词条 | 玛莎超越白焕采霜 |
释义 | 产品简介产品名称玛莎超越白焕采霜 产品规格50g 功效编著*《唐本草》记载“白芍药,益女子血,美颜。” *《食物本草》记载“玫瑰花,主利肺脾、益肝胆,食之芳香甘美,令人神爽。” *《花镜》记载“紫草,性凉,理气,助肤色红润。” 产品功效*突破性亮白科技,有效针对变黑的肌肤细胞,加速含有黑色素死皮细胞的脱落,令肌肤远离晦暗,回复透亮光彩。 * The breakthrough brightening technologyeffectively aims at the darkening skin cells, accelerates melanin dead cellspeeling, keeps the skin away from darkening and restores the bright skin. *丝滑乳液层层渗透,带来肌肤柔滑快感,肌肤暗哑、粗糙、色斑,肤色不均,瞬间消失,肌肤尽显白皙剔透。 * The silky smooth emulsion deeplyinfiltrates to bring the skin a smooth feeling, instantly clears off the dull,rough, spotty & uneven skin and reveals the fair & transparent skin. *全新超能量美白因子全方位美白,切断黑色素产生的信号,精准深度美白,日夜密集亮白,肌肤更璀璨。 * The new super energy whitening factorprovides all-round whitening, blocks melanin formation, whitens precisely &deeply, intensively brightens day & night and leaves the skin more radiant. 主要成分immuno-white免疫美白因子、白芍药萃取精华、白芷萃取精华、白芙蓉萃取精华、玫瑰萃取精华、紫草萃取精华 使用方法洁面爽肤后,用化妆棉取适量本品轻拭肌肤至完全吸收即可。 适用肤质暗黄、黯淡肌肤。 |
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