds of course offerings from which to select, you will readily discover the bounds for personal and artistic expression are limited only by the scope of your imagination. Drawing on the wisdom and vision of industry and academic leaders who provide hands-on guidance and direction, the School of Cinematic Arts experience covers virtually the entire creative process. The breadth and depth of this environment will challenge you to draw from the world within you and the world around you. In doing so, you will hone your vision and add your voice to one of humanity’s grandest and most enduring traditions. I very much look forward to experiencing the result. 学院主页http://cinema.usc.edu/ |
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